Kira's Generations Chapter 4


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Sister Wolf

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2005
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Jess sat on her bed on her belly beginning another game of bump with me. It had been about a Tamayear since I began dating secretly with Micky an was expecting to change very soon.

Bump finished on round three. It hurt. I'd had enouh and was contented with mayandering about, talking to other tamas. Jess was playing with the connecting infared thing on top of the plastic covering I was held in. She pressed a button on the bottom of the tamagotchi toy and suddenly a Hinotamatchi sized chair appeared next to me. The strangest thing was that Jess' chair was gone.

"What was that??" I gasped racing to the front of the screen. Jess stared at the empty spot where her armchair had been and did not answer.

"Hey, Sukie. I think I have found a way to meet you properly face to face", she said slowly. She turned my tamagotchi toy back and forth in her hands.

"Hey! Stop it. I'm gonna puke!" I yelled as the screen jerked back and forth.

Jess didn't listen but turned the infared thing at the top to face her. She selected connect and stood very still...

The toy I was held in fell to the floor and I was thrown forwards against the screen.

"Ow! Jess, you butterfingers", I yelled again.

"Sorry. Hey -", she said from behind me.

"What the...?" I turned around and Jess was stood there. I only came up to her knees but I rolled backwards a bit to look up at her. She looked at me in suprise.

"Wow, Sukie. Being inside this Tamagotchi lets me see how you really look instead of a crude LED screened replica. You r so detailed. And hot!" she said in suprise stepping back slightly to escape the warmth I was generating. "And it's all in colour! Cool. It's like a whole world in here. So many other tamas too".

"D'you want to explore a bit??" I offered. Jess nodded. I laughed, happy to have my best friend with me and bounced through the grass, Jess jogging to catch up. In my glee, I didn't notice through the screen, a devilgotchi climb down Jess' bedroom wall and leap onto the bed...
