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Mum: Do you want an "I'm in ♥ with Justin Bieber" hoodie? -points to hoodie-

Me: No.

Mum: Why?

Me: Because I'm not in love with Justin Bieber.

Mom: Krystal.

Me: *enters room*

Mom: Do you want to maybe watch a movie?

Me: *shakes head no*

Mom: ..Why? o:

Me: ..New episode of Big Time Rush. -smirk, leave-


This was on the phone while I was still half asleep.

Mum: Hello.

Me: Why'd you wake me up? I was still asleep and heard the phone ring so I ran to get it in time, but on the way I slipped and now my leg's bleeding heaps and hands feel all burny. It's not even 8:30 yet.

Mum: Oh, well I'm very sorry, I just wanted to check if you were up.

Me: Mhmmmm..

Mum: Well be ready soon because Anastasia and Masha are coming to pick you up soon.

Me: Mhmmmm..

Mum: Bye, I love you.

Me: Bye.

It hurt a lot.


Me: -gasp- Wow... -falls of chair and laughs-

Mum: Are you okay

Me: Sealand... Prussia... -smiles-

Mum: Um... what?

Me: -stand up- Hetalia movie preview

Mum: Oh.... then continue with your fan-girling

Me: Okay then... -looks at computer- Wow...

Talking to my mum abiut me having my actual Wii Fit age to my real age for the first time since I got my Wii Fit in February. x.x

Dad: When's the Hetalia movie coming out?

Me: I don't like Hetalia anymore, dad.

Dad: WHAT!? -goes to computer- Maybe this will change your mind?

Me: I doubt that...

-England's Marukaite Chikyuu starts playing-

Me: -stare- EFF YOU! I'M SUPPOSED TO HATE HETALIA! -sings along-

This proves that I can never dislike Hetalia for too long.

Mum: I've got a bone to pick with you

Me: Mr DJ.

Mum: What?

Me: Never mind. Continue.

Me: -ranting to mother about James Bond- I just wanna see one of those movies, you know? I actually hardly know anything about them, except that Sean Connery plays as him. They're just so popular, I wanna see one.

Brother: -coming down the stairs- What's so popular?

Me: Bond. James Bond.

Mum: Krissstiiin!

Me: Whaaat?

Mum: Did you see if the Wi-Fi works here?

Me: There is no Wi-Fi here. We've already established that fact.

Gran: Well, anyways. I set it up yesterday so....

Me: Yeah great nice to know. -goes back to computer-

Dustin: Done?

Me: Yeah.

Dustin: Good, cause I wanted to play. But I should probably work on some Anatomy.

Me: Then what are you doing now?

Dustin: Spanish.

I was playing Wii and I just finished. So my brother said he wanted to play, but he's doing homework and such.

Edit: On TC, of course.

Me: Who dosen't love this? *scene of Russia falling from a plane yelling "VODKAAAAA~"*

Lee: I SAW THAT EXACT VIDEO YESTERAY *yestrweedy ....Yeah

Grace: Good ol' Russia. xD



Claire: I got my Russia cosplay yesterday~

Me: :eek:

Grace: 8D

Edit: Yes, conversations on TC last for about 4 to 5 seconds long.

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Me;; Does the company you work at export to Russia?

Brother;; Uh. I don't think so.

Mom;; How about we export you to Russia?


EDIT; -smiliefail-

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Talking to my friend about kids with funny names in math textbooks... xD

Me:No You don't!

Claire:Shh.... Don't tell.

Me:No you don't!

Claire:Shh... Don't tell!

Me:No you don't!


Me: Pft. You're adorable.

Matt: No. She is.

Me: You're both adorable.

Matt: No. Just her.

Me: But you make an adorable couple.

Matt:...Okay you got me. But just her.

Me: Haha. I win.

Conversations with him are win. Half are deep and serious and the other half are completely senseless. xD

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