Japanese Tamagotchi Oden-Kun Yellow


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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
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Kansas, U.S.A.
I just bought one of these from Jason's Store on eBay. I have no idea what it actually is! It looks like the main/base character is a chicken, and it appears to have the same icons as our Tamagotchi V4s. Has anyone ever played with one of these? I had to buy it because it is rather unique and something new that I don't have...but I'd like to have an idea of what to do with it once it arrives at my house. :D Any ideas?

Uuuhh. I don't think it's actually a tamagotchi. I've think I've seen those before, and they are DEFINITELY fakes. Any chance of a picture? That could really help. But if not, what did it say on the packaging? Did the tamagotchi logo look perfectly fine, and did it say bandai somewhere on the packaging? But right now I'd say it's a fake. I think we bought some tams from this jason guy once, and the were total fakes. I mean, isn't he the one that sells car tyres and other car parts as well? I bet they're all stolen! At least judging by the tama's he sells. <_<

They aren't fakes, they were announced on Tamagotchi Japans website.

I beleive it might be some sort of Tama' Spin off.

Jason's Store selling fakes? No, no, NO! That can't be right. I love his store, I bought a Uratama! OK, so maybe that is a new tamagotchi. 'Could be....... <_<



EDIT: I searched it. It seems to have a sumo-like character, but looks like a gotchi bag. It has a rice triangle for feeding, a bowl of something instead of discipline, three triangles with a roundd bottom instead of lights and a sishkabob/medicine icon for the last icon. It's NOT a fake.

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Do you think you could show us a picture?

Does it looks like this Here.

Doesn't look fake to me, to me it just looks like a Off tamagotchi toy that BanDai made.. But if it's fake don't sweat it, it looks pretty cool to play with. :) But good point what Roar the Tiger, and ~Mr. Canvas~ stated.

And guys stop thinking just because it's not tamagotchi related it's fake. It's made by the same company therefore it's not fake.

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No,no, it's not fake. It is a Tamagotchi of sorts, it just appears to have different characters and perhaps slightly different functions, though the icons are almost the same as our V4s. Jason's store is one of the few places online where I can buy anything and know it is genuine!

I appreciate you guys helping to look it up, too! I'm really excited to find out more about this thing. :p

hi audrey. l currently own a odenkun tama so l may be able to help u. mines yellow in color, exactly like one in the pic locky provided.

features in this tama:

-l suspect its targeted for young kids so it tends to be 'easier' compared to v4s.

-theres 2 new games and the jump-rope one.

-u cant go to school/work like the v3/v4.

-instead of the mail option in the v4, it's replaced by the lights on/off button.

-ur tama has a gender, the generation counter is included, n theres a 'matchmaker'

if u want to ask for more details, pm me. have fun with ur new tama lol


the matchmaker comes when ur tamas 8... (sry for adding a new reply, the edit button disappeared :p )

I also bought one....but is in pink...and it seem like it evolves very fast by it age.....it much more easier than V4....it also have something like discipline....when there is a scoop with water will make the character cool now...but the meal is limited only one type when they evolves but they change the type of food and snack when they change to another stage....when it sick, an old character will come out and sing song then it will get well....is something special and different from others..... :p

Jason store is it his short form is jr-rc????

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