Left or Right?


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Yes, Im not sure if it's true that lefty's are smarter (Gawd, everyone in my class is like "Are you the smartest because your lefty!?" Im like. Arggh! Im not that smart. xd"

But yes, most people say righty's live longer, I, personally, am hoping to prove them wrong!

ppphmph, just becuase you are right handed doesnt mean youll live longer... just like blondes don't have more fun. i think it's all just dumb. unless you can prove it to me somehow, i'll never believe ya :p

Miss Matchmaker, if that's true, then I'm gonna live longer AND am smarter!! jk, i'm ambidextrous. I sorta use both hands for different things (left: writing, drawing, etc.---right: catching, cutting, etc.) but if i can do something with one hand, i can do it with the other.

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