Karina's True Love...


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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2009
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Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever.
Once there was a beautiful :) named Karina. She was very popular among the boys, but all the girls hated her (except for her best friend, a :D named Miranda) because she thought she was more popular, pretty and smart than everyone else. She had a crush on a KuroMametchi named Kyle. One day while she was in Tamagotchi School he walked by her and she was love struck more than she had ever been. Immediately blushing (and regretting it), she whispered "Hi!" "Did you say something?"Kyle asked her. "Ummm..." Karina said...

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..."No, I didn't say anything..." Karina said. Kyle walked up to his friend Micheal, a Tosakatchi( who was holding hands with Miranda :kuribotchi: ) and the two boys walked away, leaving Karina alone with Miranda. "You're blushing, Karina! Who do you like. C'mon, tell me the truth!" Karina :) mumbled somthing that Miranda couldn't understand. "What?" "Um, Kyle." She blushed and said. :D "Oh, want me to tell him?" Miranda asked. "NO, PLEASE DON'T!" Karina came close to screaming it. "Oh, ok don't worry, I will!" and Miranda rushed off. Later, during science class with :hitodetchi: , a note appeared on her desk in Miranda's scratchy handwriting that said...

The note said: HAHAHA! I told Kyle! Now he'll NEVER like you!

Karina put her hands over her mouth. Then Kyle, Michael and Miranda entered the room. Karina blushed and quickly ducked under the tall desk. Miranda and Michael walked past her, but Kyle went and sat at Karina's table. As soon as the teacher wasn't looking, he ducked his head under the table and his eyes met Karina's. He blushed with a smile.

"So I heard you like me."

"Uh...." Karina mumbled. "Yeah, I like you." Her head sunk and her face turned cherry red as she gave Kyle a weak grin. He smiled back, and opened his mouth, but the teacher interrupted.

"Excuse me, Karina, kindly return to your seat." he said crossly. Kyle quickly lifted his head back up, and took out his books.

"Oh, sorry." Karina said, turning even redder. She stood up and went back to her seat, Miranda watching and giggling.

"Now class, take out your notebooks and copy down the chart on the board." the teacher said, turning away. Kyle immediatly began writing in his notebook, but it wasn't the chart. He carefully ripped out the page in his notebook, folded it up, and kept it in his pocket without Karina noticing.

That afternoon, Karina shuffled down the hall, and noticed a folded up paper taped to her locker.

"Probably Miranda again." she grumbled. But as she approached the locker, she noticed such an exquisite handwriting that Miranda would never be capable of. And written in that handwriting, "Kyle". Karina blushed, and took the note off the locker.

'Karina,' it read. 'I know you like me, and I have to admit I like you too. I was wondering if you were free over the weekend, and if you are, maybe we could go see a movie? -Kyle'

Karina smiled ear to ear. Then she felt a touch on her shoulder. She turned around. It was....

It was Miranda.

"Miranda! How could you do this to me?" wailed Karina, before "I asked you not to tell ANYONE. I thought we were friends!"

Miranda snatched the note away from Karina, and quickly scanned it over. "He asked you out! Why the heck are you so upset?"

"I'm upset because I feel like I can't trust my best friend any more! I don't care that he likes me, all that matters is you did exactly what I asked you not to, and for bad reasons!" Karina pulled out the note in Miranda's scribbly, mocking handwriting.

Miranda scanned this one, too. "I didn't write this," she said, matter-of-factly. "This isn't my handwriting. This isn't my note. I would never do anything to hurt you intentionaly, Karina. I thought you knew that."

It was then that both notes were ripped out of Karina's hands from behind. Karina whirled around, daggars in her eyes, to be confronted with the face of...

It was Kyle. He wore a confused look on his face as he gazed at the two girls.

"What the heck is going on?" he questioned.

"Kyle!" Karina said. "Who told you that I like you? Who wrote that note?!"

Kyle turned red in the face. He held one of the notes.

"I wrote this."

"WHAT?!" Karina screamed. "Why?!"

"Well, I always knew you liked me, and to be honest, I liked you too." Kyle began. "I didn't know how to tell you, so I didn't. Then one day I overheard Miranda asking you who you liked. I heard the whole thing. Then as she ran down the hall I knew this was a chance to tell you, so I wrote the note."

"Then why was the handwriting all scribbly, and why did you say you TOLD Kyle?" Karina said.

"What?" Kyle said.

"That note!" Karina said, pointing to the note in the scribbly handwriting.

"Oh, that note." Kyle said with a grin. "Michael wrote that one. I was talking about the one I put on your locker. Michael also heard the conversation, and he told me you liked me, and gave you that note. Then I knew it was safe to give you the other one."

"So...you like me back?" Karina said slowly.

"Yeah." Kyle scratched the back of his neck and looked at the ceiling, avoiding Karina and Miranda's gaze. For a while, the three of them stood in a puddle of awkwardness.

"Kyle, don't you have a boyfriend?" Miranda asked suddenly. "I heard from Joseph-"

"Who?" Kyle and Karina asked in unison.

"That kuchipatchi that always sits in the corner talking about sci-fi. Turns out he gossips a lot too, and last I heard, Kyle was going out with that Dazzilitchi girl Amethyst two grades ahead of us."

"Excuse me for sounding rude, but you're sadly mistaken. I only like one girl right now, and that's Karrie."


Kyle turned around to face Karina."Yeah, that's what Miranda calls you, isn't it?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Who did?"

"ME." A very angry Ura Memetchi that the group hadn't noticed earlier slammed her locker rather forcefully. She stomped over to the group and slapped Kyle across the face.

"Who the heck are you?" Kyle cried, rubbing his face.

"You mean you don't remember me?" The Ura Memetchi screamed.

"Ummm no."

"All that time we spent together?" She was crying now. "I'm Alyssa, your girlfriend from elementary school!"

Kyle had a confused look on his face. "Uh, you mean my EX-Girlfriend!"

"How could you dump me like this? I thought what we had was special!" Alyssa wailed.

" I DUMPED YOU 5 YEARS AGO!!!!!" By now, Kyle was shouting too." I can only have ONE girlfriend, and right now that is Karrie!"

Alyssa stomped her foot again and then ran off wailing and sobbing.

"Well," Karina said, her flowers wilting."That was interesting."

All of a sudden, the heard the noise no student ever wants to hear: The Late Bell.

The Bell spoke the truth. They realized that there was no one else in the hallways.

As they sprinted off to class, they bumped into...

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It was Miranda and Michael, both laughing terribly hard.(When Alyssa said who she was, they slipped off.) "We saw the whole thing! You guys are VERY entertaining!" Michael laughed. Miranda, not knowing until now how mean her boyfriend was, and how he was using her to become more popular, was completely aghast. With an angry and hurt expression on her face, she went over and slapped him, and then went to class(they were already 10 minutes late). Michael slipped off to who knows where, and as Karina and Kyle walked back to class, Kyle repeated his offer to her. "Karrie, will you be my girlfriend?" Karina over at him, her eyes sparkling and her wilted flowers come back to life. "Of course!"She replied, and slipped her hand into hers. Later, at their lunch table, as they were laughing and talking, Kyle gave her a kiss. It was just a small one, but Karina knew she would remember it forever.

Tomorrow was the last day of school, and when the summer was over, they would begin attending the CEGTT, or the College for Especially Gifted and Talented Tamagotchis.

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Over the summer, Karina and Kyle grew closer and closer, spending all of their free time together. Kyle decided to take her to the beach. She liked this idea, and so the two began preparing for their vacation. One of the many things in TamaDepa was a potion that lets you breathe underwater for 1 year per sip. They purchased 2 large bottles of the raspberry flavored kind and started driving. When they arrived at the beach, they set out their blankets, umbrellas, and rented the best beach cabin they could find(they were very rich). The next morning, Karina and Kyle went outside, and discovered that Alyssa was here! They tried to stay away, and found a nice spot far away from her. Kyle read a magazine while Karina sipped the potion and went beneath the waves. It really did work, and she swam around and looked at fish. She went farther and farther from the shore. suddenly, she noticed her yellow flower floating into the murk. She dove down and grabbed it, and put it back on. As she sighed with relief, she felt someone touch her arm. She turned around, laughing and expecting it to be Kyle coming to join her. What she saw was dark silhouettes, 3 of them, circling her. One of the shadows grabbed her and jerked her down. Her bloodcurdling scream shook the water, but she was too far away for anyone to hear her. All of a sudden, she noticed her flowers were missing. "No, my flowers!!!" she sobbed! The dark silhouettes paid her no attention. The bright flowers floated up and drifted toward the exact spot where Kyle was. "Hmmm, whats that?" Kyle the Kuromametchi took off his sunglasses and saw that they were Karina's flowers!!!!!!!!!! "KARRIE!!!!" He sipped some potion and took off after her.

"Oh, where am I, and who are you, and where are my flowers, AND WHERE IS KYLE?" groaned Karina. "Oh, don't worry, my pretty. Our lady of shadow has commanded us to take intruders in her realm. But you needn't have a fate like theirs. They drowned, and you have your potion. So you should live for about... a year."The shadow spoke. "As to where you are, you are in the underwater realm of Inko. As to your flowers, who cares? As to your Kyle, I don't know." The owner of the voice came out of the shadows. It was a... Makiko? Another came out from the darkness. It was a... Ponytchi? The third appeared. It was a... Memetchi???

They circled her, their three voices sounding like one, saying," We are the Drenched, and we serve our lady of shadow, the Darkest Dazzilitchi- The Dark Lady Lilith!!!

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