kolkolkolkolkol >D


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[ .RUSSIA. ]

Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Pfffftt. Epic topic title, right? -shot-

Oh hai. C8 I'm [ .RUSSIA. ], my real name is Sara, but you can call me Mrs.Braginski. -shot-

I'm new here, and I accidently found this forum while I was looking for a Hetalia discussion place. I seemed to join at the right time, because it seems like it's the forums birthday today. :)

I'm a female, anime fan (no, not the ones in your room -shot-). I'm going through this huge Hetalia Phase. Meh, let's just say I'm a fangirl.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my eyes are burning, because I accidently spilled juice into them.

WELL, I hope to meet many other Hetalia fans, and friends. Fangirls, too. 8D



Hi Sara! I'm a Hetalia fan, too. :3 [Finland is my favorite character]

You can call me Kristin.

I hope you enjoy it here at TT.

' date='June 20, 2010 01:33 pm'] IIIVVAAAANNNNNN~! <3

Hi Sara! I'm a Hetalia fan, too. :3 [Finland is my favorite character]

You can call me Kristin.

I hope you enjoy it here at TT.
Hi Kristin, thanks for the welcome. C8

We shall be fangirls together >D

OldSchoolTama&memetchi <3- Thanks. :)

Ahaha, another Hetalia fan. :'D I've yet to watch but bits and pieces of the series. I think you'll get along great with Clara (aka +[ b r u t a l ]+). She's has Ivan Syndrome just like you. x3

Well howdy! My name's Krystal. It's nice to meet you, and I hope we can become friends~

I'm a huge fangirl myself, so I'm sure we can relate. lD

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^That person is correct.

You'll fit in :)

Anyways, welcome to the forums!

I'm Sugary, and I'm normally pretty hyper. So prepare :D




I have Feliciano Syndrome, unlike you, but Ivan's a close second favourite of mine. He's just so...Whatever the hell that Japanese word is that more or less means 'bipolar'.

So yeah, I agree with Oh star.x and Sugary. You'll fit in perfectly. My name's Grace, by the way. x3

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Ahaha, another Hetalia fan. :'D I've yet to watch but bits and pieces of the series. I think you'll get along great with Clara (aka +[ b r u t a l ]+). She's has Ivan Syndrome just like you. x3
Well howdy! My name's Krystal. It's nice to meet you, and I hope we can become friends~

I'm a huge fangirl myself, so I'm sure we can relate. lD
Hi, Krystal! :) Thats a very beautiful name.

I'd love it if we became friends. Let's be fangirls together. 8D

^ 8D
Yes so. I'm that magical Clara.

It's great to know there's someone so similar to me on TT ! =D

A select insane few call me Mrs Braginski too. ;3

Be m' wife?
Hello, Mrs Braginski Clara! :) Everyone here has a beautiful unique name, except for me. xD

Ofcourse <3 :)

Welcome to TamaTalk. You fit in with the other Hetalia fangirls.

Ahaha, thank you! :'D Hopefully I will. :)

^That person is correct.
You'll fit in :)

Anyways, welcome to the forums!

I'm Sugary, and I'm normally pretty hyper. So prepare :)



Hiya, Sugary! :)

Hopefully! Thank you very much~

I'm prepared! >D

I'm also pretty hyper myself. ;D

Ahaha, bye!


I have Feliciano Syndrome, unlike you, but Ivan's a close second favourite of mine. He's just so...Whatever the hell that Japanese word is that more or less means 'bipolar'.

So yeah, I agree with Oh star.x and Sugary. You'll fit in perfectly. My name's Grace, by the way. x3
Hi, Grace! :) Thats such a pretty name!

Feliciano, is just, amazing. <3 Ahaha, bipolar? xD true, true

Thank you~

YAY Hetalia fan-girls, Unite! <3
I have Gilbert Syndrome.

<3 I'm Jamie!
Why, hello there, Jamie! :)

Gilbert, is amazing. <33


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You joined TT at the right time, lots of people like Hetalia at the minute. Welcome to TT!

China FTW aru~

Oh, my name's Beth 8D

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Oh gosh, I can't believe I missed the Hetalia party. :)

/didn't even know there were Hetalia fangirls on TT D:

hey my name is sarah too but with the h 8U

Anyhow, welcome to Tamatalk, and I thank you for opening my eyes to this new discovery. 8D

[SIZE=8pt]woulda proposed but second poster already beat me to it I LOVE YOU[/SIZE]

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poop. i guess i missed out to. im not sure about Hetalia because i dont have any tv....whatsoever..... its made me kinda crazzy. anyway, im kinda a pokemon expert and SUPER DUPER CRAZY PIKACHU FAN but i love tamagotchi too. and im learning japanese =) already know some actually. i recongnize every hiragana character, very few katakana and a little kanji, but thats a litle off topic... anyway, hi!

Russia ftw x33 <333 IwouldbeonmyRussiaaccountbutIgaveittoafriendlol Well I guess I'll see you around maybe~ I'm not usually on this account though. I'm usually on Queenicefire or .::Le:.:Cheshire:.:Chat::. :3
