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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2007
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You know, Some labels are labels and some, used to mean something. For example, The 80's punk rock movement. Back then it meant something to be punk and now its just a stoopid label. Emo is NOT anything. They just want attention. There are kids out there that have hard lives but we shouldn't turn them into a dumb label. Populars are probably the retarded posers who started labeling what we have now (labels) is like the segragation. Some people are like, OH NO I AM NOT GONNA SIT WITH THE NERDS BECAUSE THEY ARE SMART. So what? They are super smart and maybe wear geeky glasses but the inside is what matters. Here is what people do (Quote from my BFF Lindsey ILY). U look at someone dressing nice and say "OH she is preppy" then u point to some1 wearing dark and say "Oh he is goth" I mean like the saying, U kant judge a book by a cover.


What does this have to do with anything at all?

Meh. I self label myself a nerd, for reasons which I don't generally show on here. (I'm actually not a stench, I just like to debate. On a forum where I don't debate, and its just sort of a comfortable invironment to be insane, I am definitally more nerdy and nerdishly obsessively awesome. <3)

Exactly!!! Thank you so much for making this topic. I feel the EXACT same way as you. Why do some people think that just because someone dresses nice, they are "cool" and when someone is found wearing glasses and suspenders they are "*cough cough* nerd!"

It just makes me really sad how shallow some humans are.

And there are actually people who have real emotional problems, like depression, and most of them are just normal people. On the other hand "emo" people are just people who practically just wallow in their sadness. It makes me really furious that these depressed people try their hardest to live a normal life while "emos" just like to think about how bad their OWN life is. If all "emos" do is think about how bad their life is, they're never gonna do anything in life and they're most likely ungrateful and weak. :( Feel free to disagree though.

And there are people who are popular, but aren't "preps". There are just people who are friendly and a lot of people know them...which is why they're popular. But there are other people who are "preps" and everyone thinks they are all fabulous and yah-yah all that, but if they are like the "preps" in movies who put others down just to make themselves feel good...FABULOUS NOT! > :(

Sometimes I wish that people could see the inside of us instead of the outside of us. Then, trust me, a lot of people would be really dang ugly...and a lot of us would shine with beauty that had been unknown before. <_<

Too bad that remains a fatasy tho...*sigh*



Every post I make isn't a debate...

A debate is a slightly heated conversation in which the two contraversing opinions try to convince one another of their beliefs. These generally fail, but if one of the people win, they are expected to lose and win graciously.

Thats a debate. ;) Though generally they get cut up a bit...

Nothing i mean there are people with hard lives but emo isnt anything.
Not all emos have hard lives,


they just (or not) choose to be labeled emo. Doesn't mean their life sucks. Well, that's what I think. =/

haha, popular used to mean that people like you ^.^

i don't really feel like putting up a "labels suck" speech. so i'll quote someone smart instead.

labels are for cans.

I'm a instrument/band nerd.. :lol: Nobody calls me that I just claim myself one. XD

I'm the smartest kid in my class (i got stuck w/ a dumb class) and i am a dork to almost everyone.My 2nd bff is "popular" so i may be soon...................................................

well I'm not a fan of labels but I would say I'm an over acheiver (smart and mostly popular people who R a part of everything) though I'm not exactly popular but my friends and myself R often a part of everything

You know, Some labels are labels and some, used to mean something. For example, The 80's punk rock movement. Back then it meant something to be punk and now its just a stoopid label. Emo is NOT anything. They just want attention. There are kids out there that have hard lives but we shouldn't turn them into a dumb label. Populars are probably the retarded posers who started labeling what we have now (labels) is like the segragation. Some people are like, OH NO I AM NOT GONNA SIT WITH THE NERDS BECAUSE THEY ARE SMART. So what? They are super smart and maybe wear geeky glasses but the inside is what matters. Here is what people do (Quote from my BFF Lindsey ILY). U look at someone dressing nice and say "OH she is preppy" then u point to some1 wearing dark and say "Oh he is goth" I mean like the saying, U kant judge a book by a cover.
"Emo is NOT anything. They just want attention. There are kids out there that have hard lives but we shouldn't turn them into a dumb label."
Emo is based off a style of music. People over the years have made it into something disgusting. All of the 'emo' people I've encountered don't have bad lives. They're 'emo' because it's 'cool'. They act like their lives are horrible, but these are the people who can afford to shop at Hot Topic and their parents give them most anything they want. If you're unaware, Hot Topic is a VERY expensive store. Especially for pants.

"Populars are probably the retarded posers who started labeling what we have now (labels) is like the segragation."
They're called 'populars' because that's what they are. Popular. A lot of people know them. The attitude is their own problem. Not associated with the label.

"Some people are like, OH NO I AM NOT GONNA SIT WITH THE NERDS BECAUSE THEY ARE SMART. So what? They are super smart and maybe wear geeky glasses but the inside is what matters."
Nerds are labeled as such and sometimes avoided(mostly by popular people with attitude issues) not because they're smart, but because usually 'nerds' are people who don't have lives. Or at least that's how others see it. They think that because they don't enjoy the same things others do, they aren't worth talking to/hanging out with.

Labels do technically mean something, but a lot of the time they're used against people. I personally hate labels.

We're all human. That is our one true label.

In high school I was labeled tons of different things.

Popular because everyone knew me, a nerd because I didn't talk to too many people and was a video game nut, goth because I dress in mostly, if not all black(it's slimming X3), and emo because I cut.

Emo was the one that thoroughly annoyed me to no end. I was diagnosed manic depressive with post traumatic stress disorder. My problems were real, and I was being labeled for it.

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I don't really care about labels.It's just what people think, don't let it bother you.


goth because I dress in mostly, if not all black(it's slimming X3),
I love black too, it is slimming. :3 I still get called goth because of it.

Anyways, labels suck when they're used against you, like SK said. You don't see yourself as that sort of person, yet it's frustraiting how other people seem to, while using in a negative way.

Like, you need labels/clasifications to get through life, but negatively using them is imature and pointless. Individuals should be judged on attitude, not interests/looks/personel problems.

Emo is based off a style of music. People over the years have made it into something disgusting. All of the 'emo' people I've encountered don't have bad lives. They're 'emo' because it's 'cool'. They act like their lives are horrible, but these are the people who can afford to shop at Hot Topic and their parents give them most anything they want. If you're unaware, Hot Topic is a VERY expensive store. Especially for pants.

They're called 'populars' because that's what they are. Popular. A lot of people know them. The attitude is their own problem. Not associated with the label.

Nerds are labeled as such and sometimes avoided(mostly by popular people with attitude issues) not because they're smart, but because usually 'nerds' are people who don't have lives. Or at least that's how others see it. They think that because they don't enjoy the same things others do, they aren't worth talking to/hanging out with.

Labels do technically mean something, but a lot of the time they're used against people. I personally hate labels.

We're all human. That is our one true label.

In high school I was labeled tons of different things.

Popular because everyone knew me, a nerd because I didn't talk to too many people and was a video game nut, goth because I dress in mostly, if not all black(it's slimming X3), and emo because I cut.

Emo was the one that thoroughly annoyed me to no end. I was diagnosed manic depressive with post traumatic stress disorder. My problems were real, and I was being labeled for it.
Oh ma i gawd u hav no idea whut ur talkin bout. TALK 2 MAI BFF LINDSEY! SHE WOULD BE PART OF THE PUNK ROCK MOVEMENT IN THE 80'S IF SHE WAS ALIVE AT THAT TIME! Look u hav no idea about labels and i do because it is in my school EV-ER-Y DAY! people point at ppl and say "He is jock" "shes a prep". I mean ppl GROW UP and Stop labeling!

Oh ma i gawd u hav no idea whut ur talkin bout. TALK 2 MAI BFF LINDSEY! SHE WOULD BE PART OF THE PUNK ROCK MOVEMENT IN THE 80'S IF SHE WAS ALIVE AT THAT TIME! Look u hav no idea about labels and i do because it is in my school EV-ER-Y DAY! people point at ppl and say "He is jock" "shes a prep". I mean ppl GROW UP and Stop labeling!
...? WT... Um, I thik she knows what she is talking about, and every school has labels, not just yours and your friend 'LINDSEY'. Everyone knows what a label is. Every school has them. Everyone has labeled someone, even if they wont admit it.

Dont Spazz out!

I dont see a problem with labels unless the labelee is offended. I have been labeled Weird, Emo, and Nerd, not to mention several other things, and I welcome them with open arms, okay? I dont really care. I like being labeled, personally. It is fine if you dont like them, but that is your choice.

Personally, I don't like the label people at my school seem to have given me. I don't agree with it, but I don't plan on changing any time soon to change that, either. :/

There are labels in every school. That's what makes people... Themselves, in their cliques. That's just how school has come to work, now. You have your own friends with your own interests. And it was the interests that were actually labeled.

I've been called emo because I shop at Hot Topic, and because of the type of music I choose to listen to. I've been called emo because of my hairstyle. I've been called emo because I had a bad day.

One of my best friends went as far as to ask me seriously if I cut myself because I act depressed. That didn't make me too happy, either.

But people will label. That's not going to change me.

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