Leaf Brook


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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2010
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((starting this up again because the old thread was too old, and new people want to join. i apologize if the older thread was alright, it's just sort of uncomfortable starting up one from october. C:))

Long, long ago, there were once a pack of canines called Nightbrook.

There was Nightwind, the courageous wolf-leader,

Stardust, the most optimistic dingo in the forest,

Blizzard, the amazingly skilled fox,

Moonrain, a rejected but soon fufilled wolf,

Amorette, with the pure blue-gray wolf eyes,

Moonstream, the most beautiful wolf in the valley,

and Sunset, a pure white reasonable wolf.

Many more wolves, foxes, and unsortable other canines joined the brook over time, and left because of the harsh weather, occasional shortage of food, perhaps even fatality, but the seven heroes would never pass on. They lived in harmony, helping poor animals survive, taking down enemy brooks, and destroying or helping prevent anything else that could have happened. They were the greatest heroes to live in our forest.

Sadly, they have passed away now. Our forest is not safe, and we need you to help protect us. Without you hundreds of harmless lives could be lost.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ Rules ۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

• NO ANIME, NO KAWAIIS. If you include that stuff you are automatically BANNED.

• NO STUS OR SUES. If you seem sue-ish, you are automatically BANNED.

Before posting your form, make sure your character isn't too sue-ish; check this out. HOWEVER, I AM ALLOWING SUE-ISH NAMES, for example Celeste, April, Trinity, etc.

• Please make your wolf sound realistic; no 'she had markings like okami but black fur' or anything.

• I am not going to allow shape-shifters. Find another RP for that stuff.

• Literacy please!! At least 3 sentences per post.

• Please keep your name to one word.

• I will approve your form.

• If you were in the REAL LEAF BROOK, you are allowed to have your character be an offspring and be very similar in personality and looks. Yes, I was Sunset.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ Form ۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬



Age: [10 - 30]

Animal: [Must be a canine]





▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ ۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

My form:

Name: Raven

Gender: Female

Age: 13 wolf years, 7 human years

Animal: Wolf

Looks: Raven is a pure white wolf, ears tail and paws tinted black, with piercing yellow eyes. She has scratches everywhere on her body from several fights in which most of them she lost, and her right ear is torn.

Personality: Raven is a blunt wolf, and is very truthful about everything she says. This has won her the loss of many friends. She has lots of enemies. She is tricky and pranky and loves to make jokes. Gets along with others pretty well, but has a short temper.

History: She is Sunset's cub, one of five. She was the only female out of them and was the only one with slightly black fur. The rest were completely white.After her fourth birthday, Raven wanted adventure and so forth ran away. She let herself do whatever she want and came to Nightbrook in search of a new home. Being Sunset's cub she was automatically intergrated.

Other: Birthday is February 13th.

Name: Silverfrost

Gender: female

Age: 18 wolf years, 12 human years.

Animal: wolf

Looks: https://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa364/Mebetreeki2/wolf-werewolf/wolf.jpg A scar has yet to come across her face.

Personality: Ever since her mother died, she's been very shaky and on edge. With her trust running dangerously low and her loneliness only getting higher by the day. She doesn't have her mother's strange connection to the moon, thankfully. Yet, most of her other traits were gained from her mother, her courage, aggression, and ability to speak her mind and not care what others thought. Silverfrost loves Nightbrook and everyone in it. She remembers her mother's death vividly, and trembles at the slightest mention of her. In other words, she really misses her insane mother.

History: Her mother was Moonstream. She looks somewhat like her mother, except the darker gray patches on her, presumably from her father. Sadly enough, her father was Moonstream's ex-mate and attacker, Scarface.

Other: She's blind in her blue eye.

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Name: Terrah

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Animal: Wolf

Looks: Terrah's coat is made up of a chocolatey mass of fur, and at her feet she has charcoal-black paws. The tip of her tail is charcoal black as well. Her eyes are a dull grey, however, and her eye-sight isn't as good as it used to be. She can still see fine, though. Her left ear has a slit at the very edge, which is a good way to identify her.

Personality: Terrah is extremely kind, but she can be a bit selfish when it comes to food. She would kill a fat hog and stuff herself until she's full and she won't let any others take even a bite.

History: When Terrah was younger, she had sharp, golden eyes. A deadly disease affected her. However, she was able to get rid of it in time, but her eyesight had faded, turning her golden eyes to a dull grey. The slit in her ear was a mark of the time she had gotten too close to other canines and they bit right into her ear, tearing it apart. It healed, btu the tip of her ear had healed all the way around before it could mend itself together.

Other: Terrah used to have a human owner, but she ran away. The collar on her neck is now a bunch of rags she's unable to tear off.


((both accepted! and the watching, i think it's cause it looks really cool and shows good skills in fighting C:))

Raven proweled around the boundaries of the Brook, sniffing and spitting occasionally. She then went deeper into the forest a few steps away and began to wander around, eventually finding a small squirrel and killing it. She trotted back to the Brook mindlessly and plopped the squirrel in front of another wolf. She flicked her tail in disintrest.

OOC: Hee hee. Notice how I put a :)

Terrah sat on the stump of a tree. She had no idea what to do, as this time of season prey wasn't so fat and hard to catch. Even if she had gotten a hold of a mere rat, it wouldn't taste so good. Finally, after a few minutes of loafing around, Terrah's stomach growled angrily. She simply wandered around until she could spot some prey. Finally, she spotted a small bird and made a chase for it. It flew away.

"Ugh! I guess I'll just sit here until more prey comes around, I can't see a thing!" Terrah mumbled, annoyed, resting her muzzle on her large charcoal-black paws and heaved a heavy sigh, half closing her eyes.

Silverfrost drug her paws as she walked around the Borders, not really paying attention to much of anything. She occasionally would scent a scrawny rat or a tiny bird, but didn't pursue them. Eventually, she came across a rabbit. Not wanting to ignore this one, she shot down into a hunter's crouch and prowled forward. As she got closer, she realized the rabbit was distracted with eating berries. An easy catch. She lunged forward, delivering the death bite to the rabbit's neck. She then picked up the limp rabbit, heading back to camp.

Suddenly, Terrah heard a small rustle. Despite her eyesight, her hearing was extraordinarily good and even the smallest squeak of a mouse nearby would have her up and alert. Quickly, getting to her feet, she quietly walked forward to the sound, as it got louder. She spotted a wolf with grey patches, carrying a rabbit in its mouth.

"Hey! Do you think you could share some food!?" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

Silverfrost flinched and shot her head in the direction she'd heard the voice. She shot her eyes around nervously. "Uh... S-sure..." she stammered loudly, beginning to walk cautiously toward the wolf.

Raven's ears perked up at the noise of a wolf barking loudly. Turning toward the direction, she peeked thorugh a bush and rested her head, watching a cocoa-brown wolf call over a smaller black-and-white wolf. She rooted a bit in the ground while keeping her eyes frozen, trying to look for tasty worms for herself.

"Umm, thanks, I was just really hungry..." Terrah murmured.

"Wait, it's not like I'm going to attack you!" she shouted, noticing the awkward atmosphere.

Silverfrost flinched when the wolf shouted. She approached the wolf and dropped the rabbit at her feet. "Here..." she said softly, sitting down.

"How are we going to divide this?" Terrah asked politely. She wanted to pick up the rabbit and take a run for it, but her instincts told her it was a bad idea and she wanted to keep a good reputation with other fellow canines. She tried to visualize an imaginary line where the rabbit should be separated. Maybe across from the chest to tail, or across the stomach?

Finally, Terrah decided she would just divide the food as perfectly as possible and get it over with. She held the back down with her front paws and pulled. She expected the entrails of the rabbit to splatter all over the ground, but it came out perfectly.

"Thank you for the breakfast. I'm Terrah." she said, bowing her head respectfully.

Silverfrost nodded and watched as Terrah divided the rabbit. "Oh, no problem.... I'm Silverfrost." she responded, also bowing her head slightly. She waved her tail slightly along the ground.

"Nice to meet you, Silverfrost," Terrah said with a canine-like smile. She picked up the rabbit by its ears and dragged it to a hollow tree, where she slipped under the roots into the tree and silently feasted. Terrah didn't like to let people watch her eat, she found it extremely uncomfortable. Soon enough, after quick eating, what was left of the rabbit was a pile of bones. She buried them to chew on later. The rabbit fur she put in the corner of her little house of a tree. When she was finished, she shyly hid inside of the tree, hoping Silverfrost would not pursue her.

Silverfrost sighed when Terrah left her there. She quickly ate her share of the rabbit and hid the remains. Pricking her ears, she listened for any sound of other small animals. She stood, glancing back once more in the direction Terrah had disappeared, and going on her way. She made her way back to the borders of Nightbrook territory, dragging her paws just as before.

Terrah heard the rustling noise of Silverfrost leaving, and was pretty sure it was time for her to do what was considered 'messing around'. With her tail and muzzle, she brushed leaves into a tall pile, enough to make a big smash if anything came down on it. The leaf tower was about 14 inches across and 12 inches tall, and once it stayed secure, Terrah backed up and ran with a jump into the pile of leaves. CRACKLE, BAM! It was almost like raining leaves! Terrah continued to repeat this process, and anyone could confuse the sound for a burning forest with the crackles of the dead leaves.

Upon hearing something similar to a fire, Raven burst out of the little bush, yipping and growling out of fear. Suddenly spotting a rather scattered pile of leaves, and among them another wolf, the brown one she had spotted before.

"Why," Raven snarled, exposing her teeth, "did you do that?" She brushed her paw a bit against the ground a bit.

"Fine then," Raven snorted after a while, and from a headstart crashed into the leaves, causing a loud noise to run through her like an earthquake.

"Alright, I hate to admit it, but I guess that was a little fun," she said, walking up to the other wolf. "My name's Raven. Yours?"

"My name's Terrah. It's nice to meet you!" Terrah said, crashing into the pile again.

"Do you wanna play a different game?" she asked curiously. "Then it won't have to sound like burning the forest. Unless you want to burn the forest. Then we can really do that."

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