it's lo-og lo-og better then bad it's tama...


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Today is my fand my fiance's two year anniversary. Awww.....

We were cuddling when he sat straight up, listening intently. I said some thing like "Whuuuzzza?' because I'd dozed off. He said it was a tama noise - but different. So I bolted over to the desk, and we oooohed and ahhed over....


She's so cute! And pretty easy to get, I had Takoten for less then a day.

Now, mind you, I tried the sound off and kept in a drawer method of getting Takoten. When I pulled her out she was black and still with a big skull. It took 4 doses of medicine before she was moving again. Scary! I don't know if I'll try that again.

And then I stuffed her full of food and star hopping. I think the bat came waaaay more then usual. I know the instructions say to tap the screen to scare the bat, but I tap the side of the egg, and it seems to work much better.



*MARUTEN on November 9, 2006

Kuchitamatchi. on November 13, 2006


OBOTCHI on November 4, 2006

*TAKOTEN on November 10, 2006

Young Mimitchi on November 15, 2006

*TAKOTEN on November 24, 2006


PYONKOTCHI on November 8, 2006

*TARATEN on November 11, 2006

*SMILING ANGEL on November 13, 2006

DEBATCHI on November 18, 2006

*PUKUTEN on November 24, 2006

I think I will open my log up to comments, because it will give me an idea if I'm recording anything helpful or not. :p



i've been reading your log,&i really like how you do it.

most people forget to update&stuff..

some of your entries make me laugh, too.

i like your sense of humor.


keep updating.

i look forward every day or so to come on TamaTalk&see how your Tamas are progressing.


Aw, thanks Mrsx :furawatchi:

Orien left last night. I did not stay up to watch because it's so sad. I named her boy "Happy", because while he was on the screen sobbing hysterically all I could think was "AHHH!!! BE HAPPY! BE HAPPY!"

And right now he is fat and happy, only bursting into tears and getting sick once.

And I found out he can play with the ball. He fell off, of course. But it was cute to see him on top, the little face on the big ball looked like a snowman. And he liked the action figure. You would think that it would be a choking hazard, but maybe tama babies don't choke, since they don't really have necks.


*MARUTEN on November 9, 2006

Kuchitamatchi. on November 13, 2006

TAMETCHI on November 25, 2006


OBOTCHI on November 4, 2006

*TAKOTEN on November 10, 2006

Young Mimitchi on November 15, 2006

*TAKOTEN on November 24, 2006


PYONKOTCHI on November 8, 2006

*TARATEN on November 11, 2006

*SMILING ANGEL on November 13, 2006

DEBATCHI on November 18, 2006

*PUKUTEN on November 24, 2006

I just got Tametchi. I did not take perfect care, letting the hearts drop often, and not filling them all the way. Though I did medicate and poop scoop ASAP.

Hunger 1/4

Happy 3/4

1 training

38 pounds!

Maybe Tametchi is the chubby baby toddler. He certainly looks round.

I was hoping for a different toddler though, since my gen 1 was also Tametchi.


*MARUTEN on November 9, 2006

Kuchitamatchi. on November 13, 2006

TAMETCHI on November 25, 2006


OBOTCHI on November 4, 2006

*TAKOTEN on November 10, 2006

Young Mimitchi on November 15, 2006

*TAKOTEN on November 24, 2006

PIRORIRORITCHI on November 27, 2006


PYONKOTCHI on November 8, 2006

*TARATEN on November 11, 2006

*SMILING ANGEL on November 13, 2006

DEBATCHI on November 18, 2006

*PUKUTEN on November 24, 2006

Happy the Tametchi grew into Piroriroritchi. Wow, that's a lot of syllables.

He looks so evil and plain in the paused screen, but he's so endearing in motion! His face is super expressive.

And apparently extraordinarily talented with the blocks, since he built a large manor house. Or, at least it looked that way to me.

How I got him:

Poor care :blink:

I let hunger run out before I fed him, and I never fed him more then two meals - usually only one.

But happiness was often filled because I raised his weight to 99!

Also I caught him on the ducky when it was poo time, and did not let messes stay on the screen.

We played several good games of bump (it had 8 levels total - I never knew)

Once or twice I let happiness go all the way down.

Happy has big teeth.


*MARUTEN on November 9, 2006

Kuchitamatchi. on November 13, 2006

TAMETCHI on November 25, 2006


OBOTCHI on November 4, 2006

*TAKOTEN on November 10, 2006

Young Mimitchi on November 15, 2006

*TAKOTEN on November 24, 2006

PIRORIRORITCHI on November 27, 2006


PYONKOTCHI on November 8, 2006

*TARATEN on November 11, 2006

*SMILING ANGEL on November 13, 2006

DEBATCHI on November 18, 2006

*PUKUTEN on November 24, 2006

HANATCHI on December 1, 2006

Happy is now Hanatchi! He's so....wiggly!!

I can see why people love him, now. Yet another character that looks a bit dull in a still picture, but comes to life with the cute animations.

How I got him: poor care

I let hunger and happiness run out before he called. Once or twice he was neglected even longer, long enough that he went into a pout and the call signal went off. His weight was stuck up in the 90's.

Though a few times his happiness was filled up, because of a perfect game, or maybe I caught him in time to put him on the john.

As a side note I want to mention that when given the blocks he built a ... dog. How unexpected!

The angel has been on pause because I have not been feeling well.
