Little siblings who are lazy with their Tamas....


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Well, I don't have any siblings. But I did have a lot of friends who really neglected their tamagotchis. They'd always be the unhealthiest of the unhealthy. It wasn't really a big deal, though. Mine were often atleast average care.

I don't have any siblings, but I can relate to RubyKutchipatchi98's post above. I don't think my friends always had the worst of the worst characters, but they definently didn't take as good a care of them as I did/do. They would lose interest, but only one of the three ever let me babysit them. No clue why. Anyways, whenever I would ask how their tama's were, the friends who wouldn't let me babysit it, would say, "I don't know.. I lost it again." I was like, really? Why waste your money (or someone else's money on something that you're just going to neglect..? Ugh. It just really got on my nerves.

Anyone else have this problem, with siblings killing off a beloved Tamagotchi just because they "forget" to care for them, or pause them? What do you think of people like this?
Mine's not a little sibling, it's a fifteen-year-old brother. He sends them to sleep for their whole lives, doesn't name them, and might pause one for up to a month and totally forget it. Here is a record of a conversation we once had only yesterday:

Me: Do you wanna trade my blue V6 for your V4?

Him: No. You have to give me your V4.5 if you want my V4.

Me: I've told you a million times, I am NOT giving you my V4.5!

Him: Why not?

Me:'s mine,'s on fifth generation...

Him: That's not high!

Me: (stuttering a little)'s mine and...I've got my character...I worked hard to get all my favourites and...I think...I think of my's like asking me to give you my hamster!

He did not get that all. We finally fixed a deal that it would be my blue V6 for his V4, after a bit of me insisting "it's got 3 awards, and it's a baby boy with lots of inherited skill points that could turn into Mametchi!" we did it and he said I was free to reset his V4 which I did. Basically he only cares about items, points, special items as he calls them (which are actually Ta Ma To Mo letters on the iD L) and getting Kuromametchi all the time. I offer him Tama Care, where I take care of his Tamas, and nurture them for as long as possible and also earn money for it! :lol:

Uhhhrg. I am so lucky I'm the youngest of my siblings... I would FREAK if I had to let someone even "barrow" a tama for 5 minutes, let alone keep it.
I gave my friend my V4 for a week and she lost the keychain and kept it paused all the time. I reset my old character (which was in my log bu the way) just so Icould do that. Huh. So much for resetting it!

My brother has an id l and he got to the adult stage and got kuromametchi, but when we went to san francisco he forgot it an when we got back home he said he doesn’t know where it is and we STILL haven’t found it! Makes me very sad… That could be in MY CARE.

Yeah my friend always loses his tama. Heres a regular convo.

Me: Hows your tama doing?

Him:I lost it again.

Me: What?! Thats like the bajillionth time!

Him: I know.. But my Tama-go is still good.


He gets medium care characters on his tama-go so hes doing good, and my little sister FINALLY started getting medium care characters. She used to always get horrible care, but now its medium :D :D :blink:

My cousin (who was 4 or 5 at the time) begged for a 'Tagotchi' and I had to give him my precious V4. He lost it within a week.


My little sister(7) has a Tamago, and it is constantly beeping and I have to take care of it before it dies. At the end of the day, I tell her the usual. 'Take care of your Tamagotchi or it's going to DIE.' But then she ends up pausing it for a month. -_- Plus she keeps asking me why she always get bad care characters, I say: 'Because you take bad care if it.' Then she gets upset at me for half of the day.

My youngest sister(6) has a little bit of autism, and she asked if she could play with my Music Star. I let her borrow it for a couple of days and gave it back to me. She went up to me and asked 'What happened?', and guess what? The Tama flew the coop.

In terms, I will NEVER give my little sisters my Tamas until they learn to care for it properly.

This is what my brother forced me to do because he is a Tama cereal killer. I had the most beautiful version five family. My brother begged me for them but I said no. So he snuck into my room kidnapped them and held them for ransom. I am not kidding. I had a panic attack when I came back from... well you know... stuff.... any way I asked him if he had seen my family. He said gimmie all your pocket money for the rest of the month and I might save them. I pushed him out of the way. I ran into his room and stole back my Tamas. Then I locked the door. After quickly checking my Tama family I opened the window and jumped out. Its not high up. I ran to my room, climed in the window, gathered up the rest of my Tamas and fled to the neighbours. I am best friends with the girl who lives there. I hid there for a couple of hours untill I saw my Mum walking down the road towards my safe refuge. I said a hurried goodbye to my friend and escaped through the back door. I climbed over the fence and sneeked into my bedroom. When Mum came back I had hid my Tamas and was doing my homework. She had a total spaz at me and demanded to know where I had gone. I said I had gone for a walk on our farm. She was annoyed but left me alone. That is what I did to protect my Tamas. So you had better stay away form my Tamas. I went to this lenght because my brother has killed most of my tamas.

I am an only child, but grew up around friends and other family as if I had siblings, so I've always shared everything I own, but my Tamagotchis are one thing I cannot do that for. It's horrid, I know. I should share, but they are like my family as well and I just can't bare to give them up, though I did once and regret it.

This is what my brother forced me to do because he is a Tama cereal killer. I had the most beautiful version five family. My brother begged me for them but I said no. So he snuck into my room kidnapped them and held them for ransom. I am not kidding. I had a panic attack when I came back from... well you know... stuff.... any way I asked him if he had seen my family. He said gimmie all your pocket money for the rest of the month and I might save them. I pushed him out of the way. I ran into his room and stole back my Tamas. Then I locked the door. After quickly checking my Tama family I opened the window and jumped out. Its not high up. I ran to my room, climed in the window, gathered up the rest of my Tamas and fled to the neighbours. I am best friends with the girl who lives there. I hid there for a couple of hours untill I saw my Mum walking down the road towards my safe refuge. I said a hurried goodbye to my friend and escaped through the back door. I climbed over the fence and sneeked into my bedroom. When Mum came back I had hid my Tamas and was doing my homework. She had a total spaz at me and demanded to know where I had gone. I said I had gone for a walk on our farm. She was annoyed but left me alone. That is what I did to protect my Tamas. So you had better stay away form my Tamas. I went to this lenght because my brother has killed most of my tamas.
Good for you! You should go to that length to save a Tama if it really means that much to you. It means that much to me too :)

My sister is 5 and got a violitchi. She never takes care of her baby dolls but takes great care of her tama. She is mature for her age.

i had a sister who love her tamagotchis but she was abit lazy to take care of :hanatchi: .so she pause it so that it wouldn't die.and then later on sumtimes she even forgot to pause -_- .but luckily it hadn't die yet :rolleyes: .i can tell that i think she thinks that the tamagotchis are just an extra 'responsible work' for her to do because she also thinks that tamagotchis are very troublesome :angry: .

This is what my brother forced me to do because he is a Tama cereal killer. I had the most beautiful version five family. My brother begged me for them but I said no. So he snuck into my room kidnapped them and held them for ransom. I am not kidding. I had a panic attack when I came back from... well you know... stuff.... any way I asked him if he had seen my family. He said gimmie all your pocket money for the rest of the month and I might save them. I pushed him out of the way. I ran into his room and stole back my Tamas. Then I locked the door. After quickly checking my Tama family I opened the window and jumped out. Its not high up. I ran to my room, climed in the window, gathered up the rest of my Tamas and fled to the neighbours. I am best friends with the girl who lives there. I hid there for a couple of hours untill I saw my Mum walking down the road towards my safe refuge. I said a hurried goodbye to my friend and escaped through the back door. I climbed over the fence and sneeked into my bedroom. When Mum came back I had hid my Tamas and was doing my homework. She had a total spaz at me and demanded to know where I had gone. I said I had gone for a walk on our farm. She was annoyed but left me alone. That is what I did to protect my Tamas. So you had better stay away form my Tamas. I went to this lenght because my brother has killed most of my tamas.
Something like that happened to me once! I have those baby walkie talky things that parents use at night so they can hear if their baby is crying, mum used to use it for me and she gave it to me and I use it for my tamas when I'm 'spending time with real people outside and forgetting about stupid games and leaving them inside' in case they attention beep, and I was in the backyard sitting next to my room window in a lawn chair (my room blinds closed) when I heard some giggling and a tama keychain rattling so I peeked inside through the gap in between 2 blinds and saw my big sister's 4 year old putting my music star and iD in his pocket! I went in through the window and caught him red handed, but the door was open, he ran into the living room, but tripped over the sleeping kitten and the tamas fell out of his pocket without him noticing. I quickly scooped them up, he turned the corner and grabbed my V3 and tama-go and threw them in the trash. I had to get them out, it was disgusting

That must've been awful D:

I have a little sister who I try to get into Tamas, and she only wants to play it when I have mine on. -.-

The rest of the time she keeps it unpaused to die.. I don't try and save it, it's not mine. So I give it to her and tell her to either look after it or give me back my battery. I had to pay for that, and I could use it to start another of my tamas!

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