Lavender Falls


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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
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Lavender falls, 3 words. Anything. Can. Happen. You might be a person who can fly, dance real good, or sing like Madonna, but you still live in The Lavender Area. Oh no, it isn't as peacefull as it seems. You might be a valedictorian, or just an average graduate, but things wont change, when you live here in Lavender Falls, things will happen...


- Try your hardest on your posts, I love great posts. They entertain me, and many others.

- When I say rejected or something, you're not banned. I just didn't like it. I might post what I didn't like, or I might think that you're smart enough to figure out what was wrong.

- No spamming.

- I would like it if you had 3+ sentences.

- No Kawaiis, [Mary] Sues, or Stus. I will accept Anime images though.

- You can have 1 main character (With powers), and a supporting character (Minor Powers, like fighting and trained to fight really good etc. or someone with no powers).

- Have fun! o3o





Power: [Optional for Supporting Characters]


Weakness: (You're not Invincible)


Other: [Optional]

I'll post my form when someone actually joins. Have fun!


Name: Danielle Ranken

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Power: Danielle has the ability to shapeshift into anything she wants on command. She can also fly.

Personality: She's outgoing, fun, nice, (she can be a bit witchy at some times) and she LOVES animals.

Weakness: Animals in danger, and when people mess with her friends or family, she goes haywire on them.

Appearance: Danielle has long, flowing straight chesnut brown hair, with the slightest blonde highlights, light freckles on her cheeks, sea blue eyes, white, perfect straight teeth, and gorgeous, pouty lips. She has a nice, developed figure, and tends to actract the attention of the people around her quite easily.

Other: None.

This is Amazing, someone actually joined. Thanks. Accepted. I'll post. Mine. Later. Today.

Name:Beatrix Mazey


Age: 14

Power: She can use her mind and control people or things, and can also inflict pain using her mind.

Personality:She is a quiet girl,speaking only when needed unless shes in one of her "tempers"She is used to roughing it out in the outdoors, and doesnt care what people think of her.

Weakness: She has trust issues and has a bit of a temper sometimes

Appearance:Click Find Out


((You're welcome!))

Danielle walked up the sidewalk from her house, but stopped when she saw a strange boy. He was standing there, speaking to himself, in a different language. She didn't understand him, but she knew some Spanish so she attempted to talk to him, hoping he might understand her. "Como te llama?" she began. He glanced up, then quickly looked back down at the ground. "Tyler." he mumbled. "De donde eras, senor Tyler?" she continued. "Lavender Falls." he quickly responded, then looked at his shoes. Danielle nodded, bid her goodbyes, smiled, and continued her journey to school. She thought about this "Tyler" kid all throughout her trip. By the time she got to school, she had come up with an outragous explanation as to why he was so.. plain, weird. But, later on, she would discover it wasn't as wild of an idea as she thought.

Book In Hand, Trixie ran to see what was burning in the kitchen. Her mum had a can of spagetti sauce in the microwave. She flung the microwave door open and yanked off the lid of the jar. "Mum, metals bad for microwaves" Her Mum, nodded gloomily. "Is My Pasta Alright?" "Stirring helps..."

Danielle sat through school, gloomily, all day long, still thinking of this mysterious, "Tyler" kid. She still didn't know what to think of him when her mom drove up and picked her up after school. Her mom looked at her, and said, "Hun, what's wrong? You look kinda down.." Danielle sat still for a moment before responding. "Nothing. Just.. thinking." Her mom nodded, and drove out of the school parking lot and in the opposite direction of their house. Danielle looked out the window and stared for a little bit before asking her mom where they were going. Her mom smiled, and said, "I figured you might need a little 'pick-me-up' so we're going to McDonald's then a little shopping for something." Danielle finally smiled. "Great! What are we shopping for?" she asked with a bit of enthusiasm. "Oh, I thought it was time for your cell phone upgrade.. I figured we might upgrade it today.. How's that?" she smiled. "Thanks so much mom!" They laughed and talked on the way to get something to eat and shop for a phone.

Melodi Looked over to her right no no sign of anyone she crept through the deserted room she was curious she hadnt seen anyone for days here she walked around trying to find where everyone had went suddenly everything went dark she felt like she was flying.... Melodi woke up yet another weird dream she tried to find out what it all meant. oh well today was her 13th B'day so she walked off to find her mum and dad in the kitchen with pancakes of course to her she knew this was coming it happened every year . she ate her pancakes then her mum held her hands and said "Melodi we need to talk".

Hope this role play isn't totally dead!

Name: Peter Krampen

Gender: Male

Age: Sixteen

Powers: Peter has the ability to control earth to a small extent. He cannot create earthquakes, but can open up small holes and chasms in the ground and use small chunks of the ground as projectile weapons. He has not mastered his power, however, and he sometimes opens up holes in the ground when he is upset.

Personality: Peter is a very outgoing boy who adores communicating with others. He tries to fix others problems, which often gets him in unnecessary trouble, but he gets a huge sense of pride when he sees someone happy again. Peter has a way of getting people to like him quickly, and for all of the right reasons. He has a very charming person and is a true gentleman at heart. He is fiercely loyal and protective of his friends, family, and/or lover. He forgives and forgets and sometimes gives one too many second and third chances, which often leads to a backstabbing on his behalf.

Weakness: Peter's feelings get hurt easily, and he is too trusting of people. He has high and unrealistic expectations of people. He also has no use of his left hand, but that is only a minor weakness.

Appearance: Peter has messy brown hair that he purposely styles into a borderline bedhead-head fashion. He has green eyes and light freckles on his cheeks. He has fair skin that tans very easily, but he doesn't go outside much. He is tall, about 5'9" and relatively thin and lanky. He wears jeans and a hoodie almost all of the time, but he is capable of dressing up spontaneously to throw people off sometimes.

Other: After an accident, Peter's left hand was severely injured, and as a result, he cannot use it. However, e has learned to adapt and continue playing piano, although he is still getting used to the heavily restricted use of his left hand.

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