Little annoying cousin's


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Jul 14, 2008
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I have this one cousin 4 years old he just like blank play with me!!!! then he starts to get on my nerves

so when i play with him he say no dont touch that toy i that one i pick up another one (by the way these are little train toys) so..... i pick up another one....... little cousin say......[SIZE=14pt]no!!![/SIZE] and then i play video games and he says [SIZE=8pt]can i play [/SIZE]pleasssssssse and he sometimes really cute but when hes not........ he a pain in the but!!!!!!!! so for 4 years i dealt with that 4 years =[ ^_^

My mom works for a daycare, and she takes care of 3 year olds.

I have this...I guess cute cousin who is....Darnit, I forgot. I think like...1 year old? Anyways, in Texas, we were nearby the Glaviston Beach, and theres a road where there's no traffic lights, and she was all "DOWN DOWN!!!" And crying. Then her mother, Jenny[i call her that] said "No Jenna, you want to get hurt?" Then Jenna keeps crying. I mean, she's cute, just annoying.

But I shouldn't think that way because her house got destroyed by a tropical storm. =[

Ooh, I know what you mean.


I have two little cousins. One a 3 year old, one not even a year old. I understand that the baby is supposed to cry, but a 3 year old screaming and crying over little things is a little odd. He doesn't like anyone. He hit my Grandma. ^_^ She hit him back.


I have a 2nd cousin who's 6. He is a complete brat and won't stop bugging you for nothing.


I have some good cousins, though. :D

Ooh, I know what you mean. 

I have two little cousins. One a 3 year old, one not even a year old. I understand that the baby is supposed to cry, but a 3 year old screaming and crying over little things is a little odd. He doesn't like anyone. He hit my Grandma. ^_^ She hit him back.


I have a 2nd cousin who's 6. He is a complete brat and won't stop bugging you for nothing.


I have some good cousins, though. :D
Same with me. I have good cousins, and I have okay cousins.

Some of my cousins are older than 1 year olds, like 16 and 9. :]

Anyways, in Texas, we were nearby the Glaviston Beach, and theres a road where there's no traffic lights, and she was all "DOWN DOWN!!!"
TEXAS ROCKS! I live there. Not in Galveston, but in Austin. Although I've been to Galveston a few times, and it has some nice vaca spots. TO THE POINT: You people have it good. Imagine the annoying cousins as your siblings. I have 3 younger siblings, so yea. It's out of control. PLUS I have cousins. Although the cousins are kinda fun. But *blank*'s friends are mean. And horny 24/7. *other blank* is like a mini me. She is exactly like me in so many ways.

All of my cousins are yonger than me, all ranging from the ages of one to seven. Two of them are mentally retarded. It's hard for me to take care of small children because I don't have that much patience and I will get aggravated easily.. But in most cases, the younger ones don't know any better.

That's just how little kids are sometimes he just wants to play with you but I guess his trains are special to him lol I once played with this little baby ( I call her my daughter in a playful way she is NOT really my daughter lol ) anyway I played Barbie's with her then her brother goes and takes her toy and she starts screaming so I told him to give it back to her he wouldn't so I got his dad and he said give the Barbie back and he did lol.

TEXAS ROCKS! I live there. Not in Galveston, but in Austin. Although I've been to Galveston a few times, and it has some nice vaca spots. TO THE POINT: You people have it good. Imagine the annoying cousins as your siblings. I have 3 younger siblings, so yea. It's out of control. PLUS I have cousins. Although the cousins are kinda fun. But *blank*'s friends are mean. And horny 24/7. *other blank* is like a mini me. She is exactly like me in so many ways.
I've never been to Texas.

I know some relatives from there, though.

I heard it's huge. ;)

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