I've been wondering for a while...


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Active member
Mar 26, 2007
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Well I have a neighbor who's an adult, me and my pals go down to her house to play alot and she had two dogs, Sam and Kaz, Sam died when he was 15 and Kaz died later that year, the day Kaz died we got invited over for dinner and while we were there white feathers fell from the sky and we found them all over the garden for days afterwards I swear to god I am not joking this is all true do the feathers mean anything? I'm confused ;)

My neighbor also swears she saw two dog-shaped clouds that night although I didn't see that myself

I agree with the others. This probably is going to sound a bit rude, but maybe your neighbour was seeing things? Don't take that the wrong way. When my cat died, I thought I saw her reflection in my garden pond. o_o

Maybe birds were having a fight?

Don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes, people make things up to make themselves feel better.

If she is seeing things, then that's okay, just, as long as she's happy with it.

When my first dog passed away, I kept seeing paw prints on the floor. It was probably my imagination, but I'm happy with that.

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