JC's TamaTalk Career


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Evil tamagotchi

Well-known member
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Dorset, U.K.
15th Feb 2005: JC Signs up to TamaTalk


Shortly after joining TamaTalk, JC Joined TamaClub International, and quickly rose to president of the organisation, even getting jappyx to be a member. unfortunately, a member of the Club argued with JC, which led to an extrodinairy public outburst, JC claiming the member in question was "a useless liar". TamaClub International closed the following day.


16th May 2005: JC becomes a TamaGuide


Putting his blotted past behind him, JC And Admin surprised many by announcing he was to become a Guide. JC quickly went on a Topic cleaning spree, and putting regulations in each forum.... Famously, JC never got on with newer Guides very well, until he became friends with Bell sprout.


30th May 2005: JC gets hacked


The infamous Zoee358 incident hit TamaTalk in late May 2005. When JC realised his mistake, he was very angry. He used any way possible to get in contact with Admin and have his password changed. This sparked off a series of "hackings", which bought TamaTalk into chaos.


Birth of The Junior Guides:


While hacked, JC thought of the Junior Guides, a team of members to help him Moderate TamaTalk. The group ran with varying levels of success until September 2005.


End of the Junior Guides:


The Junior Guides ended three months after their creation, when JC claimed they were causing problems. Only one of the Original Junior Guides, Mangorox, had stayed with the Team the whole time.


8th September 2005: JC quits


JC declared his resignation on TamaPlanet, followed by a formal announcement on tamaTalk the following day. Rumours from inside JC Administration claim JC may come back in a few years, and even try to regain his "Guideship". Time will tell.


That was long wasn't it!?! I'll be very surprised if your still reading!

i read it, it bring back many memories for me like: JC being the first person i saw on tamatalk, the day i wanted to help investigate the hacking but got hacked myself. he was an insperation to others.

Wow... There's so much I never knew about jc! I'l miss him... Why is he going again? He's such a great tama guide! He should be the Admin's assistant, or something! But, SADLY, he's going... :wacko: -_- :wub: :(I think he will come back sooner than "a cuople years"... I miss him already! SON'T LEAVE!

:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

PPLLLease JC! why are you going? :puroperatchi: please don't go! :hitodetchi: if you veiw this im sure you will have a second thought! we beg you! don't go! :ph34r:

what??? HE'S LEAVING!! WITHOUT JC, TAMATALK IS LIKE NOTHING!! Nooooooooo! come back!

Having him here was a great thing... I am glad he let me be apart of the junior guides... He will always be a great friend to me. Bye JC.. Never Forget me... and everyone else.


Good luck B)

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