Jiro-Kun tama logs!


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I forgot to mention Tarakotchi, he left this morning.....

so truly very-very sad..... this is the second time I lost him!!!

Im planning to make his so Tarakotchi... he is so cuuuute!!

Mame-chan is so cute!!!!!!

but so small, I think Mame-Chan is smaller then Kuchitamachi the baby tama!

but still so cute!!!

Im in Tamatown right now! I just bought a wing its the cutest!!

I love the wings, they change color if different tama uses it.....

The special edition EnTama is so cuuute!

it has 3 choices of color an picture!

the first edition is a pink EnTama with a picture of Mametchi on the top

the second edition, i forgot the color but it has the picture of Memetchi on the top

the third edition is a blue EnTama with the picture of Kuchipatchi on the top!!

But all the design are for girls.... even the blue EnTama has heart design!!

The item at the shop havent change!! do anybody know how many times it the item at the shop change? :angry:

:angry: im gonna play with Pegasumon first!! The game is so easy, you just have to press the button rapidly!!
Im hoping to get full discipline tomorrow!! Its gonna be kinda hard though because I have school tomorrow.

:angry: Tha-tha for now! ;)

Mame-chan is sleeping right now and of course with his action figure toy :wacko:

Im watching "Phil of The Future" its really funny :angry:

Pegasumon havent sleep yet... maybe later at 9:00 pm...

yup I was right Pegasumon just fell asleep :angry:

btw I Love ENTAMA!!! :wacko: (but havent got the Tama yet)

maybe I will get it at the end of this month!!

Mame-chan discipline is now 8/9 yahoo!!

one more to go!!! tomorrow is the evolution day for my tama....

my money is 3164 thats not very much!

I cant wait to use my ticket so I can Travel! hooray!

Pegasusmon havnt change into Androidmon..... he is now 6 years old

Mame-Chan is always happy everytime I give him his Action Figure, IT NEVER GETS OLD!!!
