Last Time you LOL'd?


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Just now in TamaChat. We were discussing Justin Bieber and .tee.hee...x said his voice is higher than her sisters. Who is 3. I just found that well funny 8D
Soooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!

:unsure: :p :(

Just now(yes at 4:53am where I live) I was playing Zelda Twilight princes. I was fighting some guy and I was like."die die die die why won't you die!?" and right when I finished I killed him wich to me was funny.

Last night at the performance for my school musical (i'm in pit orchestra) we heard this baby/toddler being really loud the whole time. it was pretty funny.

Um, hmmmmmmm. P:

Maybe 10 minutes ago? I was complimenting my brother on something and he said, "...Are you being sarcastic?"

I should really stop being sarcastic. xD


I was in the park and saw a squirrel, so I started following it. It scrambled up a tree and we stared at each other until the squirrel telepathically communicated with a pitbull, telling him to lick my ankle, causing me to look down. When I looked up the squirrel was gone. Trick, tricky squirrel.


Mum and I were in the back of Mark's car, and I was drinking an Up & Go. I finished it and then handed the empty Up & Go over to Mum. It was really funny cause she didn't know what to do with it so we just cracked up laughing.

I love my Mummmmmy!

Today.Twice.I'll explain.

My brother was on skype, and his friend was like all, waving alot, going all "HIII! HIII ELLAAAA!" .I just started laughing.

Oh, today in the school library, I went up to this guy with a book for no reason.Then he started saying "Oh yeah, and then this thing happened eh?, then it happened again, then it happened there, then you have contacts, aye?" .Then I just started laughing and walked off.

:'D, Good times.

I laughed out loud heaps today. I explain.

I was in detention, and Connor kept backchatting the detention monitor. It was soo funny! She let us out early, cuz she was in a good mood after talking to Connor.

I was eating my lunch, and I sit on the steps outside the library window, which is up on the second floor. Anyway, the girls I sit with had left and gone into the library. I was sitting there, and they were making the rude finger at the window, pulling funny faces, dancing. That wasn't the funny part. Ms Vlahos, the library lady, came up to the window and told them to go away, that the library is for reading. I cracked up. So funny!

about 5 hours ago me and my girl friend were talking one of my friends jumped imatween us and started singing "hit me baby one more time" I said to girl friend Oh crap it is a phyco look out" We rolfed we realy did

our teacher was probily thinking are they on to much medication

Georgia said ''Cars suck balls'' to Jen. I thought she said cats instead of cars, therefore I asked ''Cats suck cat balls or human balls?''

It was so funny at the time :)


When Zac covered Chris's eyes and led him to me and we were just there standing awkwardly.


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