Lincoln Academy


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"I will, and feel free to invite me to your soccer games too... K, anyway, here it is." He stopped in front of a building with a blinking neon OPEN sign, and then Derek walked to the door and held it open for Olivia. Opening the door may not have been such a good idea, because the waft of cooking American food made him feel even hungrier- his stomach let out another grumble of complaint.

Olivia thanked him and walked through the doors. The smell of the food was wonderful, and she could feel her mouth watering already. She turned to wait for Derek and grinned. "This already smells great! Thanks for inviting me!"

"Your welcome. Anyway.." A waitress came up to them and then gestured toward bar stools facing a counter looking out the front windows, so Derek went ahead and took a seat in one of the bar stools. Picking up a menu, he looked through the options, which were pretty much just typical American diner stuff like hamburgers. He shut the menu, and asked Olivia, "So, what are you getting?"

Olivia followed suit and sat in the stool next to him. She leafed through the menu and scanned over the things she didn't like, which was about eighty percent of the menu. Olivia couldn't help that she was picky, and she couldn't explain it either. Her eyed finally landed on one thing she would eat any day, and she shut her menu and rested it neatly on the counter where she had picked it up. "Just a hamburger for me. How about you?" She responded and spun her menu around in lazy circles.

"Mmm..." Derek observed the menu for a few more moments before shutting it, putting it down and then answering, "I think I'm gonna go with a cheeseburger, complete with french fries. Probably not good for me, but hey, I burn enough calories that it doesn't matter what I eat. Well, maybe if I drank an entire carton of vegetable oil or ate an entire stick of butter, I'd have to worry, but I'd never eat or drink either."

Olivia laughed. "Tihat's probably true. One cheeseburger never hurt anyone." She looked around at the other customers in the restaurant and searched for anyone that looked familiar. When she couldn't immediately find anyone, she returned her attention back to Derek.

Derek heard his stomach let out another unhappy growl, probably brought on by the aroma of delicious food wafting through the diner. To try to distract himself from his hunger, Derek decided to steer the topic away from food before he became too hungry. "So, err, where are you from? I'm from this little suburban nowhere town in Illinois, which is like an hours drive away from Chicago."

[sorry I haven't responded, school and soccer keep me from doing anything fun anymore ;O;]

"I've always thought Illinois outside of Chicago was really pretty." Olivia commented happily. "I lived in Fishers, Indiana, which is right outside Indianapolis. I miss it back home." Olivia drummed her fingers on the table lightly and looked around the room for any sign of their waitress.

(That's okay :3)

Derek quickly tried to come up with something that sounded equally good back. He managed to come up with this, which was actually true: "I've been to Indiana before, only Indianapolis, but it was nice there... I don't miss home yet, but I probably will in a week or so, once I start to get used to being here. Since I just got here and have that feeling of being in a new place with new people, I don't miss home quite yet...." He trailed off as a waitress approached. Glancing up hopefully, he prayed she would come their way. Sadly, she walked over to another group of people and served their food to them. Disappointed, he frowned. "Aww! I'm so hungry! I want the food to come now..."

can we still join? i'm going to add 2 more characters (girls)

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