Kingdom Hearts


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Dude. Are you my secret twin? O:

I started replaying KHII. I got to the part where they got the gummi ship back after Sora changed clothes. hehehehehehe.<3

Yeah. Kairi's not the most likeable person.
She gets in the way of my fangirl fantasies.
So true. >:/ I saw a pic of Sora from KHII and I was like " :( Tamacrazy you're not kidding! EEEEEP!"

I think I'll get Chain of Memories before KHII...I'm going to Walmart today. :D Hopefully I can snag it.

Well I don't play on expert mode or anything on Days. Just normal. Anyway, I thought being still-sorta-a-newbie-to-RPGs that I'm not as good as I should be at KH. =/ Anyway, yes, I've been playing Days a second time through. The past couple days I was working on earning Mission Crowns in Mission Mode so I could get all kinds of freebies. I think I got around 130 Mission Crowns now. :D I got Ultimate Gear (6) for free. :D But Challenge Sigils are HARD! >:/ Especially with so many of them being time challenges! KH, I've finished with Atlantica and I think the next place is Halloween Town ('round there anyway).

Hey, since there's a new Kingdom Hearts game coming out for the 3DS, i think I'm gonna get it! I really want to get the 3DS anyway, so I'll finally start playing KH!

I'm annoyed that Nintendo is making so many DSes. I got my DSi at the beginning of the year and I don't want a new one. :/

YAY PAIS JOIN US. I don't know how great the game will be, but its a start. :D



I made it to Day 93, thenn I forgot to save it, and my mom turned off my Dsi. So now I'm on Day 8, again. D;

The Ds's are coming out faster and faster now.

Dang. You were almost done with the game. Pah. Speaking of which I still never finished it. xD

You should, it's an amazing game. ;D

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I made it to Day 93, thenn I forgot to save it, and my mom turned off my Dsi. So now I'm on Day 8, again. D;

The Ds's are coming out faster and faster now.


You should, it's an amazing game. ;D
OUCH! And I hate it when I miss ONE day! :ph34r: I suggest saving every time you complete a mission. That's the habit that's saved me.

Hey, since there's a new Kingdom Hearts game coming out for the 3DS, i think I'm gonna get it! I really want to get the 3DS anyway, so I'll finally start playing KH!
That's the first game I plan to get for the 3DS too! :ph34r: Glad I didn't upgrade my DS Lite yet.

Hrm. I'm having a really hard time deciding: Should I just skip CoM? I really dislike the way the battle system works. Or do you guys think it's totally worth it to get that before KHII?

P.S. Walmart had like, only 3 PS2 games while every other game was for the PS3. D;

I skipped CoM. xDDD I was a little confused, but nothing a little internet can't fix. xD

Kai, I'm basically done with Days. I'm just stuck on the last battle. xD

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Psh! I finished Days for the second time over the weekend! I didn't even get knocked out at that big battle. :D Oh, and for the heck of it, I got my Zero Gear (It's actually a Kingdom Key +) and fought the last battle again in the same day. The ending to this game always makes me sad. :( Note: After you're done that battle, get ready for some cool cutscenes! 8D

Oh oh oh! And I finished Kingdom Hearts late last night too! My eyes were stinging. So many times during the ending I was going "Nonononono!" Like when Sora had to shut Riku behind the door and when they looked at each other for the last time, Riku just told him "Take care of her." Then you see the words across the screen telling Sora he is the one who will open the door to the light, and I'm all "Whaaaa? So they purposely didn't 'end' the story in the first game?" Oh, and when he says "Kairi, remember that promise you made me? I'm always with you too." and then SPLIT goes the ground between them. I had another round of "Nonononononooo!" in my head. And then they show the scene of Kairi walking into the cave and looking at the drawing they did of each other when they were little. I really felt like crying. :( And I changed my mind, I don't mind Kairi anymore---I WANT the two of them back together!

Oh, and since I collected all the Dalmatians, locked all the keyholes, and finished the Hades Cup, I got to see a special mini trailer at the end of the game for KHII 8D The one with Riku and Roxas. They have that scene later in Days and I can't wait for you two to GET THERE!! :D Lol, except on the PS2 it's all crisp graphics compared to the DS. But during the trailer when I saw the hooded boy I was like "ROXAS! IT'S ROXAAAS!" It's all so dramatic! 8D Especially when he finally says one thing:

"Where's Sora?"

:eek: I can't wait to get KHII! I hope GameStop has it...

Oh, and my big brother suggests skipping CoM 'cause he says that SE put a lot more effort into making the actual sequel than the in-between game. So it's gotta be better. And that the battle card system sounds really dumb. Oh well. Leastaways I got a decent amount of background in here. *taps head* And playing Days twice helps too.

P.S. I'm thinking I might get a new username, I don't really like the Warriors series anymore...what say you girls? :ph34r:

Mm k, I gave in. Yes, it's warriorcat_girl, on her new Kingdom-Hearts-influenced username. XD It's my name if I were a Nobody in the Organization. :ph34r:

*looks up at last post*

...I talk a lot, don't I?

Mm k, I gave in. Yes, it's warriorcat_girl, on her new Kingdom-Hearts-influenced username. XD It's my name if I were a Nobody in the Organization. :ph34r:
I love it. <3

Well, I'm just going to go ask my brother to finish the last battle for me. xD

I want to see the cut scenes. 8DD

Oh oh oh! And I finished Kingdom Hearts late last night too!

Congrats. -highfives-

Mm k, I gave in. Yes, it's warriorcat_girl, on her new Kingdom-Hearts-influenced username. XD It's my name if I were a Nobody in the Organization. :)
*looks up at last post*

...I talk a lot, don't I?
That is a VERY awesome username. Haha ;)

I'm in the middle f Chain of Memories right now. Grr.

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