Jiro EnTama-Cho Jinsei, Enjoy Life Logs!


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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
New York CIty
Do you guys still remember me??

Im the one who makes Jiro-Kun's TamaLogs :ph34r:

If you already read my Logs you will already know that im making a new one about my EnTama :wacko:

Ok the lets start This LOG!!

My EnTama is the BeeHive Design that I happen to really like (why else would I buy it lol)

His name is Masahito, and he wants to be a Scientist when he grew up....

But not any Scientist! He wants to be Tesaitchi! The most Jenious Tama!!

his Intellegence (Kashikosa) is already 999...

But he is still in Pre-School lol!

his style (Oshare) score is only 15

and his Kindness (Yasashii) is only 10!

The Conlusion:

Masahito is a Male Mamezoku who is the most jenious tama in the history of tama!!!

But beware, because he is so evil and rarely be kind....

Dont forget not too look at his clothes, because there is something in it a good lad like you desnt want to see :) ..... Or I can just say He has no style :unsure:

tha-tha for now!!

Masahito-kun is doing fine!

This morning when he woke up, he evolves into a YoungMametchi!!

and then Kahikosa teacher came up to give him a hat and a pencil lol!

He is going to a vacation today, maybe to MameTown!!


Intellegence(Kashikosa): 999

Style(Ohare): 23

Kindness(Yasashii): 18

Tensaitchi-Kun HERE I COME!!

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thank-you for posting here guys!

Masahito-kun got 500 $G$ just now B) !

he is doing fine and he's gonna evolve tomorrow or maybe tonight!

The past few days I got bored with the Matching card game so I tried

to play the other two games and got stuck having fun with the Kindness game lol

this is his current Status:



Kindness(Yasashii):40 lol

Welcome to this logs you guys!! :mellow: !

btw. Hope you got that 99.999GP Roar_The_Tiger :lol:

and hello Mimitchi&Hanatchi_Lover!! I like the Cafe Brown design too!

My mom is gonna buy me another EnTama.... and hopefully a Kakeibo!

This morning when I woke up

I was hoping for my Mametchi to come...

But, it didnt turn out to be a Mametchi... But its still a Young Mametchi.

I was so sad but I can wait until tomorrow B)

and later after a few hours he evolve into a Mametchi, yes a Mametchi!!

I havent seen my Mametchi for 2 years and when I saw Masahito blobbing in the screen I said...

Welcome back my little Mametchi!!

I was filled with joy at that time!!

OKAY!! Enough chit-chat, this is my cute little extraordinary Mametchi current status:

Intellegence(Kashikosa): 999 as always

Style(Oshare): 35

Kindness(Yasashii): 44

my money is 33240 $G$

yeah! rich2!!

by the way, my Mametchi is going to graduate from school today B)

yeah well, time flies so fast! And who knows the next thing you know he already has a BABY!!

but I wish my Mametchi will always be happy when he moved in to Tamatown,

I will never forget you my Mametchi...... *sad*

tha-tha for now....... :)

Today was the best!!

It was so fun!

Today I do all my daily activities and then play with my EnTama!

I bought a Mic from the old man today,

Masahito used it a few times and always sings the same song!

I guess he likes Rock music lol...

Masahito current status:

Intellegence(Kashikosa): 999


Kindness(Yasashii): 45

My current money is 40110 $G$ im also aiming for 99999$G$!!

I wish I had a spaceship!!!


happy2 to all Mother's from all over the world!!

I bought a kindness rubber-like thingy just now ;) !

Today is a vary exciting day for Masahito!!!

He got a mail today at 1:15pm and when Masahito open and read it....

It says that he graduated from Tama-School and he is ready to take his


then at 5:00pm he got all 3 stars!!

and he is now a Genius Proffesor!!

he will turn into a Tesaitchi a few more days ISNT IT GREAT!!!

im also getting a new EnTama from yesasia.com, I dunno which

design im gonna pick though, because all the design in yesasia.com

right now, are all for girls.

Masahito-kun status:

Intellegence(Kashikosa): 999 (shocking isnt it! lol)

Style(Oshare): 45

Kindness(Yasashii): 45

today was fun *yawn*!!

I also got a Humanities test today and almost got a perfect score!!

gimmie your 999IQ MasahitoKun!!!

tha2 4 now!!

Something growse happend today...

Masahito is the Victim

and Im the killer lol

I was doing my daily beautiful life until....

my stomach rummbles!!


I didnt notice that I hold Masahito in my hand!

when I ran into the toilet and stands in front of it...


He Dive in beautifuly into the toilet!!!

over the door and then in the toilet and into the water he goes!!!


I quickly picked him up... and what I saw into the screen....

there was nothing in it...

Masahito was gone.... my $46 has flew away just like that






NAH! He was fine and I cleaned him right after he fell into the toilet... lol

well... Do you like swimming Masahito? If you dont thats good

because im not letting you in that thing again!

I was shocked so I guess I wont be bringing my tama into the toilet anymore *sigh*


Masahito-kun status:

Intellegence(Kashikosa): do I really have to tell-----> 999

Style (Oshare): 47

Kindness(Yasashii): 46

what a crazy day..... I HOPE IT WOULDNT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!

but it sure was a good experience for Masahito~

keep swimmin' swimmin' swimmin'


Jiro: Masahito, is it true you fell into the toilet?

Masa: chi (yes)

Jiro: Is it true that you like swimming?

Masa: ne! (no!)

Jiro: How is the smell down there?

Masa: mame e chiiiii!!! (like a fish that is left in the sun for 10 days!!!!)

Jiro: Do you want to go in there again?

Masa: chu! (ditto!)

Thank you for your time Mr.Masahito!

See you next time on "I FELL INTO THE TOILET ShOw!!"

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Its been a while since I posted in this log...

why didnt I post any? I still cant figure it out...lol

My Mametchi ended up marrying Ponitchi and had a little memezoku BOY!

Im so exited to get another boy because im aiming for Shimashimatchi!!!

Masahito-kun when back to Tama-Planet the next day

I raised my little Tarou-chan that Masahito lefted me

Tarou is an adult now and he's so ADORABLE!!!

he's a Shimashimatchi, havent got a job, single :ph34r: , and so...

this is his current status:

Intellegence: 47

Fashion: 35

Kindness: 641

I think he's gonna be working in Pachi Onsen, but I still dunno...

tha2 4 now

Nothing new... same old same old!!

My friend went to Singapore last week!

And guess what she found!! AN ENTAMA!!! ON SALE!!!

I was shocked to find out there's an EnTama on Singapore!!

But she already bought 2 V3's

and her Parents wont let her have one... :huh:

btw she found the EnTama on a mall called "Takashimaya"

And its so excitong 'cos my parents said we're gonna go to HongKong~~

I wanna buy 2 EnTama an 1 Kakeibo!!!

yeah yeah! and here... is Tarou's status:




Im still waiting for him to get a job...


*Removed: Logs are not the place to post questions*

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awww, thanks tamatama(^o^)

I dunno my log was THAT great hehe *blush*

I still dunno whern I will get a Kakeibo

in the mean time read my friend log over here:

*Removed: No advertising in logs either*

I also learned all about EnTama over there :hitodetchi:

I wish you luck so you can get the best character and Job...


Its a long time since I "Log" so... what do we have here...

aaaa... Shimashimatchi or Tarou-san got married with Furawatchi... A pretty one too :mametchi:

and he now has a Memezoku girl awwww

The Memezoku gorl is now a Toddler yeah yeah

Im aiming for Makiko-chan, I already failed getting a Tesaitchi but I wont fail now!!

MWAHAHAHAHA!!! infact her name is "Makiko"

wish me luck too ok?

I has forgotten Makiko's current status because she's on pause right now...

Im gonna post somethin soon though...

okay thatha4now

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Today Makiko-chan evolved into a YOUNG MEMETCHI!!!

The most cutest tama on the block!! SO CUTE!

SHe graduated from Furiru Sensei and had a Oshare teacher instead!!

My Baby is growing up to fast!!

She's still so cute!!!

Nothing new today though...

I got a Morino yesterday and im so excited!

I love my tama's... :mellow:

Here is Makiko's current status:

Intellegence: 77

Style: 325

Kindness: 101

Her money is now:


yeah! rich rich!

I almost forgot, Because today is Makiko's B-Day I Bpught her a Fugu Fish!!

Isnt it cute!!

She really loved Fugu fish and Crabs...

well... She's gonna be a STAR!!!

After much debating, I decided to continue and contribute to this log :furawatchi:

My EnTama is currently a boy memezoku toddler

once again, Im aiming for Shimashimatchi!!

yes, he's so cute i cant resist!!!

I will be receiving a V4 soon, so hopefully I'll continue on my V4 log into this one :angry:

Im really excited because Im also receiving a Tamagotchi school :(

the V4 design I got is the translucent blue and the TamaSchool I got is the white one :(

wish me luck, hope it arrives soo :mimitchi:

so the name of my entama is Naruto!

Naruto is asleep right now, and I hope he will be evolving soon!

here is his stat:

Kahikosa: 3

Oshare: 11


I know its werd but, hehehe

The job Im aiming is to be the king servant! i already ahve the coupon to get`the job :(

well, thats it for now, hope you still enjoy my log :ichigotchi:

Hey Jiro!Remember me? I like your log!
ah, yes I remember you ^__^

Im happy that people still likes my log *tears of happiness*

ok well, I bring lil Naruto to school today and forgot that Furiru sensei was coming :eek:

ahh, poor sensei must've waited a long time :D

Naruto wasnt so demanding today and he looks so cute ^___^

not much have improved to his stat so here it goes:

Kashikosa: 7

Oshare: 11

Yasashii: 224

his money is only 3700$G$

heheh... I hope something new happend :D

still no news about my TamaSchool and V4, hope it arrives safely ^_^

oh. and have anyone of you heard about otoizm?

they're awesome check them out on google ;)

oh! Ojitchi came!! well TTFN!!!
