Leaf Brook


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"MOONRAIN!!!" I howled as i finally caught up to her and grabbed her by the scruff." Hurry, co get cobwebs while i carry her to shelter!!" I commanded Sunset. As she dashed away hastily, I ran as fast as i could with the seemingly tiny, bloody, body in my jaws.(note: i am now talking in 1st person)

I heard Moonrain and ran to her as quick as I could... I saw Moonstream dragging Moonrain and ran as fast as I could to her, then I said something: "Let me help..." I then picked up Moonrain and started sync running with Moonstream...

"Moonstream! I got the cobwebs you asked for!"Sunset cried in a rushed tone. She quickly applied them to the patches of red in Moonrain's fur. Sunset, Nightwind and Moonstream looked on, worried for Moonrain's life. "I hope she will be okay and that I wasn't too late," Sunset said, her eyes becoming red and tears flowing down her small, worried face.

"Don't worry, I'm a healer and a fighter," I reassured them both. I stalked around and finally found some burdock. I began to dig up the roots and chew them up into a poultice, at the same time i gently scraped off the patches of cobweb and stuck them to Nightwind's fur. I then bagan to dab the poultice onto each gash, re-covering each one with the old cobwebs. "This borage root will prevent, or stop an infection in process," I told them. "now all we can do is wait..." I sighed.

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Aiden: He sheepishly grinned and shook his head. "NO," he laughed. "We're just some random loners passing through." He bumped into his brother again and started giggling.

Fang: Fang rolled his eyes and smiled smally. "You should stop doing that," he said loudly, suprisingly.

Aiden: Aiden started laughing more. "I shall die laughing my brother," he managed.

"Oh I see...." Amorette nodded although she didn't really. "Yet, you are on confidential business... " She pondered aloud, not talking to either of them really. She watched as Aiden bump into Fang and burst into a fit of laughter. She rolled her eyes at the two of them. "So, you two are brothers? I think its nice that you have stuck together. Kind of sweet actually."

I looked at the small lump of fur, almost crying. I felt someone brush against me, it was Nightwind. I felt shocked from the closeness to him, but I did nothing to stop it. Then i looked at my own pelt, a few tiny gashes from the hail, but that was about all. Then I looked at my paw, covered in blood and dirt,"The cobwebs must have torn off," I whispered to myself.

I looked at the small lump of fur, almost crying. I felt someone brush against me, it was Nightwind. I felt shocked from the closeness to him, but I did nothing to stop it. Then i looked at my own pelt, a few tiny gashes from the hail, but that was about all. Then I looked at my paw, covered in blood and dirt,"The cobwebs must have torn off," I whispered to myself.

I looked at the small lump of fur, almost crying. I felt someone brush against me, it was Nightwind. I felt shocked from the closeness to him, but I did nothing to stop it. Then i looked at my own pelt, a few tiny gashes from the hail, but that was about all. Then I looked at my paw, covered in blood and dirt,"The cobwebs must have torn off," I whispered to myself.

"You... Shouldn't use cobwebs..." Moonrain said, struggling to speak, "the... poor... spiders.."

"Shhhh, don't try to talk, anyways, with the cobwebs I use, the spiders are already gone," I said to her," Plus, it's one of the only things we can use out here to stop bleeding..."

"But a homeless spider... could of.. used.. it," Moonrain coughed, she turned her her, more blood was pumping out her body, she began to spew, spew up blood.

I acted quickly and began to work my way with herbs and cobwebs," Right now, Moonrain, the last thing you should be worrying about is spiders," I growled.

"But they are just as equal as us," said Moonrain, she paused mid-sentence to spew, "we are not mightier than them."

" I'm NOT WILLING to let YOU DIE over a couple of STUPID SPIDERS , Moonrain!!" I snarled, almost finishing up stopping Moonrain's bleeding.

(BTW to every1, my computer has been acting screwy so there are some double and triple posts......SRY!!!)

Sunset began crying. "The sp-sp-spiders," she hiccuped. "I-I asked them to-to-to gi-i-ive me the cobwe-e-ebs for your sa-a-ke," she cried, whimpering."And-and-and they did, they were so-so worried about you, Moon-Moon-Moonrain! I didn't think you two would ar-argue over them!"

I shook my head as i finished up and she stopped bleeding. I looked around and began to wonder what had caused the spewing up blood. I understood that the hail had pierced her skin, but, Internal bleeding? I looked at Moonrain, shook my head and whispered," All this about a few tiny spiders..."

"No..." Moonrain pointed to a unnaturally huge red-back spider, next to Moonstreams paw, "h-h-ello,, sp-piders."

"Sunset!" I growled as i jumped back, away from the spider. "You can't BRING the spiders with you!!!"

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