Last time you got annoyed?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Howl's Moving Castle
What was the last thing that made you annoyed? xDD Or why were you last annoyed?

Right now for me:

There's a retarded cricket outside of my window that's singing like there's no tomorrow. IT'S VERY OBNOXIOUS. Wait. It stopped. NOPE. D:<

xD You?

I'm verrrrry annoyed right now. D:<

I am trying to get to sleep, but my eyes WON'T CLOSE.

It's almost as if I was made as a nocturnal animal.

All week.

My 'ex best friend' spilled my secrets and back stabbed me. She started calling me names, yet she thinks we're still best friends. Nope, my other best friend is my BESTEST friend ever, and it's only now that I've realised how much I love her.

Last night/This morning.

3 am, or so.

Michaela sang Sexyback.

When I was out shopping. I didn't have enough money for this really cute bag I saw at Newbury comics DD:

Yesterday, when my dad kept yelling at me to stand up straight, when he knew I had a migraine and didn't want to do anything but sleep.

And yesterday, when I was trying on pants and none of them fit. Then I was happy when we went to Old Navy and I found skinnies that fit.

I was a little annoyed today when I brought my brother's gym kit into school accidentally, instead of my own.

But I managed to pull off the twelve-year-old boy look quite nicely, thankyou. xD

I'm always annoyed for some reason or the other.

At the moment, it's the clicky sound the fan is randomly making. And I'm pretty annoyed at myself too.

About 10 minutes ago. I remembered I'd left my hair straightener on all day and Daddy saw me turn it off and got mad about how wasteful and useless I am.

^ Don't you HATE that? xD

I got annoyed because a bee was chasing me so I tried to climb my fence and it broke in half. Then I had to run all the way around the backyard to the front.

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