Lauren's Log


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My first tama that was born was called Amy she died becasue i left her in the car while looking after REAL horses i know this isn't an excuse but i did have a lot to do!

She was a girl and died at 1 years old weighing 15 lb


I have had many other tamas but my batterys have run out !! :p

I have got a v3 but i am hoping to buy the v4

see ya

:huh: :huh: hey peeps i managed to find some batteries to put in it took a while !! lol anywayz it's another girl and is called Jade she is:

0 yrs old and

weighs 11 lb with

hungry ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

happy ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

:D :eek: :lol: :lol:

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Hi peeps, my tama was a :) at first but now it is half that and this thing flyin around !! lol how odd anyway i wonder what it's doin lol seeya
