kuromimitchi's log


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2010
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today i got new v6 tama

its the one thats pink and has circles and notes on it....

anyways, rite now i hav anna

here r her stats:

character: hitodetchi

gen: 1


stress: 25


Rhythm:5(got to fix that!!!)

original: 15



genre:rock and roll (yay!)



hey mommy can i play my piano????

ok...but go to preschool first.

fine o fine!!!!

goes to school....

comes back ;) :D :D :D :D

i lost jump rope sniff sniff

o well... u will win next time..


see ya tomorrow!!!!

srry bout the long log...

sorry i didnt post for a longggg time

i have to much homework! <_<

anyways poor anna died so i restarted it and got a boy named Mame since i want a mametchi

here are his stats(he is sleeping right now)

Character kutchitamatchi

gen 1

lbs 15

stress 11


HUngry *


rhythym 83

original 105

toy ufo

instrumetn guitar

genre rock and roll

this was his diary entry before he slept

dear diary,

today was a fun day! i versed hitodetchi and she was pretty!!! i won and then she went home crying but afterwards i got a love letter to me. i hope we will be band mates and get married someday...


my kutchitamatchi evolved into kikitchi!!!!!!

he got a key board from the music teacher and the stats are the same execpt that his music skill are higher

this is his diary!

dear diary

my prediction was right!!!! i met the hitodetchi from preschool and she was in my band!!!!! im soo lucky and she is called elaine! i hope i marry her!!!


nothing happened during the time between last night and today... all is the same

here is a scence at music school :)

knock knock

oh. hi elaine!

i want to go practice....

okay let me get my instrument....

lets go!

after practice....

o mame you are so good at the guitar.... can you show me how you do it(she plays the guitar too)

sure....first you do this then that and there!

o thank you!!!!!

mame's diary:

dear diary,

today elaine wanted me to help her with her guitar! she was all romantic and such! i hope she marries me and if she doesnt, ill just use the matchmaking thingy.


ps i really want to marry her and i want to be a mametchi to impress her!

;) :p :p guess what kikitchi evolved into shimashimatchi!!!!!

hes on pause rite now and ya...

pm me on some tips cuz I CANNOT PASS THE AUDITIONS!!!! :eek:


shimashima had 2 auditions today and he didnt pass ;) !!!!its so sad!

this is his diary entry today

dear diary

im so sad today! i want to impress elaine(chantotchi) but i can any more since we keep not getting to be street musicians...so sad....


that is one sad tama

anyways... do you think i should start up my old v3????

please pm me!!! :ichigotchi:
