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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2005
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pOST ALL your ideas here for a tamagotchi V3 and I'll email the link to Bandai!! My Dad has a friend there and he is considering a v3!!! Lets Help them out!!! common guys! :angry: :) :huh: :) :D :)

Uhh...I dunno... Maybe like.. More games... More charectars.. Um what my friend told me would be cool is 3 way connection like a 3 player game somhow...that would be awesome to have 3 way connection. i hope they o come up with a v3.


common u guys we need more! We need to encourage them! think about it! My dad's friend is actually considering it!

Sorry Spiffy.. I had no idea it had been said already!... I didnt copy your words.. there are alot of people in this world you know.. :D :( :p

put in a built in MP3 player like an ipod! make it in colour, more choice of eggs, u can choose EXACTLY what u want 2 giv frends wen connecting (even the bad stuff) u should be able 2 take pictures frm it, and make it like a phone, so u can talk 2 peeple through it! i hav more suggestions but i cant be bothered 2 wright n e more! thanx 4 letting me say wat i want, its been playing on my mind 4 ages. i hope i c sum of my suggestions in the near futures v3.

WE should get new characters and games.

And also the tamas should tell us what the need or want.

and new items for shopping. and clothes

Isn't it a lil too quick to be making it after they released the v2 a few months ago?

come on give Bandai a lil break.

i think that there should be more colors,that u can choose what u want to give peeps as a present,there should be more games,more items in the shop,more characters,they should have 3 way connection like kitten944 said,and thats pritty much it.

I reckon v3 should have a coulor screen and diferent tones for different needs. and it should be able to go to school and be able to connect to mobile phones and u should be able to write things to other people. :)

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