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Tennyo had just finished taking a order for Mrs. Majorite. "Okay, guys my shift is over I'll be seeing everyone tomorrow!" Tennyo walked home quickly and got dressed for the concert. "This will be so fun!" Tennyo ran to the cocert hall. Her favourite song was just playing. She danced for a while then felt a little thirsty. Tennyo drank a cup of fruit punch. Then she saw Meri and she had a horrible look on her face.

"Oh it's you again, why are you here shouldn't you be home tending to stupid animals like all little princesses do?" Tennyo wanted to tell her that that was what she did, tend to creatures who had fallen ill, but thought that that would make it worse.

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Once they had done two jazz numbers, finally, it was back to rock. The cellos and bass were put away, and replaced with the guitar and drums. Len picked his electric guitar up, and then began to play with the rest of the band. The rest of the concert proceeded very quickly. Finally, the last song came, and Len had a solo for the entire song. He seated himself at the piano, and began to sing.

Shiguren smiled. She felt so happy right now. She felt like she was connecting with Mametchi through the lyrics. It was an unusually familiar feeling...

And then it hit her. Shiguren jumped up from her seat, completely stunned. She took off running into the woods.

(Lol, I find it funny how Len is now the only male tama pretty much left in the entire RP. Well, there's Miles too, but... xD)

When the final song was over, Len let the other members of Red Zone scream out to the crowd, before they picked up their instruments and headed backstage. 40 minutes later, Len was out, back as Len rather than Mametchi "M1k3y". By this point, he was back in jeans and a sporty Nike jacket.

Lovelin turned around and saw Shirugen jump and bolt into the woods.

"Shirugen!"she called running after her.She made sure to wave to Mametchi before she took off after her.

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Len was currently inline skating to the train station so he could go back to Tamatown. He sighed, and quickly turned his Ipod touch on. Quickly setting it to a song he liked, he went ahead and kept skating, until he reached the station.

Meanwhile, Miles had come out to Patchi Forest to try to meet Len. He noticed Shiguren and Lovelin running into the woods. "Hm, that looks fun.. Oh boy! Running into the middle of the woods in the middle of the night! Whatever. Miles to the rescue!" He began to run after them in his epic stride.

Shiguren could her the voices of Miku and Lovelin behind her. She closed her eyes and ran even faster. She wanted to just get away from the world right now and think.

She started to hear fast running close behind her. She stole a glance backwards and saw Miles charging towards her with a big grin on his face. Shiguren's eyes grew wide. The fool must think this is a game of tag or something. Shiguren had to push her body to its limits in order to keep a distance between her and Miles, and Miles wasn't even trying his hardest.

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Miles knew this wasn't a game of tag, but not wanting to look like a kidnapper evil man (His clothes were black, which made everything but his face blend in with the dark), he had to smile huge so Shiguren would know it was him and not an evil Kuromametchi seeking to kill her. He noticed that she picked up the pace. He tried not to laugh, but quietly murmured so she couldn't hear, "Wow. She actually forgot that I'm in track, swim and tennis, and I happen to be a hurdlist for track, which by all means equals sprinter. I'm like the 3rd best hurdlist out of all the tamas in all the towns and cities..." Anyway, he easily caught up with her, and then was right beside her. "Dude, why are you running from Lovelin? Better yet, why are you running in the middle of the most shady part of the woods in Patchi Forest?"

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Shiguren gave up and quickly decelerated to a halt. She took a couple of minutes to catch her breath, then replied to Miles, "I...I can't believe Len would keep that from me. I though I was his friend..." She started to tear up.

Siguren then realized that she didn't tell Len about herself, either. "Oh, I'm being so selfish right now. I'm horrible..." Shiguren bit her lip to keep from crying in front of Miles.

Miku: "Shiguren! Are you ok!? Why did you run away!?" Miku noticed shiguren crying "Awww, its ok! (even though i still dont know whats wrong)" Miku gave shiguren a hug to try to make her feel better :)

Miles ran a hand through his hair, something he did when he was stressed. He turned to Shiguren. and whispered into her ear silently so only she could hear, "Listen... We'll talk later, I can't tell you when others are around. Keep it secret, or ELSE."

(sorry i haven't been on for a few days. i have been sick and my dad doesn't like me being on the computer when i'm not in school.)

Kuchimoto was home, taking a nap. she was completely unaware of what was happening out her window.

"Shiguren, cheer up! Seeing as we're in an erm..." Miles kicked a mushy cigarette out of his path. "Rather shady part of Patchi forest, we should probably get out, before some kidnapper decides to come after you and Miku. They probably don't want me, seeing as I'm a guy and I'm extremely ugly. Well, at least to them. I mean, I'm awesomely pretty. Right?" Miles went back to running his enormous mouth. Well, it wasn't enormous in that sense, but enormous by the amount of sentences and words that spilled from it.

Lovelin finally caught up to them, (try running in heels! <_< ) panting."Hah...Shirugen...hah...are you...okay...hah...hah..."she slowed her pace.Wait a sec is that Miles from school?What just happened?!

Mile continuously rambled on about shady places. "Oh, maybe it'll be like a scary movie, we'll leave and be picked off, one by one.. Blah blah blah..."

Len boarded the train heading back to Tamatown and then quietly looked out the window, listening to his iPod touch. He didn't have his own band's songs on there; to him, that would be rude and rather narcissistic.

Tennyo walked back home, but found herself lost, she ran through Patchi Forest, but couldn't find the way she had came from. Then she had bumped into something. She screamed and when she had another scream appeared almost in unison with hers.

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