Keeping your Tama safe


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
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The back of my head.
All (real, offical) tamas live in a plastic egg made by Bandai. This egg contains all the coponents that keep your tama alive. If you did not have this egg, Your tama would be an pretty ugly and falling apart bundle of electronics with a screen. And we don't like that. But we do have these things, so we must protect them so that our tamas will be okidokie too!

Basically this is a guide to keeping those electronics and eggs nice and safe so they are not broken, tooken away from us, or otherwise.


The electronics inside your egg are very delicate. If the egg is broken, then the electronics will be exposed and dystroyed, and your beloved tama will never come back to life without the electronics. So heres some tips on preventing Physical Harm to the egg.

  • Don't swing your tama around. If you let go, changes are you'll have a Tama Pancake instead of a Tama Angel. (If it's an angelgotchi, that is. If it's somthing else, it's still a Tama Pancake.)
  • Don't hit your tama with heavy things. Obviously.
  • Don't apply alot of pressure onto your tama. AKA no sitting on it.
  • Try not to drop your tama, espically from heights.
  • Keep your tama away from little kids. They are tama killers that are there to dystroy your pursuit of happiness.
  • Don't do anything too stupid. Like try to feed it to your dog.


Ever heard of debugging a tama? Well, as fun as this is, it can be potentally dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. So here are some tips on Debugging safety.

  • Try to find a person you know that can debug your tama for you. That person having either done it before or good with electronics. (Or, if you have done it before or are good with electronics, do it yourself.)
  • If you can't do the above, it's best not to debug your tama.
  • If you insist on debugging it, then find online instructions and fallow them exactly.
  • Be careful when debugging. Don't mess with any wire or parts that you aren't supposed to mess with in the instructions you fallow.
  • When putting the pencil lead on the debug spot, don't push to hard.


Those with a artistic side may want to customize their tama to their liking, by switching the buttons, giving it a new screen, etc. BUT if you aren't careful, you could break it and have a pretty, but useless tama. And that's not good. So here are some tips on keeping your originality, but keeping it working!

  • When painting the outside, remember to put tape over the buttons and screen to keep them clean. If you want to paint the buttons, find insuctions to dissecting a tamagotchi to it's buttons then take the buttons out and paint them sepertately, otherwise paint could leak onto the wires and possibly hurt them.
  • When replacing things like buttons, screens, etc., KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. ALWAYS.
  • If you make your own screen, remember that it will be darker than it looks as a screen. Use very light colors or else what you thought would be light green would be dark green as a screen.
  • As with debugging, don't mess with any wire or parts that you aren't supposed to mess with.

It's every tama-loving schoolkid's worst nightmare. You're checking on your lovely tamagotchi during class when behind you comes a teacher who sees you playing with it and takes it from you, unpaused! Your little tama i gone, and since the teacher doesn't know how to take care of it it dies. Here are some tips on making sure that doesn't happen.

  • One way to prevent this is to pause your tama and leave it at home.
  • Pauseing is done by pushing the a&b buttons at the same time. (Or, hold a the push b.)
  • When bringing your tama to school, find a place to keep it. Elementary kids can keep it it their desk. Middle school kids can keep it in their locker, as can high schoolers. Pockets of baggy clothes, on necklaces with the tama tucked in your shirt and backpacks are other good places.
  • If you want your tama with you, you can risk unpausing it...BUT it does need the sound off inase it beeps! You can turn the sound off by pushing a and c at the same time.
  • Theres more tips at this topic.

I hope this is helpful to you guys!

~Tenshi :D

Thanks for all of that information, I debugged one of my version ones, just to see what it was like, and then when I tried to screw the back on it wouldn't go all the way on. My version one now shuts down if I'm not squeezing it.

Yes, thank-you for providing this. This will be helpful. :huh:

To keep your Tama by youre side, buy a 2 dollar beeper and attach it to Tammy!

You just clap or pres the other and there is Tama! :D

THose were really awesome tips. . . i debugged one of my v1 tamas and now Im going to undebug it. . . I dont like it

That's great help! I've gotten my tama taken away from me before in class, but when the teacher is somewhere else in the room and is not looking I simply walk over and check on it and give it what it needs. (It's a good thing I sit near the teacher's desk!)

That was a little long, but i do long texts like that, too. Nice going, though. VERY helpful post.

I read the whole manuel and none of that stuff is in there! Thanx for the tip

keep your tamas away from kids they are tama killers, ahahah I think that is hilarious I personaly lost a gen 1 tama to my little 4 year old cousin. I left it on a table, went to get some munchies and came back to her eating the middle button!

I dont get a single bit of that..

Whats it supposed to mean anyway?


It sure may be funny..

Isnt he/she dead now?

Im sure there dead if they ate something like that..

Anyway, I guess that was a waste of money for you.

Maybe the boy/girl was feeling a little bit silly?

All (real, offical) tamas live in a plastic egg made by Bandai. This egg contains all the coponents that keep your tama alive. If you did not have this egg, Your tama would be an pretty ugly and falling apart bundle of electronics with a screen. And we don't like that. But we do have these things, so we must protect them so that our tamas will be okidokie too!
Basically this is a guide to keeping those electronics and eggs nice and safe so they are not broken, tooken away from us, or otherwise.


The electronics inside your egg are very delicate. If the egg is broken, then the electronics will be exposed and dystroyed, and your beloved tama will never come back to life without the electronics. So heres some tips on preventing Physical Harm to the egg.

  • Don't swing your tama around. If you let go, changes are you'll have a Tama Pancake instead of a Tama Angel. (If it's an angelgotchi, that is. If it's somthing else, it's still a Tama Pancake.)
  • Don't hit your tama with heavy things. Obviously.
  • Don't apply alot of pressure onto your tama. AKA no sitting on it.
  • Try not to drop your tama, espically from heights.
  • Keep your tama away from little kids. They are tama killers that are there to dystroy your pursuit of happiness.
  • Don't do anything too stupid. Like try to feed it to your dog.

Ever heard of debugging a tama? Well, as fun as this is, it can be potentally dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. So here are some tips on Debugging safety.

  • Try to find a person you know that can debug your tama for you. That person having either done it before or good with electronics. (Or, if you have done it before or are good with electronics, do it yourself.)
  • If you can't do the above, it's best not to debug your tama.
  • If you insist on debugging it, then find online instructions and fallow them exactly.
  • Be careful when debugging. Don't mess with any wire or parts that you aren't supposed to mess with in the instructions you fallow.
  • When putting the pencil lead on the debug spot, don't push to hard.

Those with a artistic side may want to customize their tama to their liking, by switching the buttons, giving it a new screen, etc. BUT if you aren't careful, you could break it and have a pretty, but useless tama. And that's not good. So here are some tips on keeping your originality, but keeping it working!

  • When painting the outside, remember to put tape over the buttons and screen to keep them clean. If you want to paint the buttons, find insuctions to dissecting a tamagotchi to it's buttons then take the buttons out and paint them sepertately, otherwise paint could leak onto the wires and possibly hurt them.
  • When replacing things like buttons, screens, etc., KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. ALWAYS.
  • If you make your own screen, remember that it will be darker than it looks as a screen. Use very light colors or else what you thought would be light green would be dark green as a screen.
  • As with debugging, don't mess with any wire or parts that you aren't supposed to mess with.

It's every tama-loving schoolkid's worst nightmare. You're checking on your lovely tamagotchi during class when behind you comes a teacher who sees you playing with it and takes it from you, unpaused! Your little tama i gone, and since the teacher doesn't know how to take care of it it dies. Here are some tips on making sure that doesn't happen.

  • One way to prevent this is to pause your tama and leave it at home.
  • Pauseing is done by pushing the a&b buttons at the same time. (Or, hold a the push b.)
  • When bringing your tama to school, find a place to keep it. Elementary kids can keep it it their desk. Middle school kids can keep it in their locker, as can high schoolers. Pockets of baggy clothes, on necklaces with the tama tucked in your shirt and backpacks are other good places.
  • If you want your tama with you, you can risk unpausing it...BUT it does need the sound off inase it beeps! You can turn the sound off by pushing a and c at the same time.
  • Theres more tips at this topic.
I hope this is helpful to you guys!

~Tenshi <_<
What is debugging?Your brakes and bruises part was histarical!

All (real, offical) tamas live in a plastic egg made by Bandai. This egg contains all the coponents that keep your tama alive. If you did not have this egg, Your tama would be an pretty ugly and falling apart bundle of electronics with a screen. And we don't like that. But we do have these things, so we must protect them so that our tamas will be okidokie too!
Basically this is a guide to keeping those electronics and eggs nice and safe so they are not broken, tooken away from us, or otherwise.


The electronics inside your egg are very delicate. If the egg is broken, then the electronics will be exposed and dystroyed, and your beloved tama will never come back to life without the electronics. So heres some tips on preventing Physical Harm to the egg.

  • Don't swing your tama around. If you let go, changes are you'll have a Tama Pancake instead of a Tama Angel. (If it's an angelgotchi, that is. If it's somthing else, it's still a Tama Pancake.)
  • Don't hit your tama with heavy things. Obviously.
  • Don't apply alot of pressure onto your tama. AKA no sitting on it.
  • Try not to drop your tama, espically from heights.
  • Keep your tama away from little kids. They are tama killers that are there to dystroy your pursuit of happiness.
  • Don't do anything too stupid. Like try to feed it to your dog.

Ever heard of debugging a tama? Well, as fun as this is, it can be potentally dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. So here are some tips on Debugging safety.

  • Try to find a person you know that can debug your tama for you. That person having either done it before or good with electronics. (Or, if you have done it before or are good with electronics, do it yourself.)
  • If you can't do the above, it's best not to debug your tama.
  • If you insist on debugging it, then find online instructions and fallow them exactly.
  • Be careful when debugging. Don't mess with any wire or parts that you aren't supposed to mess with in the instructions you fallow.
  • When putting the pencil lead on the debug spot, don't push to hard.

Those with a artistic side may want to customize their tama to their liking, by switching the buttons, giving it a new screen, etc. BUT if you aren't careful, you could break it and have a pretty, but useless tama. And that's not good. So here are some tips on keeping your originality, but keeping it working!

  • When painting the outside, remember to put tape over the buttons and screen to keep them clean. If you want to paint the buttons, find insuctions to dissecting a tamagotchi to it's buttons then take the buttons out and paint them sepertately, otherwise paint could leak onto the wires and possibly hurt them.
  • When replacing things like buttons, screens, etc., KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. ALWAYS.
  • If you make your own screen, remember that it will be darker than it looks as a screen. Use very light colors or else what you thought would be light green would be dark green as a screen.
  • As with debugging, don't mess with any wire or parts that you aren't supposed to mess with.

It's every tama-loving schoolkid's worst nightmare. You're checking on your lovely tamagotchi during class when behind you comes a teacher who sees you playing with it and takes it from you, unpaused! Your little tama i gone, and since the teacher doesn't know how to take care of it it dies. Here are some tips on making sure that doesn't happen.

  • One way to prevent this is to pause your tama and leave it at home.
  • Pauseing is done by pushing the a&b buttons at the same time. (Or, hold a the push b.)
  • When bringing your tama to school, find a place to keep it. Elementary kids can keep it it their desk. Middle school kids can keep it in their locker, as can high schoolers. Pockets of baggy clothes, on necklaces with the tama tucked in your shirt and backpacks are other good places.
  • If you want your tama with you, you can risk unpausing it...BUT it does need the sound off inase it beeps! You can turn the sound off by pushing a and c at the same time.
  • Theres more tips at this topic.
I hope this is helpful to you guys!

~Tenshi <_<
That's long but helpful!

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