Life >.<


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Mar 7, 2009
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NJ Babeh&#33; &gt;:]
I hate my life right now. Sometimes I find I cry myself to sleep. Actually, that's pretty often. Almost every day.

First of all, I don't have any friends. I mean, it's easy to make them, but so easy to lose them. Soon as I get one, they forgot about me and ignore me. I'm so quiet around people, and yet I'm such a chatterbox. And I'm so open and trusting and, and. *sigh*

Second, I know this boy. Well actually two boys. R and H. H I've known since Kindergarten, R since this year. H is so hyper and hilarious, but he can also be serious and he has such a cute face when he's serious. &lt;3 I've been teaching him how to draw anime, and he's always asking for my help. R is so funny. He's always making me laugh, he stands up for me, and he's pretty darn cute. But I'm ten, and they're around my age. Boys are never serious at ten. They're so immature. I don't know what to do. u.u I can't forget either of them.

Third, I feel so pressured. My teachers expect so much of me, and I hate it. I hate feeling like I'm supposed to live up to people's expectations. And they're making SUCH a big deal out of going to middle school. It's like: "ADFSHP GET GOOD GRADES OR IMMA KEEP JOO &gt;:["

I only feel happy at camp. There I have fun and have friends and stuff. But here my life's dull and predictable and awful. I want to be noticed and to be remembered and not to be forgotten. Thing is, nobody notices poor little Rin, humming some stupid song while she listens to her mp3 player.

Gahh, I hate my life too.

My life just isn't worth living. Everyone hates me.

At school, I had friends, but they ditched me, because apparently I was ignoring on of them. That was only because they were ignoring me. And since everyone loves them, everyone ignores me now. And at home. I'm always arguing with my mom. My mom can't stand being wrong. And whenever she is, she yells at me. And lately, she's been expecting me to know everything and whenever I say "I don't know" she yells at me. BLAHHH.

Sorry, I just had to rant.

I hate my life too,i think forever.I'm always arguing with my brother,because he's older he always tease me.I'm arguing with my mom too,as always.

Yes,i have friends,but not close friends.Some of my old friends already ignore me,so i'm ignoring almost all of them,i'm always alone,and because they're top students,mostly of my classmates will be in their side.But i don't care 'bout it,i'll do what i want,and they'll just do what they want.

I don't HATE my life, but I haven't really been liking it too much.

I always find myself arguing with my parents, especially my mom. Everyday we fight and fight, and it usually leads to me crying.

I often feel like I'm not good enough for my family; they are all quite smart, mostly in math, which I completely fail at.

They are trying to pressure me into going to a highschool I don't want to go to, because everyone in my family went there.

Why do I have to feel like such a disappointment?

And then theres friends. They backstab, they torment, they plot and they kill. Seriously; basically every girl in my grade has hurt me some way.

They make fun of me and call me emo because of how I dress, and because I wear eyeliner. They are always telling me what to do, and if I don't do it, everyone hates me.

There is this guy, too, in my class who makes my life a living hell.

Everyday he says very hurtful thing to me, and makes fun of me saying how I'm such a fa* and I have no friends, and that he hates me.

He chases me around the classroom with chairs or textbooks, and sometimes he actually hits me.

Once, when we were outside, he physcially PUSHED me to the ground, began to kick me, and then got all his friends to throw wood chips at me.

His friends like me, but they just do it because he wants them to.

And finally, there's love.

I'm always getting heartbroken and disappointed. Not much more to say.

Well, Desy, on the bright side, your gorgeous.

I actually like my life.

Oh, 'cept for the whole issue at school with the drugs and everything. But, most of the police have cleared out by now, so it's mostly back to normal.

However. I have my suspicions. for the past two months, my dad has been in Houston half the time. Like, driving there and back. It's about a four hour drive, he stays overnight. He's on business. Now what I'm afraid of is, my mom is gonna get tired of taking care of four kids by herself half the time, and haul the family to the hellhole known as HOUSTON. And I would be trapped forever. Blehh.

Other than that, life is pretty freaking boring right now, which is a good thing.

I like my life...

Sometimes things go bad, but I'm not some poor, starving child in the 3rd world without a home or a family. Then I'd have a reason to hate my life.

Sometimes I wish I hadn't moved houses. Or my brother was nicer.. but overall, my life is pretty awesome. Like, a 9/10.

So I don't really have anything to complain about... life is goood :nazotchi:

My lifes ok it has it's up and downs but I get over it xD. I can't be botherd to go into a rant coz theres nothing really to rant about. Yeahhh... Except for the fact my brothers keep farting and they think its funny but it smells like someone has pooped there pants in this house and my pefume isnt helping &gt; :eek: I will hurt them very badly.

My life has been getting better, but not enought to say that I love my life. I like it... but, I don't love my life... I mean so much things are happening in my life and everything, so I guess it's ok.

Temari Nara

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I love my life~

I'm just as spazzy and happy as I could be everyday. =3 I wake up and feel all sunshiny and happy. xDD

That's me, for ya.

My life is actually pretty good right now. I never hated it, but there were times that were hard for me because of things that happened.

But I'm all good now, dude. 8D

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I've just gotten through a very bad patch in my life. I used to pray to god every night that I would just die. It even got the point where I was about to do it myself. It was horrible... and it was so hard just to make it through a day, but to anyone who currently feels this way, things WILL get better. If you say to yourself that they never will, you're wrong. Time heals all wounds, just be patient and everything will get better. Trust me.


People who are depressed think that their situation is unique and that no-one else could ever have felt that way. They're wrong. No matter what you're going through or feeling, there are probably at least 1000 people around the world who are suffering or have suffered the same thing, and there is always someone who has been through worse. You are not alone. There is always hope. ALWAYS.


I hope things get better for you soon. =]

My life is good.

Like Tess, I don't have any serious illneses, nor am I a poor homeless child. Everything is reasonably fine in my family, and I have plenty of friends.

So there's nothing to complain about for me. But for other people, I'm sure you'll get over it. There's always people who have their life worse than yours. And treasure your life. You live life on Earth only once, therefore treasure your time. Live every day like it was your last.

It's hard. Everything's hard. That's the point of life. If everything was easy... It'd be stupid and no one would like it then either.

My life isn't exactly a walk in the park, ever. But when is anyone's?

Be an optimist. Look at life from another perspective.

It will get easier. It will get better. It will fix.

Storms subside, so will all the crap in your life.

Hope it's all better soon guys B) xo

I had like a mild depressionism time...

It felt like everyone hated me and I had no friends. I have some advice for that: DON'T think like that. It might seem like it's the only thing you can think of, but, it's not true. If you start thinking that way, you start blocking people out, and then they think you don't like them, so they start not being your friends....

Crushes are normal. If you want to go out with one of the boys, then decide who you like the most. Maybe you just want to be their friends. You're only 10, right? Maybe wait until your a bit older.

Your teachers are only trying to help you :) I know it seems like they're trying tp ush you way beyond your limit, but they just want you to do well.

It seems like this won't ever end, but it will, and everything will be back to normal. I'm here for you:)

@ Tamagirl_Desy:Welcome to the club.

I used to have a lot of freinds. Until they ditched me. I'm very trusting, and a good freind, and then this? 'Come on, what have I ever done to you?' was in my mind at the moment. :huh:

And there are these four boys. I hate them.

The first boy is at the top of my class, and he likes to tortcure me in every way possible. :(

The second boy doesn't know the meaning of "happy", and he verbaly abuses me. When I found out that I was invited to his pool party, I turned him down at the last second. :ph34r:

The third boy, he get's annoying to deal with, and he promised to be my best freind. As if. :eek:

The fouth boy told me to go burn in ****. :eek:

And then at home. The few places that I feel safe from the cruel outside world. But when my dad's listening to polotics, it gets annoying, because I bet it's his only intrest. :D

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