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Hime's jaw was practically touching the ground. They just got rescued by a superhero! And Captain Ms. Patchy at that! She sat on the ground, exhausted. Today had been a long, eventful day.

She placed Iceku's head on her lap, and softly stroked his sky-blue hair. She cried a few tears of joy, and silently thanked the Tamagotchi Angels for watching over them.

Len, Miles, Tennyo, and Melodi all arrived at the same time. They rushed over to help Hime and Iceku.

Lovelitchi rushed out of school.She had stayed after to watch the days auditions.They were going on every day after school.She flew down the streets of tama town,eager to get home so she could help her mom,lovemamaletchi out at the tama cafe which lovemamaletchi owns.She had just told her that they have new workers coming after school.Lovelitchi was excited as it was usually her,her mom and her dad lovepapalitchi working at the cafe.

"I'm home!" she yelled.She turned the corner and dropped her heavy bag on a nearby chair and decided to get to work making heart cakes for a birthday party.

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Melodi looked at her watch. "Oh, no! I've missed my audition. Oh well." Melodi sighed.

Len was at his condo, by himself, doing homework when his phone rang. He answered it, and then his jaw dropped. "Crud. Today's the concert in Patchi Forest... Ugh!" He quickly filled a gym bag with his stuff and then ran onto a train, still in his school disguise. He made it all the way to the Giant Patchi Tree before dashing into the doors of the Tree and meeting the rest of the band in the tree.

Lovelitchi looked around on the counters of the Tama Cafe kitchen.Where is it?Oh there it is...She held up 1 ticket to Mametchi's concert in Patchi Forest.She had finished the Heart Cakes and was ready to go.She decided to go as Lovelin as Lovelin knew Mametchi (from a party for another celebrity)so she called her driver and took off in her Lovelin Bus.

Name: Icekutchi

Nick-name: Iceku (Ice-eku)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Nice, funny, and eccentric

Likes: School, girls, T.V., and food.

Dislikes: Annoying things, people who complain a lot.

Special Talent(s): Art

From: GuruGuru Town

Occupation(s): Tamatown high (Tamagotchi school) and a

part time job at the CD store.
I'm sorry, Dangoobotchi-lover, but you are not active enough to participate in this RP. Thus, I must erase your character.

Hime is no longer in love with Iceku, since he no longer exists. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS RP IF YOU ARE UNWILLING TO BE AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT.

Hime woke up. She was in her room, so Melodi must have taken her home after she had passed out. Hime looked at the clock.

"OH NO!! I'll be late for Mametchi's concert!" Hime grabbed her VIP pass and called Chauffeurtchi, her limo driver. She quickly cleaned herself up, and changed into her Shiguren clothes. She took all of the hairpins out of her hair, washed it, brushed it, then looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled, content with her work. She then heard Chauffeurtchi honk the horn of her limo, and Shiguren rushed out of her room. After saying goodbye to her mom, and kissing her sister Sakuramotchi on the head, Shiguren was out the door, in her limo and on her way to Mametchi's concert. She wouldn't have missed it for the world.

When lovelitchi arrived,she saw a few of her friends from school there.I hope no one recognizes me Lovelitchi thought. Instantly several fans appeared by her side.

"Can I have your autograph?!"A Pipotchi said,Lovelitchi remembed seeing her at auditions that afternoon. "Um sure!Whats your name..." She proceeded to sign several autographs.When she finished,she saw Shiguren step out of her Limo.Lovelin waved hello and walked towards her.

"Lovelin, hi! I didn't expect to see you here!" Shiguren gave Lovelin a big friendly hug. The two of them were currently co-starring in a movie. This was Shiguren's film debut, and Lovelin had helped her to get used to the different style.

For example, during the first day of work, Shiguren was acting in front of the camera. She made a few mistakes, and the director yelled "CUUUUTTTT!!!!!!!" Shiguren got all worked up, saying that she couldn't believe she had made the mistakes she did. Lovelin comforted Shiguren and explained that, unlike live theatre, you can take redo's when making a movie. The two have been great friends and colleagues ever since that day.

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"I didn't expect to see you here either!"The two started talking about the next scenes that were going to be shot on location in Forest Falls next week.

Len was lectured by his agent for being a little late, and unhappily, Len stood with his head down, blocking out his agent's efforts to stick the message of not being late to him. He finally headed backstage to get changed into a white polo shirt with a red tie, and a black jacket that remained unzipped. He shoved a pair of black unseethrough glasses onto his face, which would hide his identity. Meeting up with the other band members- a Togetchi, a Kuromametchi and the drummer, a Young Mametchi, the four quickly tuned their instruments, and then, headed out onto stage. Len took the microphone with his acoustic guitar, smiled, addressed the crowd, and began to sing.

Lovelin watched as Mametchi satrted to sing.She sang along with the crowd to his opening song.

(Imagine Len's band Red Zone to be like a mix of Linkin Park, The Fray and Green Day).

Len smiled, and then noticed Hime and Lovelin in the crowd. He didn't falter in his singing or playing, but mentally, his brain did a quick panic, before he realized the white rimmed black sunglasses likely covered his eyes, which would make it hard for them to distinguish the Len they knew at school to be the same as the "M1k3y" in the band they happened to be watching play.

Miles, on the other hand, was at home. He didn't have enough money to go watch every one of Len's concerts, so he had to stay home on some days. Well, technically he could just ask Len for tickets, but he needed to study anyway. Sighing, he continued reading his math book.

(BTW, so I'm confused.. From what it seems, you can play other peoples characters in this RP. I'd like to ask if you guys can refrain from using Len and Miles, since I'm active enough.)

Miku looked at her watch "OMG!!! I'm late for Mametchi concert!!" "Sorry mimitchi, i got to go, see ya tomorrow!"

Mimitchi: "Ohh, ok..... (sigh)"

Miku: "Whats wrong?"

Mimitchi: "Well.... i was hoping...... i...... uuu...never mind...."

Miku: "Aww, come on! Tell me!"

Mimitchi: "Can i please go to Mametchi's concert with you!?"

Miku: "Of course! I'd love for you to come!"

Mimitchi: "Yay!! Thanks Miku!!"

Miku: "Ok, come on, we gotta go"

Mimitchi: "Ok, i'll get my scooter"

Miku and Mimitchi rushed to patchy forest on there scooters!

Miku: "Few we made it!" "Ok, heres your ticket"

Mimitchi: "Thanks!"

Miku and Mimitchi sat down in the crowd

Len finished his first song, and then gestured for his band to get out the bass and cellos. He, on the other hand, grabbed a piano. First, Togetchi had a solo, and then handed it back to Len, but not before saying, "Sup guys, this is out new jazz song!" Then it was Len's turn to sing again.

**Shiguren and Lovelin are in Secret Identity mode right know. None of them, including Mametchi, know each other's true identities. When your character is in S.I. mode, they are referred to as that name, even by themself.**

Shiguren was glad. Mametchi's concert was going great. She felt bad for him; he was always working so hard. He deserves his fans. Shiguren blushed and giggled a little to herself. Although she would never admit it to him, Shiguren was a big fan of Mametchi's. Since Lovelin, Mametchi, and she were all friends, she didn't want to make their friendship awkward in any way.

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