Katy Perry! =D


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Katy Perry...she's okay.  I've only heard I Kissed a Girl and Hot 'n Cold.  Her songs are really catchy.
But then again, that article Axie linked...erhg... I don't know.  That's one thing I don't like about her.

Do I know you? :3

In interviews, she tried to redeem herself with a Sarah Palin-ish claim to having tons of homosexual friends and then gave a writer for thenewgay.net  the cryptic assurance, "I know gay men that are more of a man than some of the men I slept with." This, in an interview in which she also compared her confessional writing to that of Holocaust victim Anne Frank.
Thats my favorite part~

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Katy Perry Rox. I have the same name as her spelled a different way. My name is Katie. Actually, Katie-Ashlyn. Nicknamed Katie. I love all the songs from her that I hear!!
