Kiro's V2 & V3 loggeh! -^-^-


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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Just to let everybody know... Meh had to leave Tamatalk fur a while, but I'm back now... And so, I had to restart my loggy too, so here it is. PLEASE ENJOY!!! -^-^-


Border thingo: Tropical fun (Skyblue with a little river thingo, a little surfboard, and a little coconut tree.)

Name: Kieo

Gender: Male

Stage: Adult

Age: 6

Species: Debatchi

Current points: 712


Border: Zebra-ish...

Name: Kyou

Gender: Male

Stage: Adult

Age: 3

Species: Mametchi (He's soo cute!!! <333333)

Current points: 1471

(Edit: To everyone that might want to comment, COMMENTS ARE WELCOME!)

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I have no idea how to play Sprint on Kyou...

;) ;) :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: :gozarutchi:

Urggg... I think I'm about to go to a friend's now so I'll just put Kieo and Kyou to bed now...

The matchmaker just came for Kieo... (I'm soo proud... xDDD)

Kieo was put together with a Flowertchi... And I get a baby....


:rolleyes: ;; Come on... Not again...

Oh well, I must say... He is cute... >_>

I named the tamababy: Ahiru. (Japanese for... Duck.. O_O; :huh:

Ahiru happened to evolve into a Marutchi ^^

Right now, I'm just watching Ahiru roll around and Kyou coming up to my screen.

Nice Blog , Kiro-Chan. Superb job! I like how you kept with it and didnt stop. Hope your next generation will be a girl. I see your pretty " -__- " about always getting boys xD good luck. I hope nothing or nobody dies o_o" ( talking about the tama ) And by the way, thanks fro telling me what Ahiru means. Haru/Ranpha - sama has an RS character named Ahiru :3


Erm : did you notice we have the same colours in our signature ? 0.0 people might start thinking im you .. xD

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