~*Living a cat's life*~


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Nov 27, 2005
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Ginger looked at her mom. "Aren't you going to eat your breakfast?" her mother asked. Ginger shook her head and put on a sour face. "It's cat food!" she mumbled. Ginger lept out of her seat and hurried outside because she was going to be late for school.

Ginger was totally allergic to cats but each family member had one, including Ginger. She was walking until she saw a stray dog staring at her. "Hi!" she said, petting the dog, "what a cute boy you are!" The dog licked her. He sniffed her schoolbag and started to bark. 'Oh no!' thought Ginger, 'I forgot that Cornflake was in there'

Ginger ran into the school over to the second grade class. She looked for her little sister, Mimsy. Mimsy came running over. "Gingy! Do you have Cornflake?" asked Mimsy. Ginger nodded and took out the orange tabby from her schoolbag. "Thanks!" said Mimsy, grabbing the cat. Ginger sneezed. "I needed Cornflake for pets day!" said Mimsy. Ginger left and headed towards her class...

"Sorry! but i..." said Ginger. "No buts!" said mrs.wright, "Report to detention after school. "Fine!" mumbled Ginger. She walked towards her seat.

her best friend...

Kate Lynn said "Nice going Ging!" :gozarutchi: "This is like the 9th time this happended!!!,"Ginger said...

Finally, Pet Day began. Ginger tried not to let the thought of detention ruin her time during Pet Day, but the mental picture of her sitting in the detention room haunted her throughout the day.

"Ginger, Mimsy! You're up!" - said Mrs. Write, giving Ginger an "I-Hope-I-Do-Not-Have-To-Speak-To-You-About-Your-Behavor-One-More-Time" look.

"This is our . . . ACHOO . . .cat. Her name is . . . is . . . ACHOO!"

"That's a funny name!" mumbled a boy in the back of the classroom.

The rest of their speach about Cornflake was . . .

not very good, as ginger kept sneezing, but they got the message out that cornflakes name was "ACHOO not ACHOO" when mimsy corrected that it was cornflake, and that she was a ginger tabby cat, with ginger sneezing as quietly as possible in the background

"A for you mimsy, but ginger, you get a C for having not said much, and trying to ruin the presentation with her "fake" sneezing.

"But Mrs. Wright! I . . ." said Ginger, but Mrs. Wright interrupted her.

"No buts", said Mrs. Wright. "If you didn't want to take part in pet day, then why did you bring your cat? Instead, you kept interrupting your sister's lovely speach about Cornflake with those ridiculous fake sneezes!"

"But Mrs. Wright! Those sneezes were not fa . . ."


"That's the bell. Class dismissed!" said Mrs. Wright, interrupting Ginger once again.

"Gggrrrrr!" said Ginger to Mimsy. "Why didn't you tell Mrs. Wright that I wasn't sneezing on purpose? Everyone knows that I'm allergic to cats . . ."

"Well," said Mimsy. "I think . . .

"oh sure! she hates me but she loves you, well your just a goody goody two shoes" ginger said running off crying, thoughts of sitting in detention ruining her day.

She thought of how unfair it was that she got a detention and how her sister was Little Miss Perfect. Ginger was so angry that she . . .

when she got to the school notice board, she ripped everything down, but she was still so angery, she ran and ran and ran, out the school, out the town, not caring, just running.

josh. they atlked for a while, then ginger asked" hey... its getting dark, where are we?" " dont be silly," he replied " were in the ghost town, everyone knows that"

at the prom, hosh gave her a drink... "your so sweet" he said, then mumbled "and soon you will forget your old life" the drink was special, that would make her forget about everything, but the first person she saw would fill her with memories of a new, better, happy life

but he gave her the wrong drink as soon as she woke up she fall in love with the man she saw.

it was...............josh

"Josh do you wanna have kids with me and say your marry me"

her sister saw that she was under a spell she had 2 stop this josh guy before she is gone awy with josh

(her sister wasnt there...) but anyway she had a great time at the prom and she wanted to stay in gost town with josh anyway, so josh was happy, but in the back of her mind, she knew she had to get away before her 7 days were over and she got stick there for ever...

Mimsy rode her bike over to ghost town. 'I must stop this dude!!' she thought. at ghost town, while ginger was sleeping, mimsy snuck into her room. 'No josh!' she thought with a smile. she grabbed his bag and looked inside. "AH HA!" she cried loudly. Ginger woke up. "W-who are you?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm your sister, Mimsy!" said Mimsy, "now stand here while i look in here. she looked into a book that says, love potions and spells on the cover. She threw a glass of water into Ginger's face and she was back to normal. "C'mon, Gingy!" said mimsy, "lets go!"

after they were back home, ginger and mimsy got a drink. a little plastic cat fell on ginger's head. "ouch!" she said, looking up. Her cat, Ricebubble was there. Everyone in the family has a cat.


Mimsy: Cornflake

Ginger: Ricebubble

Dad: Ginger (cat)...

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