Jp1 and Jp2, what happens when you stratch them


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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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okay so on the circuit board of the tamagotchi, there is a debug circle right? well there is also two other circles called Jp1 and Jp2 that look like it except a line is going horizontally through them, unlike debug. So when I opened my V3 tama and stratched BOTH of them with a 0.5 mechanical pencil 8 times each, and put it back together, nothing really happened, so i decided to stratach harder. But my tam ran out of battery, so I couldn't double check. What do you think will happen??? Try it and post your results(don't try unless you are positive you can do it :) )

P.S I was also thinking of stratching debug and Jp1 and Jp2 so all three are stracthed. :) I want ot see what happens!

*Topic moved to 'Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners'*

Oh, I don't think that sounds right!!

Why would you do that? Unless, of course, you hate your Tama? ;)

I don't think it was very WISE either, if you think about it? Your Tama COULD'VE broke, and wouldn't want that, would you? ;)

Questions, questions...


barky :(

I have done it, it is not good news. It will temporarily turn your ConneCTion into a ConneXion. It is fun for a while but it has some very subtle changes. It gets boring after a while. It is really a waste of time.

What is the difference when they change ConneCTion to ConneXion?


I havent done it in over a year. It eats slightly different things, connects slightly different, etc. I have only done it with my v1.

Okay, if you do choose to do this you are taking a risk. If you don't trust yourself... don't do it!!!



Well Im sure you were just curoius(sp) anyway I think you pushed too hard on it so it stopped.Hope I helped


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