Kajah's Awesome log of Amazingness (Take 2)


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Five days later, Here I am on page 4!!!!!!

Reson I'm so late is because of a sudden trip to Massachusetts with no internet acess... but my Tamas came. Go figure -_-

Anyway, now statistics:

Mikey recieved his walking cane and retired two days ago. He's now rocking the age of 17! Wow, great job Mikey!!!

The family on the v5 evolved into Chamametchi, Mamekatchi, and Kokorotchi, then into... Their parents, Lovezukinnitchi, Hatugatchi, and Potetchi. Then, as usual, I used teh Steamed bun and Kuromametchi evolved from Hatugatchi.Since they are of marrying age I married off kuromametchi to a Violetchi and got three bouncing eggs. What they hatched into are:

Egg 1: Mimifuwatchi Female

Egg 2: Mimifuwatchi Male

Egg 3: Futabatchi Female

I have a plan to get Makkiko and Kuromametchi at the same time. Just watch > :D

My v6, after going to a swinning lesson then a long trip, has died. Acquilla left and Rigel, named after the blue supergiant star in Orion's foot, was born.

He was a baby boy, then a Kuchitamatchi, and now a Kikitchi. I want to marry him to a tama in the v5, possibly Makkiko.

I guess that'll be it for today. Sorry there's no dialogue, but I have some work to catch up on. Bye all!

Family: Blended

Family Name: Notes

Character(s): Mimifuwatchi (x2), Futabatchi.

Parents:Mamamametchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 4

Points: 1430

Recent Occurences: .Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution

Mikey: Oyajitchi.

Age: 17

Skill Point: 8 Intellectual, 35 Arts, 138 Social.

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 7350

Recent Occurences: Oldie Evolution.

Future Occurences: Breaking the record.

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Hey all!!! Let's kick off today with a loggie!

Only two evolutions today and one was on little 3 year old Rigel! He became... *insert zelda "you-got-the-thing" fanfare* MAMETCHI! His band, Sakura, is currently Rigel on Keyboard, Thu the kunotchi on Mega Drums, and Ryo the Kuchipatchi on guitar! I'm trying to get them Pro Debut! It would be awesome if one of my band members married Rigel, but who knows!

Also, the v5 triplets grew one more year.

Maddie the Mimifuwatchi became Sakuramochi.

Henri the other Mimifuwatchi became Mousetchi.

Celia the Futabatchi became Tororotchi.

Nothing else happeneed today besides everyone growing another year. C'est la vie!

Maddie: I want another year! i WANNA GROW UP TO BE--

MMikey: SHADDAUP! Young whippersnappers and ruinin' ma hearin' aids. Whuzzat Kajah/

Me: I didn't say anything Mikey.

Mikey: SPEAK UP!!!

Henri: Please stop shouting Mikey, there's no need.

Celia: Um... I agree... umm.


Me: Miiikey!!!

Rigel: Umm.... What in the name of Gotchi King is going on?

Everyone except mikey: o_o *Watches as Mikey argues with nothing.*

Family: Blended

Family Name: Notes

Character(s): Sakuramochi, Mousetchi, Tororotchi

Parents:Mamamametchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 10%

Generation: 4

Points: 1430

Recent Occurences: .Toddler Evolution

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution

Mikey: Oyajitchi.

Age: 17

Skill Point: 8 Intellectual, 35 Arts, 138 Social.

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 7350

Recent Occurences: Oldie Evolution.

Future Occurences: Breaking the record.

Yay! v5 evolutions!!!!!

Sakuramochi became Chamametchi. (Prediction- Lovezukinitchi)

Mousetchi became Makekatchi (Prediction-- Hatugatchi/ Kuromametchi.)

Tororotchi became Shelltchi (Prediction--- Watatchi/ Makkiko.)

Mikey did nothing except just be old... That's about it...

Rigel, However, got PRO DEBUT! W00T! Go Rigel!

I'm going to start logging my v6 like before.


Tama: Nice to have ya back Rigel!


Mikey: Who are you young spry whipperschnapper?

Rigel: I'm Rige--



Family: Blended

Family Name: Notes

Character(s): Chamametchi, Mamekatchi, Shelltchi

Parents:Mamamametchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 30%

Generation: 4

Points: 1430

Recent Occurences: .Toddler Evolution

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution

Mikey: Oyajitchi.

Age: 19

Skill Point: 8 Intellectual, 35 Arts, 138 Social.

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 9480

Recent Occurences: Oldie Evolution.

Future Occurences: Breaking the record.

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So, I never said this, but my plan was a sucess! I got a kuroMametchi and Makkiko at the same time. Two days later, I married Makkiko to Rigel. On my v6 is a Mametchi, a Nazotchi (Makkiko) and a baby boy!

On me v5 is a Female Mimifuwatchi, a Male of the same species, and a female Futabatchi. Their Mother was Luvzukinitchi, evolved from Chamametchi, and the father is a Hatugatchi. Now they are Mamamametchi and Papamametchi respectively.

Rigel: Isn't he just the cutest dear?

Celia: Yes, of Course Rigel dear.

Sonia (Female Mimifuwatchi): BUT I AM TOO, RIGHT AUNTIE???

Ryo (Male Mimifuwatchi): Cain I be with you Aunt Celia?

celia: Sorry guys, but I have my own child, your cousin.

Hope (Female Futabatchi): But... um... Can--

Mikey: WIL YOU ALL STOP AND SHADDAUP! MY HEARING AID CAINT TAKE ALL THIS YAPPING!! At the ripe old age of 22 years I should be able to sleep in PEACE

Sonia, Ryo, Hope, and ???: WAAH!!

Mikey: Awh, quit yher blubbring, *poops self*

Everyone: Eew......

Tama: Uh... Hi...?

Celia: TAMA! Pleasure to---- WHO IS THAT IMPOSTOR!?!?

Mailman: Uh... Miss Celia, I'm just the Mailman Naz--


Mailman: *screams like a girl and runs away*

Rigel: Uh... honey... please ca--

Celia: I'M CALM!!!

???: Waaaahhhh!

Me: Let's... end this madness....

Tama: and fast!

Rigel: Mametchi

Age: 7

Skill Points: 686 Tone, 649 Rythm, 605 Original

Music: Rock and Roll

Weight: 30lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 5715230

Recent Occurences: Marriage.

Future Occurences: Departure.

Family: Blended

Family Name: Notes

Character(s): Mimifuwatchi (2x), Futabatchi

Parents:Mamamametchi, Papamametchi


Generation: 5

Points: 1430

Recent Occurences: .Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution


Mikey: Oyajitchi.

Age: 19

Skill Point: 8 Intellectual, 35 Arts, 138 Social.

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 9480

Recent Occurences: Oldie Evolution.

Future Occurences: Breaking the record.

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Rigel and Celia's little boy were left in my hands and I named Him Canis major (Canismjr) after the constellation of the same name.

As for the triplets on thev5, My main tama is Sakuramochi, the Mousetchi, Then Tororotchi. I hope Sakuramochi evolves into Memetchi so I can get the Meme family. Their bonding is already 80%!!

As for Mikey he is a quarter of the way to 100 Years old! Yessiree, 25!!

Sorry for no stats/dialogue but I'm on my iPod, but those will come later. See yah!!!!!!!!!

V4: Mikey died at 34 and Evan, currently a Gozaruchi, took his place. His battery is dead so I'm not running him.

V6: Canis major is still here, but deactivated because his battery is in a Pokewalker.

V5: This one is active and on the 8th generation with a Sakuramoci and Ahirukitchi. The parents are Petioyatchi and Mamametchi (Violetchi)

I am going to make a few promises so this kind of wait never happens again.

I PROMISE to post EVERY 1-2 days, whenever something happens.

I PROMISE to post EVERY time something important happens to my tamas.

I apologize for the long wait guys. Surprise trips to Paris ARE fun though.

So, my v5 gave birth to a Female Mimifuwatchi and a male Omututchi. They grew into a SakuramOchi and Ahirukutchi. Then Shelltcho and Kokorotchi. Afterward I got Potetchi and Masuritchi. After a little while of neglect I received a Kunotchi and a Gozarutchi. NOw, a bit of news, I won't be able to post the tags I did before, but I will tell all necessary information, like bonding. For his school year, since being a new freshman can be hard, I will only be running one Tama at a time, and for now it's the v5.

Bye for now y'all!!!

I will reply back after I marry Kunotchi to someone in about... Oh... 5 seconds?

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Kunotchi married a Nemutchi and evolved into a okugatatchi, and Nemutchi into a Papapatchi. They gave birth to a female Mimifuwatchi and a Male Futabatchi. Prediction Evolution, Sakuramochi and Ahirukutchi. I hope to get something completely random, randomize the bonding patterns.

Dear readers of this log:

I think it's time to brush away the cobwebs on this thing. The reason I was gone was because a certain somebody coughcoughdadcoughcough took away internet acess, so I didn't have Tamatalk, but I DO NOW! I'm going to start beck here with my v4. I completely restarted so I would start over completely, fresh.

When my tama hatched last night I saw a little baby boy bouncing on screen... My little Toby.

I decided to leave him alone during his baby stage, but took care of him for about 30 minutes before leaving him on his own. Right after evolving into a Mizutamatchi, he fell asleep. Of course, his stats are empty, but I'll get them up today. As usual, It's time to pick a color.

I will be black

Toby will be Purple

Tama, my recurring humor character, will be light blue

I encourage you all to contact me if you have any questions or anything. I will also have an interactive "Mail Palace," for people who want to send in questions to the tamas. Keep it coming, and I hope to have fun!

In addition, as soon as I get batteries, my v6 and v5 will be joining us too!

Kajah, Tama, and Toby

My v5 has joined, and the v6 will in about an hour-ish.

My v5 is Currently:

Martin, the Male Omututchi

Cherri, the female Futabatchi

Pikori, the male Mimifuwatchi

Me: So, now that all that is in order, let's talk, shall we?

Martin: Yes Kajah, Hello everybody reading this log.

Cherri: Lighten up Martin, there's no... OMG! Someone just texted me something funny! LOL!

Tama: Wait, you're less than 30 minutes old and you already have a cell phone?

Pikori: Don' queschin 'er Tama.

Tama: And how do you have a Southern accent? Jeez! What is wrong with this family! We've got The Smartypants, The TechnoAddict, and The Redneck!


Toby: SHADDAUP!!!!! Gosh, can't we just all get along?

Me: 0.o Um... I thought these personalitis were good.

Tama: Apparently not...

Everyone: *laughs*

Toby: In other news, Ms. Frill came and I've been to school twice! I love singing with her!

Tama: Remember to stay educated!

Toby: Okey dokey!

I think this is a fairly good sized post, so I'll se y'all around!

Toby: Mizutamatchi

Age: 0

Skill Points: 0 Intellectual, 6 Arts, 0 Social.

Weight: 37lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 50

Username: Artsy

Recent Occurences: School.

Future Occurences: Departure.

Family: Blended

Family Name: Hope!

Character(s): Mimifuwatchi, Futabatchi, Omututchi

Parents: N/A

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 1

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: .Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution

Kajah, Tama, Pikori, Martin, Cherri, and Toby

Aah! no posts for 3 days!! What is this madness!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I'm back with the ADULTS!

We skipped their teen stages, but on the v5 I had a Mamekatchi, Bakutchi, and Chamametchi, and a Hinotamatchi on my v4.

Now, why don't i let the Tamas tell you about themselves.

Toby: Hey y'all, I am an awesome Ninja Tama! THAT"S RIGHT! GOZARUTCHI HERE!!!!

Pikori: 'ey Tob, Calm yerself dow'! We don needcha talkin' like thayit!!!

Martin: Please, Pikori my dear Hatugatchi, learn to speak properly.

Pikori: I ain't never gonna do thayit! y'alls know Ima sutherner! Dang Uhyotchis are always on mah case!

Cheri: What can a Watatchi do to get her hair straight around here! It's more tangled then a christmas tree's lights! Yikes!

Toby: o_O I... Don't know where this is going...

Tama: Yeeeeaaahhh... um..... care to end this soon Kajah?

Me: Nope! *grabs popcorn*

v5: *Agruing*

In other news, the v5 should be ready to marry either tomorrow or the next day.

Toby: Gozarutchi

Age: 4

Skill Points: 0 Intellectual, 6 Arts, 0 Social.

Weight: 80lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 50

Username: Artsy

Recent Occurences: Adult Evoloution.

Future Occurences: Job.




Family: Blended

Family Name: Hope!

Character(s): Uhyotchi, Watatchi, Hatugatchi

Parents: N/A

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 1

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: .Adult evolution

Future Occurences: Dating show

Well, Toby died, because my dad fails at Tamasitting. I explain everything to him, and he says, "Hey, your tama evolved!" But it's an adult and only 5...

Apparently it "evlved" into a spaceship back home.

Pikori: Stressful, ain't it pardner?

Cherri: We're sorry for both you and Toby.

Tama: Uhh, don't people say that to you, Kajah, irl?


Martin: I believe it is, "Be quie--"


What a family. Oh, yeah, Pikori, tell us what you are now?


Everyone else: *ears bleed*

v5: So Kajah, who's getting married.

Well, I've thought long and hard, but I've decided it shall be... WATATCHI!!!


Everyone else: -_-


Me: I'll try Tama. I'll try...

0.o What is wrong with me...

Turn's out, I'm able to marry Watatchi NOW! I am going to marry and restart my v4 at the same time. Wish me lick in the next post!!

Family: Blended

Family Name: Hope!

Character(s): Uhyotchi, Watatchi, Hatugatchi

Parents: N/A

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 1

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: .Adult evolution

Future Occurences: Dating show

They've been both started at the same time. Cherri became a Mememamatchi, and her husband, a Furikotchi, became Papamametchi.

They gave birth to one baby, which is a Male Omututchi. I want to get a Mametchi this generation. The child's name is Decore

On my v4, Teani (pronounced: Tawnee) was born as a girl.

Two uncommon names in one go! let's do this!




Me: Sigh... wait, Tama?!?! What in the world?

Tama: It's Taoism! Go with the flow!

Me: What??? Why are you reading my school project?!?!

Tama: BEcause I ca--

Decore and Teani: FEED US KAJAH!


Decore: *poops*


Teani: Baby Girl

Age: 0

Skill Points: 0 Intellectual, 0 Arts, 0 Social.

Weight: 20lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 0

Username: Artsy

Recent Occurences: Birth.

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution.




Family: Blended

Family Name: Hope!

Character(s): Omututchi

Parents: Mememamatchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution

I'm going to from now on refer to my v4 and v5 combo as, The Twins.

In any case, The Twins and I are doing great! TEll us what happened today guys!

Decore: Wew, we got some bownding after I became Ahirukitchi...

Teani: A-and I went to pweskol after becoming Puchitchi.

Ms. Frill: That's preschool, dear.

Decore: WAHH! Who aah you lady?!?!

Ms. Frill: I am Teani's teacher, Ms. Frill

Decore: Oh. Hi Ms. Gill

Ms. Frill: That's Frill, not gill.

Decore: Krill?

Teani: Frill.

Decore: Pill?


Tama: CALM DOWN! Jeez, I can't sleep!

Me: The better thing to say is, WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING AT 6 IN THE EVENING!!!

Tama: Because YOLO!

Everyone: *stares*

Tama: What?

Me: Leave. My. Presence.

TAma: Whaaaaat???


Tama: But you just said it.


Ms. Frill: I'm... going... to leave....



Ms. Frill, Decore, and Teani: RUN AWAY!!

Teani: Puchitchi

Age: 0

Skill Points: 0 Intellectual, 0 Arts, 0 Social.

Weight: 61lbs (GAme time!)

Generation: 1

Points: 0

Username: Artsy

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution/School

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.




Family: Blended

Family Name: Hope!

Character(s): Ahirukitchi

Names (In order of appearance in Character): Decore

Parents: Mememamatchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution

Decore: Wow Teani, you grew up so fast!

Teani: I know, right! I'm a beautiful Ojyotchi! Isn't my bow just FABOO!!??!?!?

Decore: Yeah! I wanna be a big and strong guy too!

Teani: You'll be a Teen someday...

Tama: Actually, that'll be later tonight!

Me: Yep, I hope you'll be a good one!

Decore: I'm gonna be big and strong!

Everyone: GO DECORE!

Teani: Also, I totally got accepted into Mr. Canvas's school!

Tama: Cool!!!

Me: I keep thinking your a boy. XD

Teani: Is my sprite really that bad?

Me: Yup.

Eveyone: *laughs*

In other, sad news...

Teani: I HATE THE ROBBER! I had 900 points Kajah slaved to get, and then the robber takes 800!!!

Me: Next time I see him, I"m using a download trick to get rid of him

--Reset and Download before he steals. He'll go away.--

Teani: Ojyotchi

Age: 1

Skill Points: 0 Intellectual, 0 Arts, 0 Social.

Weight: 80lbs (GAme time!)

Generation: 1

Points: 100 (DANG IT ROBBER!!!)

Username: Artsy

Recent Occurences: Teenager Evolution

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.




Family: Blended

Family Name: Hope!

Character(s): Ahirukitchi

Names (In order of appearance in Character): Decore

Parents: Mememamatchi, Papamametchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution

A'iight. Let's get to this!

Decore evolved into a Korokotchi, then into a Mukugetchi. It was a Gozarutchi for a short time, so the parents are now Okugatatchi and Kasiratchi. However, He's a Mukugetchi again.

I never gave Teani any skill points, so she's a maskitchi. I want her to get a job soon, but I havent even gotten any job letters!

JUST A QUICK NOTE: If you want to be a part of a Group hatch on Thursday the 22 (Thanksgiving) Then sign up for it here-- https://www.tamatalk....ing-day-hatch/

Decore: Why am I so fat?!?! I'm not even a part of the large family! Waaaah!!!!!

Teani:Calm down will you?!?! Everything is going to be fine!

Tama: That's ERB!!!!

Everyone: ERB!!! YAY!!!

Teani: NO! Mr. Robber please no!!!

Tama: *Throws robber in trash*

Robber: Uuuugh....

Decore: Let me. *Uses nunchucks and Kung Fu.*

Robber: Wheeeeeeeeeeeee......

Teani: Tell me how mars looks! Ooh, a job letter! Byeeeee~~~

Me: *sigh*... Tamas...

Teani: Ooh, a laboratory!!!

Judges: NO! NO!NO!!!

Teani: Waah... The circus?

Judges: NO! NO!NO!!!

Teani: I'm leaving!!!!!

Me: No, nononono! Wait! stay Tea--


Teani: Maskitchi

Age: 5

Skill Points: 0 Intellectual, 0 Arts, 0 Social.

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Points: 700

Username: Artsy

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurences: Job.




Family: Blended

Family Name: Hope!

Character(s): Mukugetchi

Names (In order of appearance in Character): Decore

Parents: Okugatchi, Kasiratchi

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurences: Dating Show.

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