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Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
when do you graduate from school becasue mine is a adult and 3 years old and when do you get a job when it turns into an adult staight away or do you have to wait a while

please help me if you can

lizzy . :D :wub: :eek:

You will get a letter (!) in the mail and when you recieve that you will be able to get a job. :wub:

You recieve this letter (!) 24 hours of being an adult.

I hope this helped!


Usually a day after my Tamagotchis become adults I will receive a letter in the mail saying that I graduated Elementary School. Then I get the job listings. But you will only get job listings if you have at least 50 of at least 1 skill.

:wub: :eek: :D :D


I must confess my Pyonchit got a job around 15 points in smartness, however he was pretty high in kindness and he got a intellgence job. Sometimes I got jobs from random/luckiness. I think his kindess was like around 36. Also if you are very lucky when your tamagotchi gets like about 2 or 3 years older, they wil offered to get another job. This has happened to me.


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