It's true. . . .


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
On my Entama, my mom saw the shopkeeper while I was at school.

Well, the shopkeeper offered an item for 300 points. My mom said no, and the shopkeeper was so angry he stomped away. My mom was watching in horror as a black tama with a black thing over his eye and a bag over his shoulder came to my tama and stole 300 points.

If you refuse the shopkeeper he'll send the tama robber to your tama's door and it will steal whatever points the item the shopkeeper offered!!

So THAT's what the letter I got saying something about 300G was about!!!!

I know! It is freaky. The robber would make a cool looking Tamagotchi character tho.

Oh my gosh!

That really stinks. Why would the people who make Tamagotchi's do that?

Anyways, I hope you get your points back!

:furawatchi: Alimania :furawatchi:

Ah, it doesn't matter, I reset my Entama anyway.

Still, I wouldn't refuse the shopkeeper if I were you!! No way nu-uh no I won't do not refuse him I'm on anybody's side who says he shouldn't be refused!!

The shop keeper doesn't steal points, you can loose the points while reciving mail. but you can also get points too.

So if it was a Tamagotchi, what would it be named. I like Burglargotchi.

The robber comes through a mail as a random thing. I often refuse the shopkeeper and nothing of the kind has ever happened. :mellow:
Same here.

The EnTama has all these surprises coming from everywhere, it's great! :mimitchi:

Hehehe. The shopkeeper must have mafia connections.

Will this get me banned? Just wondering.

really??? I've never seen it on my tama! And the shopkeeper never offerd me anything! :marumimitchi: What kind of tama do you have cause i have 3, V1,V2, and V3. Do you have V4 or something????

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