Kioro ❥ Academy


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Mar 26, 2008
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K i o r o A c a d e m y

Dear Student,


xxxxHello friend! We are excited to have you at our school for the next year here at Kiori Academy. Below we have attached your room number, and room-mate. We have also included your class schedule. Please also fill out the form below, to notify us of a change in health, address, or anything else of importance. Please return it in my March 15th or your information will stay the same. Do not be scared in joining, there are people here just like you. Thank you and welcome!



Your Headmaster

Kiori Anama

Kiori Academy was founded by Kiori Anama. She was born as a pure bred Vampire and throughout her 238 years she couldn't find a school or place that was made specifically for people who were non-human or possessed powers while being human. She had came across a few people who weren't human like her. One of them felt the same way as Kiori and the two decided to build the school together. Though the other didn't wish to stay at the school for personal reasons. So she left the school in Kiori's name. At first barely even students joined Kiori's school. Maybe they were afraid and didn't trust it. They thought Kiori had ulterior motives besides just wanting to help people like her. Kiori then started to send out invitations to a few people who she knew were special. After they came the school started to expand, in students and in the school itself. A year later her school was almost full. Humans without powers even joined. Kirori didn't mind, she accepted everyone.


1. Follow Tamatalk rules!

2. Literate! Few sentences at most.

3. No Mary or Gary Sues.

4. No God-Modding, Auto-Hitting.

5. Have Fun!

Student Form


Age: 13-18


Race: Can be anything you want

Appearance: Pictures are fine if you want

Personality: Couple sentences please

Powers/Abilities: No god powers

Room #: 10-20


Teacher Form


Age: 20+



Appearance: Pictures are fine if you want

Personality: Couple sentences please

Powers/Abilities: No god powers

Teaches: Can be anything you want

Room #: 1-10


Name: Gaspereaux Laeon Clämintine

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Werewolf

Appearance: A silken, midnight black mane adorns his crown, tumbling down in a careless manner. It's frequently trimmed short to dissuade the unruly locks from falling into his startlingly feral-looking icy-grey eyes. He won't let his hair feather across his neck and ears, no further. But, it's decent length, thinning upward in a thick faux most of the time, unless it has been wetted. Beneath it, lie strong and supple features, portraying an almost domineering presence; captivating a mysterious aura. His skin had been slightly tanned from many years spent under the sun, only adding to the tone and obvious ripples of muscle beneath smooth flesh, but even under the sun-kissed rays, he still gives off that white glow. Despite his slenderness, he has a very athletically fit body. This seems to be the regular for most of the werewolf men, but he has honed his for the sole purpose of being able to perform to the best of his abilities. Lithe shoulders are slightly broadened to give off a sense of adulthood, and his squared jawline is masculine and demanding as it forms a strong but somewhat pointed chin. There is nothing so agonizing to the fine skin of vanity as the application of a rough truth. Gasper might've heard someone say that once, but he needn't hear it. Vanity and pride were two different things. Vanity dies hard; in some obstinate cases it outlives the man. He need not worry himself with such fallible sentiments. He wasn't a human; busying himself with powders, rosy cheeks and and hidden veils. He wouldn't age or change for a long time to come, and he wasn't particularly interested in his countenance, anyhow. Gasper appreciates beauty, but does not see himself as anything other than homely. Large, graceful steps exude an elegant patience of a rather tall man whose feelings are bound down like tightly-wound coils.

Personality: Gasper is a calm person. His father was narcissistic, arrogant, and had the shortest temper known to man, so no one in the household was ever allowed to say much. No matter what it was, they were in the wrong, and he was right, so he quickly learned to keep his mouth shut around him. Since Gasper is so reserved and disciplined, he is also very observant, always keying in on little details. His normal peers never bother to approach him, let alone speak to him, so he has had all the time in the world to sit back and watch people. Reading someone's body language and the fluctuations in the tone of their voice has practically become second nature to him, and even though he may seems as if he's just not aware and daydreaming, he is always constantly aware of everything that is going on around him. It is nearly impossible to catch Gasper by surprise as he is so in tune with his surroundings. When it comes to interacting with people he is not very well acquainted with, he can be highly skeptical of them but gives them a chance anyway. Naturally, his first impression of a person is that they are probably scum, in one way or another. In this world, people are greedy, and each and every one of them carries a number of sins on their shoulders. Gasper rarely opens up to people, and it takes a lot of effort on their part to earn his trust. It's a very fragile thing, trust. Something that can be broken in one single instant, and it can never be repaired. That is why he doesn't just go about handing it out to just anyone. He must be sure that they won't abuse it. It's because of this cynicism that Gasper has such difficulty building relationships with others. His friend count is very low, and his love life is pretty much non-existant. But, this is by choice. He is a humble man, with a bright personality hidden beneath that strong outer shell of his. He can sometimes be very demanding and critical, because he has such strongly held beliefs, and is likely to express himself without reserve if he feels someone isn't meeting their standards. But at least his expressions can be taken at face-value, because he is extremely straight-forward and honest half the time.

Powers/Abilities: Due to him having the blood of a werewolf, the only thing different is that his strength his heightened as well as his body heat. Due to his hair being short, it's equivalent to how short of the fur he has once in wolf form. The fur is the same color as his hair, as well as his eyes being the same too. A silver scar is located across his right eye from his past battles, but is only seen once in form. He has two sizes he can transform into, the size of typical wolf, or the monstrous size of six to seven feet tall. None other than these body modifications, he can sense emotions of others and read minds.

Teaches: Power Control/Training

Room #: 5

Other: -

Name: Silus Esbern Markarth

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Messy tresses of silver-white tumble in careless, choppy locks that might've been cut by Silus himself. Y'see, he doesn't really like hairdressers or barbers, so he's cultivated an appreciative art to cutting his own hair, and helping his siblings' with their own haircuts; he really doesn't mind doing it. Now, his bangs are a little less intricate, falling in choppy lines to obscure his turquoise-coloured eyes beneath. Due to his slow aging, he has the body of a seventeen year old. He is thin and fragile, mostly underweight and beneath his typical height. But that doesn't stop his raging temper.

Personality: To the outside world, Silus is a snobby, guileless person. He's outgoing, and never fails to make an acquaintance. He completely doesn’t care what the world thinks of him and isn’t afraid to speak his mind; unless there's someone ruefully frightening lurking about. His temper is quick to flare, but quick to extinguish. He’ll also be the first to apologize if he realizes he’s wrong. And he understands that the majority of the time, he's always wrong. If he doesn’t have an apology cocked and ready, however, he’ll stick to his argument like a stubborn child and resort to petty pouting. Silus appears to see a lot of the world in black and white. He has a strong sense of right and wrong that he adheres to, though not always strictly. He’s often getting herself in more trouble than he should. He sneaks about, pokes about things and places he has no business with, gets caught out of bounds at all hours and is rather high-handed with authority figures from time to time. He’s completely reckless when he drives and doesn’t always think his decisions through.

Powers/Abilities: Fire and ice control, based on his emotions. So if he is mad, you better stay out of the way because fire-balls will fly at you without his control, or the chance of you being frozen solid. If he becomes soaked in anyway, it will lower his core temperature a lot, and has the chance of freezing or passing out. (Thus he avoids swimming) His temperature must be 2x above a regular humans to maintain himself.

Room #: 19

Other: n / a

Name: Ari Okira

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Shapeshifter

Appearance: Ari

Personality: Ari has a warm, bright, adventurous, and timid personality. She is also very agile and nimble, so she is always up for outdoor activities. This girl is always considerate of others feelings, even if they are strangers. A flaw about her is that she is a bit stubborn, and could probably spit back witty remarks if you get her angry. Plus, she is very shy around other races.

Powers/Abilities: She can shapeshift into pretty much anything. (with boundaries)

Room #: 12

Other: no

Name: Metax Eros

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: 1/3 Angel, 1/3 Devil, 1/3 Vampire.

Appearance: (with a shirt obviously)

Personality: Metax is cocky, arrogant, and a jerk to most at first. He's eager to start fights and loves to be the big man on campus. Once he gets to know a person, he can be a good friend, and will reveal his sweet and loyal side. To anyone that defeats him in a fight, he'll earn some respect for them, but at the same time hold a grudge. Oh yeah, and he's a flirt, especially with evil girls.

Powers/Abilities: Umbrakinetic and Lumuskinetic, but they somewhat cancel each other out.

Room #: 13


Name: Theodore Reneé Jacobsen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human Bloodslave

Appearance: Theodore is small for his age, as if he hasn't quite stopped growing, but rather is stuck without getting a growth spurt for his final few inches. He is rather skinny as well, (to the point of being able to count every rib across his torso) resulting in him looking much more like a sallow, somewhat gaunt, 15 year old. Nonetheless, the boy's face might be considered handsome, that is, if he had more meat on it. Theo's features are somewhat light, suiting his skin; pale-ish, as if he needs a healthy dose of vitamin D, and a catch-up on the weeks of sleep he must of missed which have resulted in the dark circles that encompass the boy's expressive, dark copper eyes. In spite of even this description, rather than standing hunched over and ill-mannered as one might expect, he has an impeccably straight, even confident posture, almost as if he tries to make a good impression despite the rest of him. As if to emphasize this fact, he can be constantly seen dressed in clean, pressed, if not somewhat threadbare clothing, with his normally ragged and fine dirty-brown locks neatly combed over.

Personality: Extremely caring and forgiving (to a fault) would be the best description. Theodore is also quite the wallflower. It's not that he's shy, as much as it is he just doesn't have anything to say. However, given a conversational topic, the opposite would be true and the young man would turn into quite the talker, if not one that get's distracted quite easily. Theo is also very fond of music, and can often be seen humming, or pretending to play piano on a table or desk, if he thinks he's alone or no one is watching him. Overall, I suppose you could say he's a very nice, somewhat melancholy, but a thoroughly interesting person given the chance. Theo often has too much on his mind at once, and it would be nice to get some of it off his shoulders. If not, then against all odds, he can hold himself together.

Powers/Abilities: -

Room #: 19

Other: -

Name: Madeleine "Maddy" Cameron

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Angel

Appearance: Click here!

Personality: True to her race, Maddy is a very nice girl, who has never done a bad thing in her life. She literally deserves to be an angel. However, because she trusts people too much, she has been let down many times. She is also quiet, until you get to know her.

Powers/Abilities: N/A

Room #: 14

Other: N/A

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Pressing his lithe back against the door of his car, Gasper let out a long exhale of smoke through lush pink lips that snaked into the air before finally dissipating into nothingness. Flicking the bud to the ground and crushing it with his heel, he ran his slender fingers through his silken raven hair, squinting his grey eyes slightly in disgust. "I'm not prepared for another school year," he mumbled incoherently, kicking that door shut with one unnecessary slam. "Gifted kids running amok, I can't wait."

Slinging his suitcase over his lean shoulder and giving his tie a quick straighten, he sauntered his way over to the beauteous doors decorated in such a manner that really wasn't needed. He scoffed, what more can this year contribute. Digging in his pocket he managed to pull out a handful of papers and started sifting through them briskly to find his letter he received in the mail. Discovering not only the room number, but too the class he had to teach. In bold underlined ink he read, "Room five, and.. ability training. Terrific."

If you were to ask Theodore what the understatement of the year was, your answer would most likely be something along the lines of him being tired. His immediate follow up to said answer, would be a strained sort of yawn, for he was indeed very tired, so tired as a matter of fact, that the very mention of the word tired would bring him to yawn. However, I digress, and thus feel comfortable in stating once more that Theodore was tired. The boy straightened his posture, took a whiff of the chilled, morning air, and rubbed his neck. He stepped silently, walking until he arrived in the parking lot when he spotted another figure, smoking beside his car. Theodore stared for a minute, he guessed the man was a werewolf, for he didn't look like any vampire he has ever seen. The boy thought it best to simply walk past, there was no need for any interaction with strange men smoking in parking lots.

Gasper's soft grey hues examined his surroundings once entering the large academy he would now call home. All these new faces he had seen, laughing, smiling, discussing things that were anything off mind to pass time. The teacher took a moment, fluttering his pools closed and shutting off oral communication and absorbing those thoughts lingering through space around him. Those emotions he felt, soaking them in like an undersea sponge, experiencing the ones he felt from newcomers, from second-years, and even the one from the last-years, first-hand. They were all the same, fear, determination, and confidence.

Pausing for a moment, he opened his eyes and shot his vision in the direction of someone behind him. Vampire, was it he heard correctly? He was no vampire. His eyebrows furrowed in a manner that seemed strangely un-delighting. Such revolting creatures, sickening leeches that fed on nothing more than those who weren't superior to them. Disgusting. Gasper scrunched his nose and attempted to regain calm composure, knowing he mustn't show hatred towards those of different race. Especially those who associated with those bloodsuckers. The headmaster was a pure blood, in fact. So such immaturity was not needed, but the werewolf simply couldn't help himself.

Bump :)

Theo followed suit with everybody else, and stepped through the double doors to enter the school. It was a grand place, he thought. Vampires, with their obviously defined characteristics, he had been told once that he looked like a vampire himself, had he not been a bloodslave, the boy might have taken this as a compliment. Then of course, there were the werewolves, they were all senses of the word. Theodore didn't know much about werewolves, save for their rivalry with vampires, which still went unexplained to him. However I digress. The first thought in Theodore's mind was coffee. He absolutely adored coffee. Perhaps they served it to the cafeteria, and without even bothering looking for his room, he brought himself, suitcase and all, to see if they did.

Silus stepped onto the sidewalk once getting out of his parent's car. He shifted the heavy bag on his shoulder and kicked the door shut before turning around and waving. But before the wave was given, the car had already started to drive away. "Typical." he hissed, gritting his teeth and directing his eyes at the large school in front of him. "Well, let's hope I don't get kicked out of this one." Silus gave his hair a flick out of his eyes and started walking inside, taking his bag off his back to look for his letter he had gotten.

Name: James G

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Echiyo (A race of humans who once had the ability to control the elements around them using their minds, James knows of this and is the only person who knows he is part of this race. Everyone knows of him to be just human.


Personality: James is a very outgoing person with a upbeat and happy personality and this makes it very easy for him to get along with anyone who crosses paths with him. He keeps his personal life separated from everything else that happens and no-one knows of his family. Being thought of as just a human, some students at the academy look down upon him, often attempting to insult him for being "human". Little do they know, he is far from being human!

Powers/Abilities: Can control shards of wind that can be used as knifes that can be sent at lightning speed through the air, same goes for any other elements around him such as ground, water, etc.

Other: James is only able to use his power for a short amount of time before his energy is drained and he becomes exhausted. (Debuffs his power!)

Room #: 15

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