Kajah's Awesome log of Amazingness (Take 2)


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EDIT: Page 2 FTW

So, nothing's happened for the triplets, save a few poops and some feeding, and a little time with the bonding key (they went down to 90% for some reason,,, guess I nissed a call or something... they're at 100 now.) however, Feyir evolved into Kuchipatchi! Exactly what I wanted. Now I have Mametchi, Memetchi, and kuchipatchi all at one . :3

Feyir: Aww yeah! this is totally AWESOME

Heiro: Congrats man!

Eliza: Totally! it really suits you!

Mary: Agreed. Also, I've gotten over my shyness so I can get married tomorrow..

I just hope I can marry Heiro to a Chantotchi...

Eliza: Oh HECK no Heiro!

...and get the Mame fanily... it's a shame there's no time-out feature anymore *stares at Eliza*

Eliza: *retreats into shadows* sorry...

Also, Feyir's band is called Zede, don't ask. It consisted on a Kikitchi and Ichigotchi, and now a kuromametchi and Maidtchi.

Best to all~~

Feyir: Hinotamatchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 498 Tone, 463 Rythm, 520 Original

Music: Latin

Weight: 45lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 16600

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Cahntotchi, Mametchi, Memetchi

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 1

Points: 960

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.

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I married off Heiro to a young Chantotchi named Kara, and they produced a boy and a girl of the Mame family, Charm and Spring (Charm is the girl, Spring is the son).

They are a Mame Family, but currently on the travel show, which I'm taking them off when I finish this post. First words were:

Spring: Kaaaajaaah!

Charm: Ma! Pa! Googoogaagaa!

Heiro & Kara: Awwww...........

They well be Mametchi and Chamametchi in one hour. Well, until they evolve, Sayonara!

Feyir: Hinotamatchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 498 Tone, 463 Rythm, 520 Original

Music: Latin

Weight: 45lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 16600

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut.


Family: Mame

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Mimifuwatchi (x2)

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2

Points: 1030

Recent Occurences: Births.

Future Occurences: Pure Family Evolutions..

Alright, Spring and Charm evolved into Mametchi and Chamametchi respectively, and just 1 hour after THAt I got their bonding up to 100 per-cent. *insert fluttershy yay*

Feyir: Hinotamatchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 498 Tone, 463 Rythm, 520 Original

Music: Latin

Weight: 45lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 16600

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut.


Family: Mame

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Mametchi and Chamametchi

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 2

Points: 1030

Recent Occurences: Pure Family Evolutions.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker, I guess.

Tomorrow Spring will be ready to...

Spring: Marry someone!

Charm: Alright, go Big Brother!

I'm going to try for a blended family with a male Mimifuwatchi, so I can get a Hatugatchi and make it a Kuromametchi... and maybe a Makiko too! *insert smiley face*

Feyir's the same, only growing to 4 years old... soon, he'll be marrying... um...

Feyir: I son't care so long as she's Hoooootttt~~

Me: *sweatdrop*

Feyir: Kuchipatchi

Age: 4

Skill Points: 767 Tone, 727 Rythm, 813 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 59lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 16630

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut/Matchmaker


Family: Mame

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Mametchi and Chamametchi

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 2

Points: 1120

Recent Occurences: Pure Family Evolutions.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker, I guess.

(Not a lot will happen in Pure. named families)

Two major things happened today, and they both involve babies.

To start off with, Feyir:

Feyir: At age 5 the band manager (matchmaker) came and presented me with a Maskitchi. It was love at first sight, and we produced a beautiful baby girl.

Maskitchi: She's so cuute!

???: Waaah!!!!

Spring: As for me, Cain chose a Sunnytchi for me, and I became a Papamametchi and Sunnytchi a Planetchi, producing a baby boy Iwatchi. He's now a Hoshitchi. Also, bonding doesn't really matter so...

After this generation I'll try to get the bad carfe adults, starting with Large.

Feyir: Kuchipatchi

Age: 5

Skill Points: 831 Tone, 775 Rythm, 869 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 68lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 15730

Recent Occurences: Matchmaker.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut/Departure.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Hoshitchi

Parents (New section!): Planetchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2

Points: 3230

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Feyir still hasn't passed pro debbut, which is really wierd... but he should leave tonight, so too bad Feyir.

As for the Hoshitchi I came up with a name: Kayne!

Kayne: Yay! named (almost) after mah owner!

Feyir: *plays with baby*

Everything else is basically the SAME! GAH!

Feyir: Kuchipatchi

Age: 6

Skill Points: 971 Tone, 907 Rythm, 999 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 84lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 1150

Recent Occurences: Matchmaker.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut/Departure.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Hoshitchi

Parents (New section!): Planetchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2

Points: 40

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Feyir left last night, leaving little Tania in my care. She became a hitodetchi last night, and is now an Ichigotchi. Since this an even generation, I'll try for Onoputchi.

Tania: I'm gonna be an awesome Music Note!

Kayne: When I raise, day will come, but for now it's going to be night, because today I evolved into Mikazukitchi, and Now Planetchi's teaching me how to vaccuum.

Tania: Psssh, vaccuuming's easy because I'm a girl! Anyway, Feyir left me 249 skill points in each category, which is a pretty fair amount.

Kayne: also, the v4 Kajah told about might be here tomorrow!

Me: Three tamas will be the most I've ever run in my life!

Tania: *plays with mirror*

Kayne: Wow, cool mirror!!!

Tania: It's only the best ever!

Kayne: I want it!

Me: NOOO!!!!!

Tania: Ichigotchi

Age: 0

Skill Points: 287 Tone, 268 Rythm, 280 Original

Music: Classical

Weight: 25lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 2000

Recent Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Future Occurences: Band Creation.

Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Mikazukitchi

Parents: Planetchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 3

Points: 130

Recent Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.

I never said this, but Tania's band was a Chamametchi and A ringotchi, but EVOLVED into Makkiko and Chantotchi respectively.

Tania: *singing* I'm a cool note!

Kayne: I will light up this world!

Yep. They became Sunnytchi and Onputchi. Just what I wanted! Kayne evolved 2 days ago, so later today he'll be married. Also, the v4 is going to come today or tomorrow! Heeheehee! I'm just giddy with anticipation!

Kayne: Me too! I want a new friend!

Tania: As do I!

Everyone: YAY!!!

Tania: Onputchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 412 Tone, 382 Rythm, 416 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 71lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 2190

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut/Matchmaker.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Sunnytchi

Parents: Planetchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 3

Points: 130

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Marriage and Departure.

That v4 I promised CAME! Woohoo! When I hatched it there was a male tsubutchi and it became a Harutchi. His name is Terry.

Terry: Hey y'all!

Kayne: Sun! Hey there! Sun!

Tania: HI, I'm Tania. This one has NO MANNERS. His name is Kayne.

Kayne: Be quiet!

Terry: Uh... guys?

Tania: No, you!

Kayne: Make me!

Me: *double time outs*

Terrry: That was... interesting...

Me: Agreed :/

Tania: Onputchi

Age: 3

Skill Points: 436 Tone, 406 Rythm, 444 Original

Music: Classical

Weight: 78lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 40

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut/Matchmaker.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Characters: Sunnytchi

Parents: Planetchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 3

Points: 130

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Marriage and Departure.

Terry: Harutchi

Age: 0

Skill Points: 1 Intellectual, 11 Arts, 1 Social.

Weight: 38lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

So, instead of trying for the bad care families, since I had a female Omutuchi, now a Belltchi named Camelia, I decided to instead just try for the secret character Makkiko from Watatchi. That's right, Kayne married a Memetchi and created a female Omututchi.

Also, Terry evolved into Young Androtchi and went into school with Mr. Canvas to get his Social Points up.

Nothing new with Tania.

Terry: beepbeepbeeeeep I really like this new look beepboopboooop.

Tania: *sigh* Teenagers.

Camelia: But I'm cuuute!

Tania: Yes you are! coochi coochi coo!

Terry: Beepboop *sigh* adults. Krzzrt-zrt.

Me: *sigh*, Tamagotchis :/

JKJK! I love you all!

All Tamas: US TO KAJAH!!

Tania: Onputchi

Age: 4

Skill Points: 616 Tone, 594 Rythm, 612 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 87lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 40

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut/Matchmaker.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Belltchi

Parents: Planetchi, Mememamatchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 4

Points: 130

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Terry: Young Androtchi.

Age: 1

Skill Points: 25 Intellectual, 36 Arts, 41 Social.

Weight: 79lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Regular School..

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Camelia has evolved into an...

Camelia: Ich--

Terry: STRAWBERRRY!!! *tries to nom*

Me: *Time-out* TERRY! You don't EAT your sister! THAT is an Ichigotchi. Sorry Camelia.

Camelia: *shudders in fear*

Tania: *sigh* What is wrong with this family of tamas? WHY AM I HERE?!?!

Feyir: Tania!

Me: WAH! Feyir?!?! How are you here?

Feyir: *dissappears*

Me: Oh! ghostly! Speaking of ghosts, TAMA!

Tama: It's about darn time you called!

Everyone: HEY TAMA!

Well, now onto status--

Tama: One line? That's it? well, just for that, I get to tell what happened.

Me: Fair enough. Go!

Tama: So, Tania is still 5 and on pause, Terry is also on pause and still a Young Androtchi, and Camelia, as you know, is an Ichigotchi, on her way to a Watatchi to become Makkiko! That's it!

Tania: Onputchi

Age: 5

Skill Points: 616 Tone, 594 Rythm, 612 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 87lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 40

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut/Matchmaker.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Belltchi

Parents: Planetchi, Mememamatchi

Bonds: 10%

Generation: 4

Points: 130

Recent Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Terry: Young Androtchi.

Age: 1

Skill Points: 25 Intellectual, 36 Arts, 41 Social.

Weight: 79lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Regular School..

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.

I'm sorry for not being able to update until now... Saw the AVENGERS!... sorry. Anyway, Terry became...

Terry: *jumps like crazy* The Ninja Tamagotchi, Gozarutchi!!! Also, I got a job shooting plus signs with fire behind them with a circle... um...

Me: *in pokedex voice* Gozarutchi-- A universal Tamagotchi on the v4

And Camelia became...

Camelia: Watatchi! Then, like, after using the mirror, a beautiful, like, Makkiko!

Me: Makkiko-- The phychotic curl-obsessed Tamag-

Camelia: *slaps Cain*

Me: *time-out*

Tania: o_O um......... o...kay... Y'know, now that I'm six, the Matchmaker SHOULD be coming, but he's not.

Terry: *jumps to her* It's okay. Try again tomorrow.

Camelia: Like, yeah. I'm sure he'll, like, come to you with a hot, like, dude!

Me: The word "like," when not used to imply similarity of some form of adoration is SO overused -_-

Tama: Um....... So......... How was the Avengers?

Me: "Hmmph. Puny God" --Hulk

Tania: Onputchi

Age: 6

Skill Points: 784 Tone, 774 Rythm, 760 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 84lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 40

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut/Matchmaker.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Makkiko

Parents: Planetchi, Mememamatchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 4

Points: 130

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Dating Show..

Terry: Gozarutchi.

Age: 4

Skill Points: 27 Intellectual, 36 Arts, 46 Social.

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 4

Points: 3230

Recent Occurences: Job.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.

So, in regards to children, Tania met an Androtchi and gave birth to Maria, who is currently a Tamatchi.

I'm going to keep Makkiko for a while because I like her, although she can have children whenever I want, I checked.

Terry met a Mimitchi and gave birth to a girl, who he has yet to name.

Maria: Kajah, Can I be a Memetchi?

Me: Of course, but for now, get some sleep!

Maria: Okey! ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz...

Terry: Come on... c'mere ???.

???:Gaa! gogogaga!!!

Camelia: I wonder who I'll, like, marry... can I get married tomorrow?

Terry: Yeah Kajah... All good things must come to an end.

Me: Okay... My plan is, unless I get a male Mimifuwatchi, in which case I'll try for Kuromametchi, I'll get the Large Family.

Tama: *giggle* your kids might be fatties.

Camelia: OH YEAH?! *fights Tama*

Me: *time-out to Camelia and scold to Tama*

Maria: Tamatchi

Age: 0

Skill Points: 269 Tone, 266 Rythm, 267 Original

Music: Classical

Weight: 15lbs

Generation: 5

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution/School.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Makkiko

Parents: Planetchi, Mememamatchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 4

Points: 130

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Dating Show.

Terry: Gozarutchi.

Age: 7

Skill Points: 27 Intellectual, 36 Arts, 46 Social.

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 2660

Recent Occurences: Job.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.

And my promise came true! at promptly 7:00 AM I awoke with Makkiko and took her straight to the dating place. She met an Uhygoutchi (sp?) who then became a Memepapatchi and produced THREE Eggs. First out of is confining shell was Krayle, the male Omututchi. Next was Greyne, the female Omututchi. Lastly was Brakayle, the male Futabatchi. Krayle, one hour later, evolved into Ahirukutchi. Greyne into a Belltchi, and Brakayle into a Mattaritchi. I hope to make them Bakutchi, Ichigotchi, and Korokotchi, respectfully.

Maria evolved into a Chamametchi, so Mission Memetchi is in action. Terry has not left his child in my hands, but he will tonight. THAT was a LOT!!

Krayle: I like my liik, but I look too much like a supersized Brakayle.

Brakayle: Hey! I look good!

Greyne: Of COURSE you do... but once we become fatties we won't!

Terry: Let me guess, large family?

Maria: Yep :/ I'm just glad I can't turn into it.

Krayle: Lucky!

Me: HEY! At least Your childrem will be majorly downsized, so it will be evened out!

Maria: Tamatchi

Age: 0

Skill Points: 269 Tone, 266 Rythm, 267 Original

Music: Classical

Weight: 15lbs

Generation: 5

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution/School.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.


Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Ahirukutchi, Belltchi, Mattaritchi

Parents: Majorite, Memepapatchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 5

Points: 140

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Terry: Gozarutchi.

Age: 8

Skill Point: 27 Intellectual, 36 Arts, 46 Social.

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 2660

Recent Occurences: Matchmaker.

Future Occurences: Departure Tonight.

So... my imptience will be my downfall. I decided to just reset the time and set it back. Terry left at "midnight," leaving Creme in my care.

Brakayle: Aww... almost as cute as us.

Krayle: Yeah... keeyoote!

Greyne: Aw...

Maria: Hey there Creme! Welcome to Kajah's log,

Tama: Welcome to the family Creme.




Everyone: *covers ears*

Creme: *loses hungry heart*

Me: Baby stages ;_; :angry: :angry: <_<

Since the stats for the Howel family and Maria are the same, only Creme's stats will be posted.

Creme: Shirotsubutchi.

Age: 0

Skill Point: 6 Intellectual, 0 Arts, 0 Social.

Weight: 7lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 3060

Recent Occurences: Birth.

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

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Alright, Mission Fatties is still going on for the Howel family. Maria just got a bad consisting of a Hinotamatchi and a Nonopotchi, after evolving herself into Chamametchi. They are called Threyil. This generation on my v4 I'm going to be keeping stats up and weight down by never feeding Creme snacks to boost happy hearts, but by playing games.

After Maria leaves, I thikn I'm mgoing to take the battery out of my v6 because three tamagotchis is too much to handle... I'm sorry v6-tama-fans.

Maria: I guess it's for the best...

Me: My plan is to leave my v6 unactive for a month, then my v4, but leave my v5 always active. Reason being that it's a secret tama and I need it when my dad takes one away.

Creme: Well, let's enjoy Maria's generation. Last night promptly onr hour after Terry left me I became a Harutchi.

Maria: My band and I are doing great.

Krayle:We'll all be really fat soon.

Tama: And I don't exist. although Cain may get a new tama soon so... My spirit may be put into that Tamagotchi using my name./

Me: That's been in the works for a long time. We also got all of the shop-code items on my v4 so :D :D :D !!!

Maria: Chamametchi

Age: 1

Skill Points: 312 Tone, 305 Rythm, 309 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 20lbs

Generation: 5

Points: 2000

Recent Occurences: Band.

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Ahirukutchi, Belltchi, Mattaritchi

Parents: Majorite, Memepapatchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 5

Points: 140

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Creme: Harutchi.

Age: 0

Skill Point: 21 Intellectual, 0 Arts, 12 Social.

Weight: 14lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 3560

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: School.

Maria evolved into Sebiretchi, and i saw it coming with all the horrible care I've been giving her. Creme is 1 year old, however still Harutchi. He will evolve in about an hour. Mission Fatties is still underway.

Tama is, of course, still a spirit Nyorotchi, but soon to be transferred... I gave Creme multiple praises and time-outs today, rarely feeding her snacks, but her weight is still pretty big for a toddler. 20lbs.

Brakayle, Krayne, and Greyne: LUCKY HER SHE'S SO LIGHT!!!!!

Maria: Calm down everyone... Guys, at least your sons and daughter's weight will balance it out. Take a chill pill... *uses laptop to watch Chuggaaconroy*

Also, as a side note, Creme was accepted into school however she never went, so it's irrelevant.

Maria: Sebiretchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 368 Tone, 357 Rythm, 367 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 25lbs

Generation: 5

Points: 4000

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut.

Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Ahirukutchi, Belltchi, Mattaritchi

Parents: Majorite, Memepapatchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 5

Points: 140

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Creme: Harutchi.

Age: 1

Skill Point: 30 Intellectual, 6 Arts, 22 Social.

Weight: 21lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 4410

Recent Occurences: Pre-School.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

The triplets evolved into:

Krayle: Korokotchi

Brakayle: Mamekatchi

Greyne: Shelltchi

Creme became Young Mimitchi and I'm raising up Intelligence points with Mr. Turtlepedia so she can become a Mimitchi.

Creme: Wow... a real life Mimitchi! I HOPE i won't become a Universal care like Daddy... I want to be a great Mimitchi!

Greyne: I bet you will. Unfortunately We'll all be fatties... WAH!

Maria: Calm down everyone! Let me play a song on my piano. *plays Mozart*

Everyone: Oooh! Aaah!

Maria: Sebiretchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 396 Tone, 381 Rythm, 391 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 25lbs

Generation: 5

Points: 4000

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut.

Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Korokotchi, Shelltchi, Mamekatchi

Parents: Majorite, Memepapatchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 5

Points: 140

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Creme: Young Mimitchi .

Age: 1

Skill Point: 30 Intellectual, 6 Arts, 22 Social.

Weight: 21lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 4410

Recent Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution

Sorry for the late post, but I haven't had time to log except now. Mission fatties failed, but Mission kuromametchi may not have. I forgot that it was a male FUTABATCHI that made Hatugatchi, and that's exactly what Brakayle became! All I need is a sesame bum and it's Kuromametchi time! As for the other tamas, Krayle became a Mukugetchi and Greyne became Potatoetchi. Creme became a Mimitchi and will get a job sometime today. Again, I apologize for the late post, but I was just so busy! I will put in funny dialogue later, but I only have a few minutees. I apologize.

Maria: Sebiretchi

Age: 4

Skill Points: 500 Tone, 489 Rythm, 507 Original

Music: Jazz

Weight: 25lbs

Generation: 5

Points: 4000

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut.

Family: Blended

Family Name: Howel

Character(s): Mukugetchi, Potatoetchi, Hatugatchi

Parents: Majorite, Memepapatchi

Bonds: 20%

Generation: 5

Points: 140

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Creme: Mimitchi .

Age: 3

Skill Point: 34 Intellectual, 6 Arts, 22 Social.

Weight: 69lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 609

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Job.

Hatugatchi evolved into... yeah, no surprise, Kuromametchi. I know who I'll marry... GREYNE! for... the EASYGOING Family!!!
