Just a theoretical question...


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Would you trade your first ever Tamagotchi, or any other Tamagotchi you have that means a lot to you, for a really valuable Tamagotchi such as a Devilgotchi?

Theoretically :p Personally, even though my first Tamagotchi has all the shell paint rubbed off and is broken into several pieces, never to work again, I'd never trade it for a Devilgotchi or anything else for that matter... it'd be like trading away a piece of my heart :( This pile of plastic means the world to me; I have so many happy memories tied with it and it's the first Tamagotchi out of many, which all changed my life... if it weren't for the little beat-up V4, I don't know where I'd be now.

What do you think?

My first V4 is in a tiny box, in my drawer so no one ever takes it, even though its broken and uglified with white out and pens.... regretss

Probably not...although I guess in some ways I have done that, just not with my favorite ones. I used to buy tamagotchis in "lots" because it was somewhat cheaper to get certain ones I wanted that way, then I would resell the ones I didn't want, use that money to buy ones I wanted etc. I would say as of now I have most of the main ones I've been wanting...the ones that I still want but don't have, I think are a little overpriced so I wouldn't sell like 6 tamagotchis to get 1 which I think costs too much, if that makes sense?

Well, I always wanted a Devilgotchi, so I would MAYBE trade some of my tamas away for one, except my TMGC+C. since my boyfriend gave it to me in our first date and it means more than all the others to me >A<

Anyway I would only trade my other tamas only for a Devilgotchi, but that's just cause I love the devilgotchi, I would never trade them for another overexpensive tamagotchi like the yasashii or the santaclautchi, since I don't see the point, those are just rare, not really interesting to me since I don't like the characters/shell as much xD

but as I said just MAYBE, cause I still love my tamas too much to leave them xD

except my P1/V2, I never really got into those so I would instantly give them away :rolleyes:

No, I don't think I would. My V4 might have no sound and be really beat up, but I don't really want to trade it for a hard to find tama.

I wouldn't either, even if it's just a plain old P2. It's hung out with me the longest, so it's an old friend.

I've got an old Connexion V2 somewhere that does have a lot of sentimental value. My iD L, although I've not had too long, means something. My boyfriend bought it for me as a results present, so it not only reminds me of him, but also getting my degree. Thst, and I've invested time into it now. It's part of my daily routine! So, that I couldn't trade ever. (Although as an English ID L I get the impression it's rarer than it's Japanese counterpart, although also less desirable).

My very first, a light pink with red buttons v1, I wouldn't trade for anything. I got it when I was 10 (10 years ago!) and it's been through a lot, though it's still functional if I borrow parts from others. I am sentimentally attached to it, I don't want to ever get rid of it (and I'm sure nobody would want it - it barely works and looks truly awful.) The rest I could probably part with if necessary, though I'd like to keep 1-2 of each version that I have for collection/connection purposes.

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