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"Probably has some crush on him. She at least has more of a chance with him then I do, if only Len liked boys." Kuro sighed. Len was so cute, but they just were not meant to be. Kuro picked at his sandwich, not enjoying it completely.

Lovelitchi tried to concentrate on her mini heart cake's frosting when Meri got closer.Lovelitchi's heart started beating faster.Meri was getting closer and closer to her Lovelin schedule.She started to sweat.Clam down self... she won't see my schedule...breathe...Dispite her calm thoughts she was freaking out on the outside.maybe I should grab my schedule and make a run for it...no bad idea think think... Meri was almost to her table.OH MY GOTCHI GET THE HECK OUTA HERE SHE'S GONNA SEE MY LOVELIN SCHEDULE!Then she started to panic.Where's my backpack?!?!Lovelitchi folded her Lovelin schedule into a paper airplane and threw it as hard as she could across the outdoor lunch tables.Meri must have seen her do that...she was running twords it!RUN!Lovelitchi broke into a run throwing her mini heart cake onto the ground.The little paper airplane flew pretty far,it made it all the way to the other end of the school.OH MY GOTCHI RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!

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Len noticed the panic on Lovelitchi's face and the greed all over Meri's as they ran toward a paper airplane that Lovelitchi had appeared to have thrown in desperation. He easily out ran both of them with his olympic runner skills and picked up the schedule and pocketed it.

Lovelitchi slowed to a jog with releif and a smile on her face.She breathed in and out slowly and tried to stop shaking."MERI!"She said loudly,stopping in her tracks.Meri had a smug smile on her face.

"What's on that paper Lovelitchi?"Meri asked.Lovelitchi felt another wave of panic Oh no what do I say...I can't tell her I'm Lovelin...Meri grinned"Don't want to speak?Well I'll just ask Len if I can 'give it to you' " With one last smirk,Meri strutted twords Len."Oh no you don't!"Lovelitchi fast walked to catch up to Meri."Why do you care about my paper so much any way?!"The two picked up the pace.

"Because you were out here alone there must be something special about it!"Lovelitchi and Meri Started to jog."No it was just a random piece of paper I found in my notebook!I came out here so I could see how far a paper airplane flys when it's made out of printer paper!"

Lovelitchi countered.

"Oh sure...why were you running after it?!"Meri said."So I wouldn't litter of course!!"Lovelitchi had a sudden boost of adrenaline and broke into a run.Meri was close behind.gotta find Len...

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Len finished his hot dog and tossed the plastic wrap that had been preserving it in the trash. He took his chocolate milk and started to chug it down. When he finished that, he sidearmed it into the trash can and ignored the girls that stared at him longingly.

Hime looked at her reflection in the bathroom. She looked a lot better now; a little makeup and hair-brushing was all she needed.

She grabbed her lunch and hurried into the cafeteria. She sat down next to Kuro. "I'm honestly excited about this afternoon. I haven't been able to go shopping like this in a long time." She nibbled thoughtfully on her sakuramochi. "I would've invited Miku to come with us, but I haven't had time to ask her today."

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"Great, it should be good for you to get your mind of whatever is bothering you, which is what by the way?" Kuro didn't mean to be up front, but he wanted to know. She had been upset almost all day, who wouldn't want to know. Quickly changing the subject sensing her awkwardness he said, "Do you guys know what the point of Meri's little "crew" is? I mean, they aren't even that great."

Lovelitchi and Meri burst throughout the front entrance of the school."GIVE IT UP LOVELITCHI!IM GOING TO FIND OUT WHAT'S ON THAT PAPER!"Meri shouted,right behind Lovelitchi.Oh what's that by my locker? Somehow her little paper schedule airplane was dropped off by her locker.She picked it up and continued to try to get Meri off of her tail.They got alot of head turns as the two were shouting at eachother."Why is my paper airplane so important to you?!!"Lovelitchi shouted after taking a sharp right turn."All was well until you decided to run after it!!"


"NO DIP EINSTIEN!"Lovelitchi said with a smile.The two had gone in a circle,back twords Lovelitchi's locker.She shoved the paper airplane up the 3 slits in her locker door.

"Do you want to know what's on that paper?"Lovelitchi held up a price of blank notebook paper."Nothing."She turned and walked away leaving a suprised Meri behind her.

"I don't have that much experience with Meri and her crew. But they were quite rude to me when I had just moved into this school. They haven't been bothering me for a while. I guess they just feel insecure." said Tennyo.

After her run in with Meri,lovelitchi was happy to hear the bell ring.Her next class was English,her favorite subject.

Len curiously looked down at the paper airplane that Lovelitchi and Meri had been chasing. What was it, anyway? Why would the two of them be running so desperately after a paper airplane? Why would Lovelitchi had wanted to throw it in the first place? Although he really didn't want to snoop on the privacy of Lovelitchi, curiosity got the best of him, and he opened the airplane. Shock greeted him. "Wow. So it looks like there's more than just me and Hime here, then..."

Lovelitchi proceeded to copy down the english notes on the board.If anyone had found out about her being Lovelin,hopefully it was one of her friends,not Meri.It turns out the paper at her locker that she thought was her schedule was a lost paper airplane not the pink one she had thrown.I wonder who found it? she thought.

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Len glanced over at Lovelitchi as he finished scribbling down his notes. He thought about the possibility of there being more celebs than just him, Hime and Lovelin attending this school. Chances are, there probably were more. He looked around the class, and quickly ruled out Meri and her gang. None of them could possibly be celebs.

when the bell for the next class rang,Lovelitchi gathered all of her books and took her time putting them in her bag.What she needed to do was think about who found the Lovelin pink paper airplane.She ruled out Meri as she thought the lost airplane by her locker was "the secret she was hiding".She thought hard about who else was in the courtyard at lunch.Why did I not look around me before I took off?Ugh...*face palm*

As he exited the english room, Len noticed Lovelitchi face palm. He wondered whether to confront her on the airplane or not. He could if he wanted to; but he wasn't sure how she would react.

Lovelitchi got the rest of her books and walked to math class.I hope whoever found it didn't sell it to the Celebrity Gosip magizines...I just want it back!She thought.

(EDIT:I had a typo)

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Kuchimoto was helping the teacher clean up the classroom, so she got some extra credit.

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