Keep your Tama away from the principal!


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I Can Has Tamagotchi?

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
I loves this topic so I am bringing it back ;)

1) Keep the sound off.

2) Dont play with it in front of the teacher or in front of the tattle tales.

3) Put stickers on the infra-red part && the "Tamagotchi Connection" part && put it on the clock screen if someone sees.

4) If you have a locker, put it in there (best works w/ bottom lockers!)

If you have more feel free to post.


I've got a good one. You put the sound off and hide it in your desk and poke the buttons with pencils. Iv'e never tried it because my mom takes my tamas bufore school.

Our principal caught my friend with one and threatened to slam it with a sledgehammer in front of tips but we just keep ours at home...

Omai. Thats one mean principal...

Another way is to keep it in a sweatshirt pocket on a cold day, and put your hands in your pockets, so it looks like theyre cold, and then play w/ it that way. I've memorized the button locations, so i dont have to really look! ;)

lolz thats kool, what about if its summer???i put it in my bag, ask to go to the toilet except, my bags the other way, to im heading right, for the toilet, when i need to go left, to my bags to get the tama, but if i say i need a drink i will take to loooonnnnnnnnnnng wait a min! i just thought of something, i'll send in next post

i'll ask if i can get something out of my bag and if i take to long i'll say im having trouble looking ^^ smart!

I love the hoodie idea :D ive used that before. YAY MEMORIZATION! I keep my tam in my purse and use it while no one is looking. I keep him in my locker sometimes, but not often because he gets hungry when I leave him in there and then I cant feed him cause I'm in class D: Pencil Boxes are good hiding spots too :D The hard kind, like the ones you have in elementary school. You square off a little space for your tama, so hes nice and safe. Then, when your getting a "pencil" check up on him and you dont need to take him out of the box! :D I've used that all through middle school and I'm in high school now and it still works ;D

I have never been brave enough to do any of them ^_^ but as soon as the October break ends I will take it every day ! :angry:

I keep getting a plan to take my tama into class, but I'm too much of a ''goody-goody'' and will go insane if I don't follow the rules. But I do keep it sleep in my locker.

If you come straight home after school do the sleep trick, and if you don't come home still do the sleep trick. And keep it in your bag/locker.

I'm not good with tips/tricks because no one at my school cares about Tamagotchis. Not even the teachers.

I just turn the sound off and play with it when no one is looking. But that only works if you are an elementary schooler.
i in 6 grade i still can use it wile person not looking
