Just a question about mating tamagotchis


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Aug 20, 2006
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When you mate two tamagotchis and get twins, one a boy and one a girl, can the boy and girl still mate even though they had the same birth parents?

first of all that is discusting.second of all you cant get twins,third of all how would you if your on the same screen

When you mate two tamagotchis and get twins, one a boy and one a girl, can the boy and girl still mate even though they had the same birth parents?
Actually, I think the children are always the same gender, so they can't be mated together.


Im sorry but twins is only a rummer like alot of other things people post on this site. If you have two Tama's you can mate if they are diffrent Gender.

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They're always the same gender, so they can't be mated together. And mametchi7, it is a valid question and is only disgusting if you look at it in a silly way.

StarTama :angry:

You can if you have 2 tamas and the mum and dad are from them but I dont thionk that you can do it cuz it disgusting If you have 2 tamas try it and tell me what happens

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