Junky's Tamagotchi Log


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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
I finally decided instead of clogging up my sig. with my tamagotchi information, I'd just make a log.

At the current date and time, here are my stats:

name: moo

gender: girl

baby: teletchi

child: mizutamatchi

teen: obotchi

adult: leaftchi

age: 5

weight: 30

training: ||||||||

generation: 1

points: 6434

My main issue at the moment is my tamagotchi waking up before me. I like to sleep in, what can I say...

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My tamagotchi is now seven years old. I'm hoping to see the matchmaker soon.

I finally used all my travel tickets! I had been collecting all of them for a while, but I haven't been able to get onto Tamatown.com and use them yet. So now that I've gotten the souvenirs, I only have three left to get (The cell phone, bike, and crown, I think).

Wow, didn't think I would have to update this fast.

The matchmaker came when I reset the clock to 10:30am. She paired my Leaftchi up with Pyonkotchi, and now Moo has a baby boy. I'm happy now to have a second generation :D

Moo finally left for Tamagotchi Town, so now I have the baby tama. Here's his stats so far...

name: milk

gender: boy

baby: teletchi

child: kuchitamatchi

teen: hinatchi

adult: --

age: 1

weight: 20

training: ||

generation: 2

points: 8722

I might bring this up on another subforum, but I noticed how Milk didn't take 72 hours to turn from a child to a teenager. This is the first time this has ever happened to me, so maybe it's something new with the V3's? I'm not sure.

I wish my tama would finally change into an adult. It's 3 days old already.


My second generation tamagotchi is finally an adult! It turned into Chomametchi.

I'm horribly tempted to buy another tamagotchi tonight ._.

Edit: Yeah, so I caved and bought another Tamagotchi. I had the dark blue one with stars, and now I have the Blue Bubbles one. I got a free ichigotchi lanyard with it too! And I even had enough money to get the mametchi tama case.

I love Toys R Us.

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Now that I have started up the new tama, I have a new tama toddler :D

Blue Bubble Tamagotchi

name: jello

gender: boy

baby: teletchi

child: mizutamatchi

teen: --

adult: --

age: 0

weight: 10

training: |

generation: 1

points: 930

and just for record...

Blue Star Tamagotchi

name: milk

gender: boy

baby: teletchi

child: kuchitamatchi

teen: hinatchi

adult: chomametchi

age: 4

weight: 30

training: |||

generation: 2

points: 9847

This is a log for my Tamagotchi Plus Color.

I had bad characters my previous generation ._.

Gen. 1

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: sakuramotchi

teen: ichigotchi [who is still my favorite :3]

adult: Marotchi

mate: oyajitchi

Gen. 2

[started off a little better :3]

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: memepetchi

teen: ichigotchi [uh-oh]

adult: --

mate: --

I haven't been naming them or anything :/ And I haven't been keeping that great care of them, because of my strange sleeping schedule :/ I'm hoping I get a good character out of the ichigotchi though.

No change in my Tama, BUT it frustrated me that I couldn't take it outside earlier to play games at the arcade to make it happy. If you don't know about TamaColorPlus, if it's really bad weather, the Tama will not go out the door. All I could do was feed it a few treats to keep its happy bar up, which can't be too good for it :/ So I don't know how this will effect what kind of Tama I get in the adult stage ._. I was hoping to pull a slightly better batch this time...

Kinda cool though...now that it's asleep, when the Tama screen is on, it will show lightning outside the window next to the Tama's bed and make little lightning noises :3

Here's today's update. My Tama evolved.

Gen. 2

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: memepetchi

teen: ichigotchi

adult: Makiko

mate: --

So another bad character :/ I could have swore I would have at least had an average character.

So it's been a day, and I've already matched Makiko up :3 So, here are the stats:

Gen. 2

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: memepetchi

teen: ichigotchi

adult: makiko

mate: mametchi

Now I'm on Generation 3! With another baby girl, haha. I was hoping to finally get a boy, but oh well :eek:

Gen. 3

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: --

teen: --

adult: --

mate: --

I'm sure I'll know what child I'll get soon. Excited <_<

Tama changed!

Gen. 3

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: sakuramotchi

teen: --

adult: --

mate: --

I swear, for some reason it seems to be harder to get good characters on Tama Plus ._.

Gen. 3

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: sakuramotchi

teen: ichigotchi

adult: --

mate: --

Looks like the only teen I'm ever gonna get is Ichigotchi, hahaha It's okay cause she's my favorite :3

Wow, so here's the long due update. I have the same Generation as Gen 1. again ._.

Gen. 3

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: sakuramotchi

teen: ichigotchi

adult: marotchi

mate: --

I will mate in a second [the time has come] :3 So you'll get a pretty quick update, I think [i'm playing Animal Crossing: WW right now, so it could be delayed, who knows :3]

I'm hoping to get a male tama *crosses fingers* Haven't had one yet...

Edit: She's napping now :3

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On another note, I grew a McDonalds hamburger tree :3 My Tama really liked that. Her happy stats stayed up for a day, which was pretty cool.

I have been neglectful, which is why I think I got Marotchi again. I've been kinda sick and depressed lately, so I put my tama on pause yesterday. I just unpaused it today so I could mate my Marotchi.

Gen. 3

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: sakuramotchi

teen: ichigotchi

adult: marotchi

mate: Kuromametchi

And I STILL got a girl :D Thats fine I guess...

So here we are [TA-DA]

GEN. 4!!!!!!

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: --

teen: --

adult: --

mate: --

Hopefully I can keep her stats up. I'm going to have a bit of trouble trying to keep and eye on her and Animal Crossing at the same time [i have some deliveries coming today].

Quick evolution :3

GEN. 4

gender: female

baby: nokotchi

child: memepetchi

teen: --

adult: --

mate: --

I have her on pause right now. So busy :D

IGNORE THIS IF YOU ARE HERE FOR TAMAGOTCHI STATS This will be a little about the TMGC+Color itself [my experiences] & briefly some personal stuff.

I've been looking at the TMGC+Color guide here on TamaTalk & the Tamagotchi Wikia for more info on the TMGC+Color. There's so many items that I don't even know what they are ._. I won't go into all the items I already have, only that I have all of the transit passes. I still have yet to meet the Gotchi King :mimitchi:

I think I've said before, it's hard to get good characters for me. I do kinda neglect my Tama once it's a teen. Not horribly though. I'm just too busy to get to it sometimes [around 2 hours]. And I always end up with a bad character, even though the Happy Bar and Food Meter aren't completely empty.

I've been wanting a boy Tamagotchi, but I keep getting girls! UGH! I don't mind girls or anything, but I want something different for once ._.

It's been sunnier lately, which makes me happy, but TBH, it rains more than it is sunny. I love when it storms though. At night, when the Tama is sleeping, it will make little lightning strike noises periodically [like every two hours or so]. It can be kinda annoying, but it doesn't bother me much at all :3

Normally the Tama won't leave the house when it's bad weather, but I found the one way to get the Tama outside when it's bad weather is by using the telescope. Don't leave it outside, of course ;3

Right now my Tamagotchi is paused.

I've been having health problems. I was just put on a new medicine yesterday morning, and it's too early to say whether or not it is helping. My insomnia is somehow being affected positively by it. Good, cause I need sleep :3 But I've been sleeping randomly, about an hour at a time. So it's not good when you're trying to raise a Tamagotchi and can't stay awake to care for it properly.

So, my Tama will have to take the back-seat for a moment. I am still playing Animal Crossing: Wild World quite a bit, just no WiFi gaming [save for trading deliveries].

I think I've blah-blah-blahed enough :3 Have a nice night/morning/evening everyone! :mimitchi:


Just wanted to give you heads up, I am still taking a break. Not for long though! I'm hoping to unpause my Tama by Friday :3

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