Let's Bring tamagotchi back!


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only a select few of my friends think they're intresting even......and they dont want to spend 15 dollars on new tam. only one person from the sixth grade even bought one.... and he was the best student in the class!

I Love Your Idea I Gave A Pal A Pink V4 She Loves It My Sis Has One And My Mom Does Too

The REason I Don't Bring My Tamas To School Is That They Will Make Fun Of Me

They Will Be Like "Omg LOOK HE LIKES TAMAS HE IS DUMB HE IS A NERD" But They Are Very Wrong Tamas Forever!

BurntSnow, that seems like a good idea, because alot of the reason people dont play Tamagotchis, are because they dont have Tamas, and dont want to buy one. Maybe people having them, will make them want to play them.

I swear, if I told anyone I was a tamagotchi expert, they wouldn't care. I would just be a huger nerd then I already am.
i here you every one in my school hates tamagotchis and i am the only person who likes them

I'm going to tell it to my brother, so that he can tell it to the guys who have one (or the girls...I think that he will onlysay it to the guys. :eek: )

Actually, he is NOT the expert in my class, it's a girl, and he says that she has all the versions,so I can ask him to trade my v6. :kuribotchi:

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I know that in elementary school the tamagotchi fad is pretty popular, because my sister just moved on to middle school. I'm a junior in highschool though, and I know for a fact that people will tease me and make fun of me if I ever tried to bring them back. I remember in eight grade I'd be playing with them, and boys would end up laughing at me. Even last year, my own best friend (friend now) told me I'm too old to be playing with tamagotchis.

I personally find them amusing, and they entertain me so well! I find it exciting to get new characters and move on from generation to generation. I think we should just ignore people who make fun of us and continue collecting and playing with Tamagotchis. If people think we're losers or not cool, who cares? Its our life and they should just mind their own business.

I love your plan, I honestly do. But unfortunately, it's practically impossible to bring tamagotchis back into highschool.

Over here I've only seen like 6 people with tamas once a year. In 3rd grade I saw a boy with a tama on the playground. In 4th grade two girls on the bus with tamas. I think it was 5th grade some girl had a birthday party and got 2. In 6th grade a girl got a familitchi, we were going to connect once I got mine, but it was too late she lost interest. And the last time was in 7th grade this kid got a tama and he was a little special, second hand smoking, he was smart but he acted like he was 7 years old. He pretended his pencils were space ships, so he got laughed at a lot, but even more when these jocks saw him playing with his tama. That was the last I seen of anybody with a tama. I bought my tamagotchi color likelast summer and it cost a lot at the time, my friend

(now ex friend) couldn't believe I wasted money on it. Some people thought it was cool, but then they say "yeah I never was a big fan cause they just got too boring after a while". I get a couple laughs though when I say how my tamas got married and got busy.

But anyway I don't see how to bring tamas back in highschool when u see them rarely in Highschool, hopefully tamagos might change things. But teens just have better things to do, sports,homework, dinner, chores, texting, myspace,facebook, and then the weekends for family or friends. Although I've always dreamed of people with tamas attached to their pants,zippers, or in their backpacks and purses or connnecting. But it's difficult, because no one really wants to buy one, they probably see it as a lil kids toy.

i toataly agree no one in my school plays with tomagotchis anymore probly becouse they arent sold anywere but fredmeyer now or outgrow them? i dont know but im in 7th grade and i still play

I remember when I was in 4th grade (4 years ago) I brought Tamagotchis into fame there. EVERYONE I KNEW all of my friends got one cause I had one.


Now im in 8th grade and everyone thinks im such a kid for playing with them xD

It might be cool to have Bandai "re-release" the CLASSIC Tamas commericals on the Tama-Vision thing or in the blog. I think some people go there just for good times sake. That can catch many people back in the picture for the memories. Then it will let the other people from the 2004+ generation about the old ones who don't know about them. I know they are still out on the web and I would guess they still have the rights to the commericals. I know I'd be interested in seeing the commericals again there.

Otherwise, I walk around with them on a lanyard and people read it says Tamagotchi. Then they look at it and remember the memories if they have had one in the past.

Lol, I'm in college and I work full time... bring my tama to work and all my coworkers think its cool because its "retro" lol.

^ How about college, lol? Actually, I'm a college graduate. Yes, I think just keeping it here on TT for me too would be good enough for me for now. :p
hahaha yeah I think i will keep my little obsession on forums with fellow tama-lovers instead

I dont think i will tell any of my friends either. I told my coworkers who are a couple years older than me and they gave me funny looks. One even asked me how old i am again haha :D

ive tried today oof...

someone took my music star and threw it across the feild i was called names someone but it in a barrel and rolled the barrel some NEARLY put it in water but i slpped their hand so it hit the side of the bucket and fell on the floor....

but ive addicted my freind 3 others maybe other people too i dont know about

Today I gave my friend a tamagotchi music star to start out, onwards to the new beginning! :D

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