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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2007
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Max the Maskotchi heard quiet steps behind him. That didn't bode well. Who could be following him this late at night and in this deadbeat part of town? And at this particular moment, just after he had arrested the bad guys who had tried to rob the 5th street bank, well, most of them, anyway. The leader got away. He nervously looked all around. Suddenly Max saw the alley. Like lightening, he darted off to the left and disappeared between the two warehouses, almost falling over the trash can lying in the middle of the sidewalk. Max tried to nervously tap his way along in the inky darkness and suddenly stiffened: it was a dead-end, he would have to go back the way he had come. The steps got louder and louder, and Max saw the black outline of a figure coming around the corner. “Is this the end of the line?” Max thought pressing himself back against the wall, trying to make himself invisible in the dark, was all that planning and energy wasted? Max was dripping with sweat now, cold and wet, he could smell the fear coming off his clothes. Suddenly, next to him, with a barely noticeable squeak, a door swung quietly to and fro in the night's breeze. Could this be the haven Max had prayed for? Slowly Max slid toward the door, pressing himself more and more into the wall, into the dark, away from his enemy. Would this door save his hide? Suddenly, the figure burst open the door, knocking Max out.

When Max awoke, he was gagged and tied to a chair. That's when Max realized something: HE HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED!!! Max knew who his kidnapper was: Cobra Venom, a crook, and a Ningotchi, the most common characterfor crooks, since Ningotchis are so sneaky. His real name was Benny McGuire. Anyway, Max demanded, “Why did you kidnap me?” Cobra answered,”Because you got my gang arrested, that's why!” “Oh. I-I knew t-t-that.” “THEN WHY DID YOU ASK! ARE YOU TRYING TO STALL ME?!?!” “Nah, I was just teasing you!” said Max. All of a sudden, Max leapt out of his chair, where he had been held captive, picked up the phone, and called the police. After talking with the police for a few minutes, Max put down the phone and said to Cobra, “The police are coming to arrest you now, Benny.” “What the- WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?” roared Benny. Max replied calmly, “I called you 'Benny.' ”

“Arrgh! How did you know that?”

“Mug shots.” answered Max. Just then, the police broke down the door and arrested Benny. As they were dragging Benny to jail, he asked Max, “Hey, wait a minute, how did you escape from the chair?” “With this.” said Max, and held up his pocketknife. “Oh. I see.” A UFOgotchi cop turned around and said, “Good work, kid. He's wanted in all 50 states.”

“Thanks.” said Max, going down the street to his house.

The End


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