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Do you think its ok to play with your tama in class?

  • Yes, its fine with me.

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  • my teachers let me-its awsome!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no! one time i was caught, i got a dimerit!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no. its not the right thing to do.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • do i REALLY haft to vote??????

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I no there are heaps of stuff going on like,

why sholud you take your tama to school,and should you play with your tama in class.

I had my tama since i was about...8 and I'm 10 and i nevered took my tama to school unless if was a special ocasion. But I wouldn't anymore

kind regards


At my school the rules are:

-You may take your Tamagotchi into the school grounds

-You may NOT take your Tamagotchi into class.

Some classes are okay, but they don't let you play with it, so I figure, why do it? In my homeroom with my female teacher I can use my v3 as a "watch". I can play with it during free time. But with my male teacher, who's rather scary and cracks odd jokes, I wouldn't dare. He says a Tamagotchi stole his daughter.

my school is NO ELECTRONICS WHATSOEVER. so i leava mine with the sound off in my backpack the whole day. but at recess i bring it out to connect

At my school it's pretty much O.K. as long as it's not a big distraction (but I go to Junior High and a lot of you are probably in elementary). I think if it really is a problem for you then you probably shouldn't, but really tamagotchi's aren't going to hurt you or your education. They're just something you check up on every now and then. Also it's not a sin to bring a tama to school, if your teachers seriously have a problem with it then you probably shouldn't, but you guys shouldn't get so serious about something so little.

Tamagotchis are great fun... sometimes it is OK to bring them to school. Once, we had a Tamagotchi day, and I brought mine (of course :) ). I don't usually bring mine, sometimes my friend and I arrange beforehand to bring ours on a certain day. Usually, I keep mine in my bag on Pause if I bring it, except to connect. If you do keep your in your bag on Pause, remember to check occasionally to make sure it is still paused :eek: . Sometimes they get bumped and come unpaused, then die.

StarTama :D

I *can* take mine to school, but I choose not to. School isn't the place for tamagotchis. They're toys, and nothing more. Toys + school = No. Taking a tama to school is the same thing as taking a gameboy to school. It's annoying and distracting to others, and it stops you from doing school work/paying attention to class. If you want to do well in school, leave the toys and other uneeded stuff at home. If you want to fail, go ahead and take them.

I think they, and all other toys/games/playing and/or trading cards/etc. should be banned in schools. You're there to learn. Not to play with your toys.

School is for learning. Not for playing tamagotchi's. I think its totally agreeable that tamas arent a loud :D

I know you all disagree, but I take my tama into class in my pencil case, but once I got my tama BANNED for the rest of the year!!!! :D :D :D :D (Luckily it was 2 weeks to summer break! :D :lol: ;) )


( I never play on it,now, though.)

In my school 2 years ago, everyone had 2 or more tamas and our teacher let us keep them on our desks and we got to check on them every 10 minutes! ^_^

I leave my tamagotchis at my house paused. but now I take out the batteries.

you should be learning in class instead of playing with your tamagotchi. (I can't believe I said that! :furawatchi: )

Last year, my teacher totally had a problem with my Tamagotchi. :furawatchi: I got into serious trouble. Because she said she had told me not to bring it, YEAH RIGHT. She hadn't told me any such thing!

But this year, I do bring my tamas to school! :furawatchi: My teacher lets me. She says "just don't let them distract you and you should be okay." Every now and then, I do play with my Tamagotchis. And my teacher doesn't even notice when I put them on my desk! :furawatchi:

And it's not so good to put your Tamagotchi in your backpack during classes, because it might get stolen. My friend's V3 got stolen. His was in his backpack and mine was in my backpack so I really don't know why only his got stolen anyway. But I'm not even his friend anymore so I don't really care :unsure: :unsure:

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