Just a story I've started.


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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2006
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This story is just something I've whipped up on Microsoft Word, thought I'd share so you could share some tips and thoughs about it with me. ;) Take note that it's just the first part, and it won't be all that interesting yet. :D


“Kairi, wake up, come on sweetie.” I heard my mom say as I lay in bed. “Ugh, mom, let me sleep please…” I moaned. “Ah, there are those beautiful baby blue eyes I love, come on babe. You have to go to your grandparent’s house today.” She said with a smile. I moaned and groaned, but I finally sat up. My feet hung just above the floor as I stretched and yawned. “I’ll be down stairs making your breakfast.” my mother said. I got up as she walked out of my room, shutting the door behind her. “This is gonna be a long day.” I said under my breath. I walked into my closet and put on my new outfit. A pink top with a red rose on it, a pink skirt, and of course my pink flip-flops. I put on my concelear, mascara, and blush with a hit of wet shine lip gloss. I pulled my blonde hair back into braids, and grabbed my bag. I could hear dad out mowing the yard, as the twins ran through the house. Packing my bags for grandma and grandpa’s house, I could hear mom yelling at the twins, Jake and Josh. Mom just had a baby about a month ago, and she wants a break. Hence the reason we have to go to grandma’s house. As I picked up my bag and walked into the bathroom, the twins were brushing their teeth, looking suspicious, holding back some laughs. “What did you do?” I exclaimed as I put my hands on my hips. The twins turned to me, “Nothing!” they said. I shrugged and packed my bathing things, and put on my deodorant. I shoved the twins out of my way as I grabbed my tooth brush. “Hey!” they screamed at the same time. I rolled y eyes and brushed my teeth, and as soon as I was done I put my toothbrush in my bag.

I shuffled down the stairs and sat my bag next to the front door. Sara was laying in her bassinet in the kitchen, next to a window to keep her warm. “Hey my little Sara!” I exclaimed as I walked over to her. She looked at me and smiled. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and sat down at the table. I poured orange juice into my glass, and ate my eggs. “So, what are you going to do at your grandparent’s house?” my mother asked me as she prepared some bottle for Sara’s diaper bag. I shrugged and said, “Play with Emily and help with Sara, I guess.” Mom was now putting some bibs and pacifiers in the baby bag now. “So, Emily’s going to?” she asked me. I took a bite of my bacon and said, “Well she usually is there, so I’m guessing she wi” I tried to finish my sentence by I was interrupted by dad coming inside. “Good morning, my beautiful girls!” He said, talking to me, Sara, and mom. Jake and Josh ran downstairs. “Were ready!” they said in unicene. Dad took his eyes off of Sara and looked at the boys. “Can you put your bags in the trunk of the car please?” he asked them. They nodded yes and ran outside. “I’ll race ya!” I heard one of the two say as the front door slammed shut. I drank my orange juice and put my now empty plate into the sink. “Mom, I’m gonna take Sara upstairs and dress her in some day clothes that grandma loves.” I said, picking up Sara. Mom nodded as I headed out of the door.

“Oh Sara,” I said looking at her as I dressed her, “You’ve got it made, people to take care of you, no school, and you get to lay around all day.” I dressed her into her little cherry outfit, and put on her little pink cherry covered diaper cover. She started to fall asleep, so I placed her in her carrier that is her car seat in the car. I placed her little pooh bear blanket over her and took her downstairs. “Were going to the car!” I heard my father say. “Bye mom, love ya! And I’ve got Sara.” I said as I picked up my bag and headed out the door.

As everyone piled into the car, it got very loud as the twins were excited. They loved to see grandpa. I stared out the window of the car, as we took off. The engine roared as we back out of the driveway.




Alright, so what do ya think?

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Right off the bat, when someone's talking, you start a new paragraph for them. It may not seem too important, but it will break up an unreadable textwall.

Right off the bat, when someone's talking, you start a new paragraph for them. It may not seem too important, but it will break up an unreadable textwall.
Thanks, I've been trying to work on that.

Thanks for the tip.

It's a nice story so far. =D

Are you going to continue it? I think you should. ^^

It's a nice story so far. =DAre you going to continue it? I think you should. ^^
Yes I am. ;) Just wanted some tips and things, on how to improve. I'll probab;y start posting chapters of it in the fanfiction section regularly.

Awesome. I'll be sure to read it. =D

I don't really see anything wrong with it right now, so I have no tips on how to improve it. But what pyonchit suggested is a very good idea.

Right off the bat, when someone's talking, you start a new paragraph for them. It may not seem too important, but it will break up an unreadable textwall.
Yes it helps a lot. Even though many teachers say "4-5 sentences a paragraph" In a narrative story you make one paragraph everytime someone else talks. Also if it has other people try to make the other characters be in 1st person. Just to see what they were thinking at the time. :D After that...it's all good ;)

Yes it helps a lot. Even though many teachers say "4-5 sentences a paragraph" In a narrative story you make one paragraph everytime someone else talks. Also if it has other people try to make the other characters be in 1st person. Just to see what they were thinking at the time. B) After that...it's all good :D
Okay, tank you.

You're all teaching me more than my L.A. teacher does. xD

Anyone else? You can just say, "I liked the story," or, "I didn't like the story." You don't have to give tips. :chohimetchi:

I just like to get some tips and some thoughts on my stories.

Cool! I'm writing a fantasy story and yours kinda reminded me of the first chapter of "The Nine Magic Jewels"

That is a fantasty book I've been working on for a LONG time. I'm a real procrastinator... you know what I mean....

He're some of my first chapter if you would like to compare and you can tell me what you think, too.

(It's only part of the first chapter... it would be a smidge too long for the forums... don't cha think! :p )

I'm Alissa Shakto of a small town in Kansas. I'm sure you wouldn't be interested in such a small town so I won't bother. My thirteenth birthday is today and I'm excited. "Mom! Are you ready yet!" I yelled. "I'm coming! Just let me get my car keys!" she replied.

While I waited in the car to go to my favorite jewelry store I thought about many things. At first I thought about how I was going to show off my jewelry. Then suddenly I somehow went into deep thought. I started to imagine myself as a person that would change the world forever. I thought about things like becoming a great warrior or a life saving physician.

"We're here!" my mom yelled excitedly as I jumped out of my daydreaming state.

When I walked inside I looked around for awhile then I saw it, the thing I wanted. "That's it!" I screamed as I ran over to a huge shelf covered with tiny pink fuzzy boxes. Inside was a little silver ring with nine marbles inside that fit into the ring. At first I grabbed the first one on the shelf. I wasn't sure what, but I suddenly got the urge to put the one I had back on the shelf and to reach into the very back and pick the one that was the farthest I could feel.

"Hurry up! I need to go to work," my mother nagged. "I'm coming!" I replied, annoyed.

When I could finally reach the back of the shelf I realized that what I felt was wood instead of pink fuzz. "This is odd," I thought to myself.

"Hurry!" My mother yelled again, agravated this time. "Okay!" I screamed and more annoyed than ever.

I pulled out the wood to see what it was. It was a small blue box, similar in size to the pink boxes. It had a red symbol engraved on the top that looked as if even the most mastered of craftsmen would have trouble working. I opened it to up to see that the marbles looked like jewels and the ring looked like the silver was real.

"I found the one I want," I announced. "That one's weird," the teenager at the cash register wispered to herself, loud enough for me to hear. "I don't see a price sticker on it. Brody! How much are the nine marble ring things!" she yelled to a boy, reading a book, at the next cash register. "I think it's $11.95, I'll go check." He ran off to where the pink boxes were and yelled, "yep, $11.95."


oh yeah, and remember I'm no better than you and... yeah.. I am a bit corny in the beggining aren't I! lol.... :p

i think that you do an exellent job and that you should keep it up and get it published. I'd enjoy reading it.

xD Your a great writer yourself! I enjoyed reading that little bit of the story. :furawatchi:

For those of you who said to start a new paragraph when someone says something, I rewrote this part to show you, just to see if I'm getting the right idea.

“Kairi, wake up, come on sweetie.” I heard my mom say as I lay in bed.

“Ugh, mom, let me sleep please…” I moaned.

“Ah, there are those beautiful baby blue eyes I love, come on babe. You have to go to your grandparent’s house today.” She said with a smile. I moaned and groaned, but I finally sat up. My feet hung just above the floor as I stretched and yawned.

“I’ll be down stairs making your breakfast.” my mother said. I got up as she walked out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

“This is gonna be a long day.” I said under my breath.

Alright, so is that any better? And thanks for all of your help!

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