Let's Make Music!


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NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Why???? I was doing so well as a Travel Agent!!!!!!!!!


Yes, Alice had to change her job and she's pretty upset about it.


What's the point in life now I'm stuck counting the kids on a school bus.


She thinks it's pointless counting kids.


Leave me alone, I'm going to meditate.

Not before I practice my music with Jenny and Louis.

You're on!

*Alice and Jessicca race to get to their areas*

I win! You can practice later. *meditates*

I'll go to Jen's for practice. *calls Jenny*

Hello, Chanto household, Jenny speaking.

Hey, Jen, it's me, Jessicca. Can we do music practice at yours? Alice is meditating and she hates when I practice during meditation time.

Sorry, Jess, but mum will go spare if we practice here. Why don't we arrange to practice at Louis's?

Okay, Jen, see you soon! *hangs up**calls Louis*

Hello, Tarako household, Louis speaking.

Louis, it's Jessicca. Can we practice at your place? Alice is meditating and hates when I practice during meditation time, and Jenny said her mum will go spare if we practice at hers.

Sure. The parents are out.

Okay, see you soon! *hangs up**lets Jenny know practice is at Louis's*

*at Louis's*

All 3: *practicing*

Woah, that was good! I think I sang my heart out!

I probably nearly put my guitar on fire!

That would be great for Rock 'n' Roll!

*back home*

Hey, everyone! Practice was awesome!

SHUT UP JESSICCA!!! *meditates*









EDIT: PAGE 3!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!

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Sorry for not replying. Jessicca married a Mametchi and had a baby girl. I will call her Jennifer. Fave foods list!


Fave foods for Music Star tamas:

Kikitchi: bananas

Shimashimatchi: omelet

Kuromametchi: choco bar, waffle

Chantotchi: Cereal

Kuchipatchi: Corn

Ringotchi: Kebabs


© Copyright Teri of TT. If you wish to copy you must put it under the name of Teri of TT.


Oh look at our adorable baby girl!

Yes, you're baby girl is so cute, Jess!

There's cute right here!

No, Louis, Tarakotchis are ugly!










Baby Jennifer

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Alice is now old. She went to work and the king and his judges said that she was able to retire so they gave her a cane. Now, whenever I take her to work she runs past four other work places and stops at the preschool where she used to work and watches the other tamas there, remembering what it was like when she worked there.


*at work thinking no-one's watching her* Aah, such memories working with the young kids. They're so sweet.

*following Alice* Ha! You just admitted you liked your job!

*turns around* Huh? No, I didn't say I liked it. I said Those kids were jerks, tricking me by getting on and off the bus.

No, if I remember correctly you said "Aah, such memories working with the young kids. They're so sweet"

Okay, you're right. Just don't tell anyone.

I can't. I'm going to Tama Planet tonight. However, if I let Jennifer know before I leave...

She's only a little baby, she won't understand you.

Okay, grandma.

And don't call me grandma. I'm not your grandma.

Okay, Alice.

*comes in* Yeah, Jess, how would you like it if someone called you names?

I'd smash 'em over!

You tell her, Jess!

Well, I suppose I'd do that too. Anyway, Jess, thanks for naming your daughter after me.

Any time.


By the way, from now on, all my tama band names will be So What? so I don't have to keep thinking of new ones.










Baby Jennifer

Sorry for no replies. Jessicca is no longer with us. In her place is her daughter Jennifer. She was Hitodetchi child, then Ichigotchi teenager, now I've had all female teens. She met a Hinotamatchi named John and a Nonoptochi named Daniel at Music School. These three are the second generation of So What? and they are a Rock 'n' Roll. I then took good care of my Ichigotchi in hopes I would get Mimitchi, and guess what, I did!!!!! Ann then John and Daniel evolved. John is a Kuromametchi and Daniel is a Kuchipatchi. Unfortunately, they failed their auditions, but there's always today.


Rock 'n' Roll, oh yeah!!!!!!

Honestly Jen, is that all you think about?

Yeah, we need to think about passing our auditions.

Yeah, that judge with the afro is so mean.

Quit whining about your afro judge! Now, let's say he had to go somewhere... Then I'd take his place and I'd say yes.

That's a great idea Alice! But how...

We tell him that he's just been offered a job judging for Tama Idol.

That sounds good...

But guys, we shouldn't do that. It's not right.

Come on Dan, do you want to pass or not?

I do want to pass!

Then we're doing this!

John, maybe Dan's right. We can pass with fair practicing.

Oh, sticking up for your precious Dan are you, Jen?

*Jennifer and John argue*









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Hey homebirds! The second generation of So What? passed their auditions today! While so What? the first were a Pop band So What? the second are currently and R&B band. Time for fave foods list!


Fave foods for Music Star tamas:

Kikitchi: bananas

Shimashimatchi: omelet

Kuromametchi: choco bar, waffle

Chantotchi: Cereal

Kuchipatchi: Corn

Ringotchi: Kebabs

Ichigotchi: Cupcake, cookie

Mimitchi: Ice cream


© Copyright Teri of TT. If you wish to copy you must put it under the name of Teri of TT.


Concert was great! We had so many fans there, I estimate around three hundred million!


Let's check shall we? *checks fans* 305,268,655. You were close Jennifer.


*sighs* Yeah... *goes into room*


What's with her?


*writes in diary*


Dear Diary,

We passed our auditions today! Yay! Then we had a great concert! Over 300,000,000 fans! Don't tell anyone, but I love Daniel. Especially don't tell John. He'll make fun of me or say he's better for me.

Mimitchi love, (especially for Daniel)

:D ♥♥Jennifer


*locks diary**puts away diary**hides key**comes out* What did I mis?

Me and Dan came to visit, hope that's okay.

*dreamy voice* Sure...

You're in love aren't you?

Oh, is it an obvious fact?

Yes, by the way you're speaking. I thought you'd be in love one day. After all, no-one can resist this.

Who says she's in love with you?

Well, I have Kuromametchi awesomeness and you don't!

Well I have the irresistable Kuchipatchiness! :wub:

You two cut it out! Look, John, it's not you I love.

So it's me huh? See, John, told you it's not you!

Yes, Danny, I love you...





Jennifer :D


Daniel :wub:


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Hey folks! Jennifer is nolonger with is. Don't worry, she didn't die. She had a baby girl and left her. The girl is called Victoria and she is a Hitodetchi.


Teri! It's Vicki! Victoria is so old-lady-like!


I can tell Victoria's going to be a rebellious teen.




Anyway, Alice is no longer with us either. She died at 17 years. In her place is a little girl Mizutamatchi named KC. Her name is KC because I have a friend named Kaycee and KC sounds like Kaycee and KC is also her initials.


I love preschool! Ms Frill said I'm getting better at my singing!

Singing? That's all Ms Frill does with you? When I'm with Ms Frill I play jump rope!

So? I can play jump rope anytime and get points for it!

So? I play with a friend!

At least I don't look like an ugly blob! Victoria!

You're one to talk! You look like a stupid ice-cream! Kaycee!

*the two girls fight*


I'll sort them out.





Victoria (Vicki!)

KC (aka Kaycee)

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Hey, sorry for not replying for a while. Kaycee (aka KC as readers should know) is now an Ojyotchi. She attends school with Ms Flower and she does very well in guessing the fashion points.


You didn't mention a single word about me!!!! Anyway, I was an Ichigotchi teen and made a band with Toby, a Nonopotchi and David, a Hinotamatchi. Then we evolved. I'm a Chantotchi, Toby's a Dorotchi and David's a Mametchi.We failed our auditions.


I'm going to make a seperate log for my V4 because this log is named for Music Star.


Fave foods update!


Fave foods for Music Star tamas:

Kikitchi: bananas

Shimashimatchi: omelet

Kuromametchi: choco bar, waffle

Chantotchi: Cereal, Bread

Kuchipatchi: Corn

Ringotchi: Kebabs

Ichigotchi: Cupcake, cookie

Mimitchi: Ice cream


© Copyright Teri of TT. If you wish to copy you must put it under the name of Teri of TT.








Kaycee (KC)

*sees Victoria standing still like a statue* Uh... David... Victoria is standing still like a statue...

I know.. *pokes Victoria**Victoria falls* Why????? Why has this cruel fate taken Victoria from this world???? She was a great drummer...

David... Victoria's not dead... She's paused...

Oh... I knew that...


Yes, I've paused Victoria. I will not reply again until I unpause her. So...


Bye for now!






Hey, my peepz! I unpaused Victoria today. She's 6 so I'm hoping for her to pass auditions so that she can marry.


Victoria... Why did you get paused...

You were a special tama...

Thank you.

Wha?... Victoria!!!!!!

You're back!

Yep! Now if you ask me, we should practice a lot to pass our auditions today. I'm not getting any younger.




Oh, and ignore where it says cereal for Chantotchi's favourite food, it's meant to be sushi roll.


Fave foods for Music Star tamas:

Kikitchi: bananas

Shimashimatchi: omelet

Kuromametchi: choco bar, waffle

Chantotchi: Sushi roll, Bread

Kuchipatchi: Corn

Ringotchi: Kebabs

Ichigotchi: Cupcake, cookie

Mimitchi: Ice cream


© Copyright Teri of TT. If you wish to copy you must put it under the name of Teri of TT.


Oh, and if you know any more favourite foods for Music Star, reply to my topic in Tamagotchi Tips and Tricks.








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Hey, I know I just recently replied, but Victoria got married to a Kuromametchi. I didn't even know that they'd passed their auditions until the band manager came and gave her money, so I set the time to marry her. They had a baby girl.


Hey, what should we name our baby?

Kuromametchi: Hm... How about Nadine?

Baby girl: *giggles* Goo!

She seems to like that, so Nadine it is.

Nadine: Ga! *giggles again*

Wow, she's giggly!

Kuromametchi: She is isn't she?









Baby Nadine

Sorry I didn't reply through Nadine's life. She became a Tamatchi for a child, Ichigotchi for a teen and (I love this)................................











:furawatchi: VIOLETCHI for an adult!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy. As a teen, she met Dino a Nonopotchi and Ryo a Kikitchi at school and made the fourth generation of So What? a Classical band. Then Dino and Ryo evolved into a Tarakotchi and a Tosakatchi.


Well, it looks like I'm the pretty face of the band.

Yeah, yeah don't rub it in Nadine. *thinks: nadine is absolutely gorgeous. Too bad she'll never go for me*

Yeah, how do you think we feel? *thinks: There's one thing I want now and that's Nadine. Pity she's not going to choose me*


Bye for now!






Hey! Nadine married a Mametchi and they had a baby girl. They are doing a concert at the moment. So until they come back, I've decided I'm going to name the girl Jazz.


We're back! Concert sucked!

We had absolutely no fans there!

Well, the Nazotchi security guard we didn't need seemed like he liked our music....

Please. He was just gazing at Nadine. Face it. We suck!

Come on guys. We don't suck. You two are just too ugly. If we ever get fans, I bet they'll be boys and they'll only be there to look at moi!

Mametchi: Nadine, don't be mean to them. They are your bandmates.

Jazz: *giggles* He he!

Mametchi: She seems giggly.

I guess it's in the blood.

Mametchi: Huh?

Mum told me that I used to be a giggly baby.


I'm aiming for Jazz to be a Kunoitchi so I will take bad care of her. It's for character purposes though.









Baby Jazz

Well, a few days ago, Nadine left the baby. I decided I wouldn't name her Jazz and I named her Teresa instead. She's currently a Ringotchi. I'll let her talk.


Hi TT! Teri, why do I have to starve?


Because, Teresa, I'm aiming for you to be a Kunoitchi.


*has never heard of Kunoitchi before* What's a Kiontchi?


No, not Kiontchi. Kunoitchi. A Kunoitchi is a character that looks like a cat ninja that comes from neglect care.


Cat ninja? Awesome! I'll starve for you then. Oh, by the way, meet Daniel,

Hi. I'm a Hinotamatchi.

And David.


Come on David, at least say hello to them.

Hi. I'm a Nonopotchi. Bye.

They're my bandmates. *to the boys* See, this is why I wanted an all-girl band!








Well, my goal of getting a Kunoitchi was a fail. Instead Teresa is a -


I'm a Maidtchi.

Mailman: Mail for Miss Teresa Techno!

That's me!

Mailman: Well, this is yours.

Thank you! Have a nice day Mr Mailman!

You too, Miss Techno! *saying to himself* Man, Teresa is a lovely girl.

Oh, it's a heart! Someone loves me!

You mean someone loves us!

Forget it Dan, you're not a Kuromametchi anymore. The mail was for Teresa not for So What?. Is your name Teresa? Didn't think so!

So? I'm a Kuchipatchi instead! And you're not a Gozarutchi anymore either li'l bro!

So? In my opinion Shimashimatchi is way better than dumb old Gozarutchi!


What are the boys talking about? They're talking about A glitch that made them evolve into adults twice.


*sing song voice* The glitch didn't affect me!



I guess David's still the same old David.








David, say goodbye properly!

Fine. Bye. David.

Sh! Teri doesn't know I'm on here. We failed all our auditions, but I heard Teri saying I'm going to get my first friend. Her name is Amy. I'm so excited! I can't believe the day is tomorrow!!!!!!! I'll actually have a friend that's a girl!


So, until next time,





Amy the Memetchi is my best friend ever!!!!! We played games and gave each other lots of presents!


Yes, I know that, Teresa. By the way, how did you think a bass drum was a keyboard? It has no keys and you should know Daniel plays one!



I'm sorry, I was under pressure of answering fast! Anyway, I still won! Oh, and one of Amy's bandmates is called Daniel as well!


Yes, Teresa, I know!


Amy is my kind of friend's tamagotchi and we connected Teresa and Amy all day.


Until next time,








Okay, I was back a while ago, but couldn't bother replying. Anyway, Teresa had a son and left him. so now I have Logan the Nonopotchi.


Don't forget us!


I'm Daniel the Kikitchi.

I'm Veronica the Ichigotchi.

Teri, we got fanmail!


Hey hows it going rainbow? Your logs are awesome just read them recently :lol: I luv :lol:   the way you turn a music stars life into a story its awesome! Hope you still check your PM mail cause here iam PMing you and complimenting you on your good job of writing!

Compliments UraEVIL

P.S I dont expect you to PM me back so yaeh ;)



Thanks UraEVIL! I hope this inspires my other fans *wink wink* I need more fanmail!


Oh, and for the first time ever, we have a boy's diary! Yes that's right, Logan's writing a diary. This will be written in meium turquoise.


Dear Diary,

I am a Nonopotchi. Ms Bell enrolled me in Music School and gave me a Mic. I love it. I made a band with a Kikitchi named Daniel and an Ichigotchi named Veronica. I think Daniel has a little crush on Veronica, the way he stares at her. We are called So What? because it's kind of a family business. We are a Hip Hop band.

Signing off,

Logan ☻


*to self* Veronica is so cute. I need to pluck up the corage to ask her out! *goes to Veronica* Veronica Tams. I love you. Will you go out with me?

Me? Go out? With you?




Looks like Daniel and Veronica are together!








Okay, Logan is now a Shimashimatchi. He has been talking to two Christmas trees. This is what I heard:


Christmas tree 1: Hi there! We are the Christmas Tree Spirits!

Christmas tree 2: Just tell us your name and what you want for Christmas this year and,

Both trees: We will let Santa know!

Um, okay. I'm Logan Techno and Christmas is two weeks away. Don't you think I'll have been married with children and gone to Tama Planet by then?! I'm an adult tama for crying out loud!

CT1: Well, Logan, we do deliveries to Tama Planet too.

CT2: And it doesn't matter how old you are, you'll always get your wishes!

Thanks for the offer, but all I want is to pass band auditions.

CT1: Well, we can't do that kind of wish, so,

Both: Bye! *disappear*


The mailman just came and gave Logan a plant from Teresa.


Right, time for teen days flashbacks:


Previously on teen days of So What?:

Daniel asked out Veronica. Veronica said yes. What happened next?


Dear Diary,

Guess what? DANIEL ASKED ME OUT! Daniel! The kikitchi in my band! The love of my life! And of course, I said yes! I guess dreams do come true if you dream hard enough. One day, we'll marry.


Veronica ♥


Dear Diary,

I KNEW IT! Daniel just asked Veronica out. I didn't expect she'd say yes though. Maybe there's a side of her I didn't know, a side that was secretly in love with Daniel as much as he is with her. Well well.

Signing off,

Logan ☻


So where will we go?

We could go for pizza.

No thanks. I'm trying to keep in shape for when we grow up and do concerts.

True. Can't go on stage looking like a whale. How about salad?

sure! I could go for salad. Especially violet forest salad.

So it's a date then.


That's all for teen day flashbacks!


Now, Daniel is a Tosakatchi and Veronica is a Violetchi.


Let's practice!

I'm with ya!

If Daniel's with ya, so am I!

*silently so Veronica doesn't hear* Just because you're with Daniel doesn't mean you can rub in what I'm missing.


I'll leave them to it.








We have fanmail!



OMG, I totally love your log, it is so interesting and colourful, its really becoming one of my favourite logs you know!


I am having real fun guessing your colours.

so far:




(and the normals)


:) pinkbutterflies Xx.

Thank you pinkbutterfly! Yes the royalblue was right, but lime no. It was spirng green. And I didn't have magenta anywhere. But you were close with your guesses.


Speaking of spring green, it's time for the stats of Logan!


Name: Logan

Age: 5

Gender: Boy

Tama: Shimashimatchi

Tone: 747

Rhythm: 704

Original: 847

Genre: Rock 'n' roll

Stress: 00

Hungry: ♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

GP: 6930

Band: So What?

Members: Logan the Shimashimatchi - Mic, Daniel the Tosakatchi - Headphones, Veronica the Violetchi - Guitar


These are Logan's last stats ever because yesterday he married a Memetchi and had a baby girl who I'll call Tyra.


Me and Veronica had a baby boy.

Yes and we're naming him Max.

I've just had an idea.

How about we have little Tyra and Max get married when they're older?

That's what I was about to say!

Tyra: *giggles*

Hey, Tyra, my little model!

Tyra: *giggles again* Goo! *goes off to play with Max*

I think they'l be great together. They're already playing!


Okay, they've rambled on long enough.








Memetchi and baby Tyra
