Kiss Kill Marry.


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Kill Emos, Marry Preps, (I don't know what scemes are) kiss 'scenes'

Reeses Puffs, Trix Yogurt, Starfire.

(sorry, starry, that your compared to yogurt. ;-DD)

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Kill Reese puffs, marry yogurt, Kiss starry

AC|DC, 3oh!3, Green Day

marry ACDC, kiss greenday (I barely know who they ARE!!!!!), kill 3oh!3 (I have NO idea hwo THEY are.)

TK, Starfire., X.Waffles

Marry a dog, kill a cat, kiss a mouse.

Hawaiian pizza, cheese pizza, delux pizza.

Kiss Necklaces, Kill bracelets, And Marry Earrings.

Me, Vivi, and Kay.

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