Kingdom Hearts


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In the back area you hop on top of the mushrooms and then hop on the grass ledges to get to the ledge in the middle of the whole area. If you meant that seemingly-impossible-to-reach ledge which is in the way back of the foresty area and which has an entrance/doorway thingy, I keep an...AirSlide panel I think? I got it after meeting Tinkerbell. So now I can access it. :ph34r: But it just takes me back to the shrinking room thing, so it's really not that special. =/

...I'll nod my head and pretend like I know what the heck you're talking about.^-^
Heh heh heh...

OH!! I just synthesized my favorite fighting gear EVER! Crisis Gear +. WHOO! I've never felt so powerful! XD It inflicts damage MUCH more and MUCH faster than the Ominous Gear I was using (which was supposed to cause more damage than the Wild Gear, but I somehow got more of an exhilaration of strength from using the Wild Gear instead of Ominous...sooo I don't know what's up with that). 2 swipes and a shadow's poofed, and I was able to defeat the armors MUCH faster using this gear! :D Whoa yeah! I'm in love with this Crisis Gear + (even if it did take a little over 11,000 heartpoints).

I just synthesized Champion Gear. The even stronger one. It attacks weird but inflicts a lot of damage.

I'm on the final boss. When I said I was on day 303. I was wrong. I was on like....354. xDDDD

Wheeeew you're dang far! :kusatchi: I don't remember what day I'm on right now. >< But it's been an extremely short amount of time since Roxas possibly dreamed he was at the beach and saw Xion, oh, and the parts about where Xion's picking up other people's memories and doesn't really know who she is (Sora's memories, and I'm not sure what the "original" Riku was doing in the cut scene memory thing....I gotta play the first KH don't I?).

Oh yeah. He was in there. I think because it was all Sora's memories and stuff, Riku was in there. xDDD

Yes. You need to play the first one. And the second one. <3 xD

I am currently dealing with the Crimson Prankster(s). This mission REEEALLY annoys me, 'cause I defeat one, and am like "Oh good! This isn't so bad." Attack the other, and POOF! New clone! Dang it! Then I try to lower one's health, and then try to bust the other, then I get busted. XP Ayaaah! I think I may have finished with them by the end of the day though (meaning I will try again later).

I got annoyed. Apparantly, Xion can replenish her health. I was on her second to last bar and then she bumped up another two bars.

I was all......OHEFTHIS -turnoff-

Shhh! I'm not there yet! Don't tell me Xion has to be eliminated (too late, lol). Anyway, done with the Crimson Prankster, now I'm dealing with the Pantomtail in the way, I bought the Champion girl (I don't have the right stuff to synthesize the better one yet) and it's good! Only problem is that in air battle (what I'm doing in Neverland), when I press A two times, the second time I drop by about 1 1/2 body lengths. <_< Oh well. So I've been trying to fly up above the Phantomtail's tail every time I strike then I drop, hit the tail, fly back up and repeat.

Oh yeah. Its a strong keyblade, but I had to switch it for that battle because of the way it attacks. Meh.

AND WHOOPS SORRY. D: My bad. Did I say Xion? I meant........Xigbal...din. Heh.

I finished the game a few weeks ago. I was so sad! >< But I started the game over the next day and I think I'm a lot better at it now. :) Oh! And I got a used PS2 and KH,'s confusing 'cause I'm used to assigned missions---y'know, do this do that and you're done for the day. Now I just explore around and do stuff possibly out of order. :furawatchi: Fun though. I wish I could have a percentage of how much I've completed though.

I'll probably get KH2 when I'm done, but can somebody tell me if Re:Chain Memories is worth getting? And I mean that I'd play it BEFORE KH2 seeing as it's kind of a bridge in between.

Well. I jumped straight to KHII after KH.

Boy, if you only knew how confused I was. xDDDDDDDDDDDDD But CoM is a pretty hard game. Harder than the other ones def. If you're up to the challenge you can do it, but you'll survive if you don't play it. As KHII goes on, you'll understand more of what happened in between the games.

I still never finished Days. I'm on the last battle. And I couldn't beat her. I was all =______= RAGEEEEE.

I'm going to replay KHII. I love it sooooooo much. KH is actually I think my favorite of the two, but KHII is awesomer. And Sora's hotter. My reasoning for games.

Hm. Yeah I might just skip CoM. I mean, at least I know what happened with Roxas and all after playing Days. You never finished Days??? Keep trying!! I suggest you stock up a lot of potions and ethers (or perhaps a lot of elixirs?). And fill up your HP bar with that kind of stuff before it gets too low., good luck!

KHII = Hotter Sora? So he DID age while asleep in the pod thingy! :rolleyes:

I'll try. I'm working on KHII again so...yeah. xD


I have a fangirl attack every time I see him. xD

Spoiler kinda:

Of course he aged. There was a year gap after KH. Namine had to put his memories back together.

End spoiler. xD

XD Seriously, I was grinning when I read your hot post. :( I never thought I'd be subject to fangirlness---but I SO have it for Axel (HOT HAIR. HOT OUTFIT. HOT VOICE. HOT ATTITUDE. Oh, and his eyes are sexaaay! XD). Riku: somewhat. Heh.

I think I'm AT LEAST half done KH. I might get CoM anyway (yeah, before KHII) so I can say I've got the full story in my head. Then KHII (even though I really wanna rush it). I first played KHI halfway through (I think?) on my own without a walkthrough (Except maybe when I got stuck)---but then I felt like I missed little things and bonuses and stuff that I shouldn't, so I restarted the game and followed a walkthrough. Halfway done again. :p I played Days without a walkthrough, and I was wondering if maybe for CoM and KHII I should play without a walkthrough? What do you think?

Oh! I'm on Day 300 again of Days, and I just started playing Holo Mission challenges and Mission Mode to gain tokens. Boy, have I been missing out on another little part of the game! Anyhoo, I'm trying to do a bunch of those before actually DOING Day 300. Oh! Also 'cause I rechecked my 1st game file for Days so I could see what the Moogle had available in the way of Keyblade gear---and I saw one that I sooo wished I'd been able to get for the last dramatic battle. I totally forgot what it's called (fail), but it's got the symbol of a Mission token (silver one). And summat about it unleashing the wielder's TRUE worth (wooo @_@). But it was 30,000 heart points. :D Which is why, along with getting a lot of tokens in my 2nd game file, I am doing Holo Missions now and playing in Mission Mode so I can save up for this ultimate weapon. :)

K, I'm done blowing my thoughts out for now. :)


You replayed all the way to Day 300 again?! HOW ON EARTH DO YOU DO THAT?

Which part are you at in KH. I can tell you if you're halfway through or not. xD

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