Legalization of Marijauna


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No wait, that's like comparing the temperature of fire to the height of a building. It's irrelevant and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Well...the reason I compared it to a nuclear bomb is that they are both dangerous and they both cause death. See? My comparison makes sense.

I think the link you gave us was to a newspaper article reporting one doctor's opinion based on what he has seen over the years. Whilst I agree that he is a medical expert, one opinion doesn't really make it so.

What it comes down to is "Cause of Death".

Looking at medial data collected between 1997 and 2005 there were still no cases where doctors specified cause of death to be marijuana.

There were plenty of cases where it was the doctor's opinion that marijuana was a "secondary suspect" (may have contributed to a death) - but none (that's zero) where marijuana is given as the primary cause of death. (Compared with - for example - 2,254 deaths where Viagra was the primary cause) ;) Source: Deaths from Marijuana versus FDA approved drugs (1997-2005):

I do believe that marijuana use can be dangerous in an indirect way - people do random, foolish things when they are stoned. (Like driving a car, climbing something tall - like a wall or going onto a balcony and falling off ... list of things can go on and on).

I don't believe that just because smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol is legal that we should legalise marijuana. All that means is that folks can put themselves in danger not just when they're drunk or smoking cigarettes, but when they're stoned as well. If anything, that's an argument for stricter controls on alcohol (or smoking) - not that I particularly want this either - I am just saying that the argument is moot in my opinion.

What is all comes down to is that there are plenty of reports and evidence for both arguments (for and against).

I think the link you gave us was to a newspaper article reporting one doctor's opinion based on what he has seen over the years. Whilst I agree that he is a medical expert, one opinion doesn't really make it so.

What it comes down to is "Cause of Death".

Looking at medial data collected between 1997 and 2005 there were still no cases where doctors specified cause of death to be marijuana.

There were plenty of cases where it was the doctor's opinion that marijuana was a "secondary suspect" (may have contributed to a death) - but none (that's zero) where marijuana is given as the primary cause of death. (Compared with - for example - 2,254 deaths where Viagra was the primary cause) ;) Source: Deaths from Marijuana versus FDA approved drugs (1997-2005): https://medicalmariju...ID=000145#cause

I do believe that marijuana use can be dangerous in an indirect way - people do random, foolish things when they are stoned. (Like driving a car, climbing something tall - like a wall or going onto a balcony and falling off ... list of things can go on and on).

I don't believe that just because smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol is legal that we should legalise marijuana. All that means is that folks can put themselves in danger not just when they're drunk or smoking cigarettes, but when they're stoned as well. If anything, that's an argument for stricter controls on alcohol (or smoking) - not that I particularly want this either - I am just saying that the argument is moot in my opinion.

What is all comes down to is that there are plenty of reports and evidence for both arguments (for and against).
If you say so. :rolleyes: Still, I think it's much better to be safe than sorry, right?

If you say so. :rolleyes: Still, I think it's much better to be safe than sorry, right?
Oh yes, I agree it's sensible to be safe rather than sorry.

I just don't agree with anyone claiming that marijuana is "deadly" and that it's use is causing "severe harm" when there's no evidence to support it.

Each time anyone exaggerates the dangers of cannabis or makes outlandish claims against it, my feeling is that it just undermines the truth and then sceptics think it's hysterical nonsense when in fact there are some valid facts about the dangers :)

Basically, globally there are over 1000 deaths a day from alcohol related incidents. Globally there are 0 deaths in HISTORY related to use of cannabis.

Marijuana alters braincells and causes them not work, however you have trillions of braincells so it doesn't really matter. It's healthier for you than Tobacco and alcohol.

Its really plain and simple. The reason why it hasn't been legalized is because the American Government is in the pockets of the drug companies and vise versa. Check out all the 'donations' our so called elected officals receive from drug companies such as Pfizer. Pills are ridiculously more addicting then marijuana and yet they are creating a pill ten times more potent then hydrocodones? Pills are like the new heroin or crack but the government knows they can't profit the same with marijuana. Just think how much legalizing marijuana would solve. It would dramatically cut down on illegal drugs coming over from Mexico and free up jails. I mean our jails and prisons are already overflowing and we really have no room to keep building more just for the sake of non-violent offenders. However with that being said I believe that it should be treated like alchol as it DOES impair your abilities. Thats my two cents.

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... Globally there are 0 deaths in HISTORY related to use of cannabis...
Actually - that's kind of an urban myth... there are deaths related to use of marijuana.

I linked to an interesting article a couple of posts above... just because the medical profession had not specified the drug as a primary cause of death (1977 - 2005), there were still plenty of deaths that were attributed to marijuana as a secondary or contributary cause = in other words - 'related to use of marijuana'.

Is it possible to Overdose on Marijuana? No? This is a pretty balanced and sensible article that looks at what is defined as an overdose and how it relates to incidences in consumption of Marijuana:

I am not personally specifically in favour of nor against legalisation. I am totally in favour of expelling myths for and against the drug so that people can make more informed decisions for themselves (and therefore, more informed choices) ;)


If you "no" people actualy did some research (hell even a basic google search), you would know that there are less side effects for the use of weed than ciggarets or alchahol, which are both legal. I have severe ADD and recently discoverd that medicinal weed could help me control it as an ulternative to popping Ritalin. It seems to me like a better alternative, but because it's not allowed in my country, I'm left with few options if I want to be able to focus and actually hold down a job. Nay-sayers, just go do yourselves a favour and google 'medicinal weed' and stop believing the lies the government forces down your throat.


my parents say pot's effects aren't even as bad as alchoholic drinks -_-

TM Edit: Please remember to check the date of the last post in any topic (to avoid topic bumping - read through this topic: https://www.tamatalk....-topic-bumping/).

Because the last post was made over three months ago, I'll just close this topic to avoid it being bumped.

Thanks for understanding :)


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